Shopping Cart Stripe Payment Starter Kit ASP.NET CORE

SC StripeShopping is an ASP.NET CORE MVC 6 Project that can be used to start building your eCommerce Website. The project implement the Shopping Cart process (Shopping – Checkout – Payment). The Shopping Cart persist on database and attached to the logged in User. To getting started, please read the documentation : The application is written in the Asp.Net Core MVC – using .NET 6 Key Features Well structured & Designed solution Clean code EntityFrameworkCore Code First Seperated Business Patterns Identity Area for User account management External Authentication: Google, Micrsoft, Twitter, Facebook Admin Role to manage Products Clean Invoice Pdf generation Sending Invoice by Email Stripe Gateway Checkout Session & Persistent Shopping Card tracked by User Generic Repository Pattern appsettingsjson Configuration Helper Serilog Middleware ToFile Implementation Exception middleware to capture all unhandled Exceptions Full commented source codes Jquery based prototype pattern Jquery Ajax helper Software Requirements Visual Studio 2022 Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014 or later Microsoft NET 6 SDK Screenshots Changelog + Initial release: 22 December, 2022 V : Please rate 5* if you like the script. We’ll keep rolling new updates and features.Buy and Download
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