Xenon - Bootstrap Admin Theme with AngularJS

Xenon – is a lightweight responsive admin theme built with Bootstrap and contains plenty of UI components, layout variants and theme skins which make a total of 136 HTML files. Our first admin theme Neon was proof of success and its amongst 13 most popular admin themes ever on ThemeForest, but Xenon takes it to the next level of admin themes with good organization of files, clean coding and easy expanding. Its built with LESS preprocessor of CSS which allows you to create your very personal version of Xenon by including only the components you need in one file. Additionally, Xenon is now included in famous MVC (Model View Controller) JavaScript framework called AngularJS, for all of them who want to bootstrap their projects with the ready to use services, controllers, routes and other components. It loads faster and every request is processed with AJAX. Now you can buy Extended License of Xenon with 33% discount, this is cheapest price you can find on the Admin category of Themeforest! If you have already purchased Xenon Those who want the full commits changelog (Git repository), please email us we will invite to see the commits between v1.2.1 to v1.3 Xenon is built on AngularJS v1.2.26 and we don’t plan to support latest version of AngularJS for the moment Theme Features Plain HTML Features AngularJS Features 4 Dashboards 28 Layout Variants UI Elements Widgets Mailbox Forms Tables 20+ Chart Types Collapsed Sidebar Fixed Sidebar Chat Horizontal Menu Boxed Horizontal Menu Fluid Mixed Menus Static Sidebar Counters Sidebar + Chat Open Horizontal Menu + Chat Page Enter Transitions Fade In Tiles Buttons Typography Tabs & Accordions Tooltips & Popovers Navbars Breadcrumbs Badges & Labels Progress Bars Modals Blockquotes Alerts Inbox Compose Message Inbox View Message Advanced Plugins Form Wizard Data Validation Input Masks Sliders File Upload Editors Data Tables Responsive Tables Portlets Maps Calendar Lockscreen Login Login Light Invoice Pagination 404 Page Blank Page (12 variants) Tocify Page Loading Progress Notifications Scrollbox Font Awesome Entypo Glyph Icons Linecons Meteocons Elusive Vector Maps and many more features… Same Feature Set as Plain HTML Plus: Build on AngularJS v1.2.26 Angular UI Bootstrap Angular UI Router Bootstrap 3.2.0 Less CSS Layout Generator Skin Generator 28 HTML Directives Views/Templates Routes/States Factory Components Services Defined Controllers Login Form Processing Lockscreen Form Processing Layout Options Config Object Layout Options Saved in Cookies Layout Options with $layout API Loading Bar on Navigation Lazy Loading of Resources Structured HTML Views Menu Builder (Object Oriented) All Plain HTML pages Layout Toggles Functions Organized Asset Importing Google Maps Loader Form Validation Recursive Generator of Menu Bootstrap Compatible Modals Preloading Overlay on Startup Checkbox/Radio Replacement Many other for you to discover… Xenon by Laborator is simply amazing! It provides top quality templates that can be used out of the box or modified to meet your own needs. It’s an unbelievable time saver and well worth the money! I can’t say enough about this product. Support is also very quick and very helpful. Troy We have used this admin template for a huge project. That save us so much time ! thanks !! It deserves 5 star, I can do it honestly even though I am an author on themeforest. Thanks for the best admin template An awesome admin theme that just has everything. Loved it to the core! Amazing theme, really helped kickstart a project I’ve been working on. Its a really nice admin system code with great documentation This theme is amazing, with both angular and plain html 5 version. Very well done! I want to add code quality in there too. Fantastic product and certainly in my top 5 I have seen ever on Themeforest. One of the best admin dashboards on Themeforest, Congratulations guys! THIS REALLY REALLY ROCKS! Best Admin template ever! Thank you so much guys! This is a very nice theme with a huge number of options. — Version 1.3 Now you can buy Extended License of Neon with 33.3% discount, this is cheapest - price you can find on the Admin category of Themeforest! ADDED: User profile with links in sidebar (Both - Plain & AngularJS version) ADDED: Chat conversation (secondary) sticked in footer (Both - Plain & AngularJS version) ADDED: Language switcher (at user info navbar) (Both - Plain & AngularJS version) ADDED: Members page (2 pages: list + add new member) (Both - Plain & AngularJS version) ADDED: Full screen feature for AngularJS JS version ADDED: Minified version of custom created Xenon JavaScript files located on: assets/js/min/ UPDATE: Bootstrap updated to v3.3.1 UPDATE: Updated scripts to latest version: Perfect Scrollbar FIX: Mobile menu messed up on minimal navbar size (horizontal menu) FIX: Font weight on user info navbar fixed on firefox FIX: Empty stars icons on mailbox now appear properly FIX: Gallery placeholder when re-ordering images is added FIX: Missing \"Login Light\" template in AngularJS version FIX: Tabs active border appearing in newest Chrome version 39.0.X FIX: Tocify table of contents width appearing larger than container — Version 1.2.1 FIX: Mobile menu toggles now are working properly FIX: Issues with AngularJS Lazy Loading fixed — Version 1.2 ADDED: AngularJS version of Xenon Theme FIX: Bug fixes and code improvements — Version 1.1 ADDED: PSD Files of Xenon Layout (2 psd files) — Version 1.0 Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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