XControl 2, .Net custom control

XControl2 is a .Net dll containing 3 new control, every control can be customized in a wide range of option, like color, Border type and more The zip file contains 2 guide “How to”, a demo application, the .vb file and the dll file with the precompiled control, ready to add the reference and drag and drop into your application The dll contains 3 custom control: 1 GroupBox 1 GroupDropBox 1 Switcher Every control have custom properties, easy to find because all begin with X GroupBox properties and feature: XBorderColor: Set the border color XTratto: 5 type of border line, dashed, dotted,inset, outset, solid GroupBox properties and feature: XArrowColor: set the color of the arrow for open and close the container XBackColor: set the back color0 XBorderColor: set the border color XChecked: if true the control is opened, if false the control is close XOpensize: Show or set the size when the control is opened XRounded: make the corner round Switch properties and feature: XBackColor: set the back color XBorder: set the border color XCheckedText: set the text when the control is checked XNotCheckedText: set the text when the control is not checked XOffColor: Set the color of the text when is not checked XOnColor: Set the color of the text when is checked XRounded: make the corner round XSelectorBorder: Set the color of the selector border XSelectorColor: Set the color of the selector filling I Hope you enjoyBuy and Download
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