Harmony - Project Management Tool

Harmony Bring harmony to your teams with this amazing project management tool. Read the official docs for more details Watch video presentation on YouTube Harmony is a project management tool to manage your projects. Built with .NET 8.0, it can be used by large organizations to manage projects across their teams or by developers to manage their own projects. You can create workspaces, Kanban boards, Scrum projects, lists, cards, add members, attachments, labels, check lists/items, due dates and many more. Automations are also available. The source code is fully available after purchase and of course you get updates every time a new release is available! This means you can host your own instance of Harmony rather than paying paid services. Project oriented features Create workspaces Create and manage Kanban projects Create and manage Scrum projects Receive email notifications upon actions (e.g. member assigned to card, card completed, member added to workspace or a board) Search engine integration Dark & light theme included Scrum features Build backlog Create sprints Move issues between backlog & sprints Start & complete sprints Display burndown chart Board features Add, rename and re-order board lists (e.g. TODO, IN PROGRESS, DONE etc..) Add new issues to board lists – issues are assigned a type (task, story, bug or epic) Move issues between board lists or re-order in the same list Edit card’s title (card = issue) Edit card’s description with an integrated text editor Add labels to a card – predefined or new custom created Remove labels from card Set due date for an issue Add check lists with items in a card Assign member(s) to an issue Upload attachments to a card Remove attachments from a card Add, edit and remove comments to a card Archive a card Member features Register a new user Login Add a member to a workspace Share a project (board) with a member Remove members from workspaces & projects Edit user account Upload profile picture Manage email notifications Technology .NET 8.0 SignalR Blazor MudBlazor components Entity Framework Dapper CQRS MediatR HangFire RabbitMQ MongoDB Setup Read the official and always up to date Setup guide of the official docs to configure Harmony. Default users created By default two users will be created for you: username: administrator , password: Pa$$w0rd! username: johndoe , password: Pa$$w0rd! Read the official docs for more detailsBuy and Download
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