XCircular .Net custom control

XCircular is a .Net dll containing 3 new control to make your project more elegant The zip file contains 2 guide “How to”, a demo application, the .vb file and the DLL file with the precompiled control, ready to add the reference and drag and drop into your application The dll contains 3 custom control: 1 Circular Progressbar 1 Half Circuler Progressbar 1 Circular wait Every control have custom properties, easy to find because all begin with X Thanks to 19 custom properties the possibilities is incredible, you can customize and change all the color, shape, border, gradient, dimension, inner ring and more… Take a look to the video preview for a little example   XCircularProgressBar properties and feature:   XHalfCircularProgressBar properties and feature:   XCircularWait properties and feature:   I hope you enjoyBuy and Download
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