Za Sidebar Menu

Module menu Joomla 2.5 – 3. It slides out with a really nice effect where some subitems get expanded as well. When hovering over a special menu icon, the sidebar icons will be revealed. When clicking on the icon, the whole sidebar menu will be shown. More details… Documentation   New in Version 3: - Support VirtueMart 3 categories (with images)     Features:     Supports all modern browsers     Support responsive design     Position fixed     Select the menu     Unlimited modules     Choice side menu (left or right)     Choice icon menu (icon-font)     The ability to use Google fonts, there is more than 650 font families     Option to switch image item menu: image or icon-font     Option to controls color background menu     Option to controls color font menu     Option to controls color border menu     Option to controls color font submenuBuy and Download
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