WP Membership

Chris lema Review Features Responsive & Ajax Translatable 11 language files can be found in language directory inside the plugin. Files: Russian, German, Japanese, Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish Payment Gateway a) Paypal [Express Checkout] b) Stripe [ Full synchronize with Stripe Plan ] c) Woocommerce Payment Mailchimp to store Email for new registrants Membership Type a) Free Account b) One time Payment c) Recurring Payment d) Free Trial e) Paid Trial e) Variable Payment Package 7 Pricing Tables 2 Signup styles My account User Setting User Social Profile User privacy setting User Change Password User All Post User Post: Custom Fields User Insert Post User Edit Post Subscription upgrade Subscription downgrade Subscription Cancel Coupon User Role creation by Package Overriding templates Page Redirect User Public Profile Page Redirect User My Account Page Redirect User Registration Page Redirect Page Setting Email Templates User Welcome Email template User Forget Password Email template User Order Email template Admin Order Email template 5 User Public Profile Payment History Report 3D Pic charts Line Chart User Public Profile Page Redirect: Hide Admin Bar And Lots of other settings.. 2 type of User Directories Content Protection Setting WP User Setting Module for Admin Subscription Reminder Email Module Change log 1.5.9– 23 Mar– 2023 Bug fixed 1.5.7– 2nd Feb– 2022 Remove WP 5.9 message and add user role in User Directory 1.5.3– 03 Oct– 2021 Add registration & profile form builder Update user modile for admin 1.5.2– 22 Sep– 2021 Added image gallery on the public profile 1.5.1– 16th Sep– 2021 Added Recaptcha V3 1.5.0– 13th Sep– 2021 Add CSV user importer Add PDF Generator Add User Bookmark Add Message Board Changed User Profile Changed User Directory 1.4.7– 27Dec– 2020 Bug fixed for Stripe API code 1.4.6– 02 Nov– 2020 Bug fixed : user update from WP admin 1.4.5– 02 Nov– 2020 Bug Fix: Multiple vulnerabilities including CSRF 1.4.4– 14 Jan– 2020 Updated Stripe API code 1.4.3– 11 April – 2019 -Update PayPal & Stripe issue. 1.4.2– 14 February – 2019 -Bug fix 1.4.1– 29 January – 2019 -Bug fix 1.4.0– 9 Sep – 2018 -Update MailChimp API 1.3.9– 7 July – 2018 -Bug fix 1.3.8– 10 April – 2018 -Add social login plugin shortcode on login page 1.3.7– 26 March – 2018 -Bug fix on Blocked URL module. 1.3.6– 22 March – 2018 -Bug fix on payment module. 1.3.5– 7 March – 2018 -Woocommerce Payment Integration, Doc :!/Payment-woo 1.3.4– 27 September – 2017 -Update login module for WPML 1.3.3– 26 July – 2017 -Add Registration Fields add/edit Setting 1.3.2– 28 June – 2017 -Bug Fix for WordPress 4.8 1.3.1– 4 -May-2016 -Bug Fix for WordPress 4.5 1.3.0– 15 -February-2016 -Add : Tax module (common tax or country base tax) -Add : Woocommerce \"Billing Address\" -Add : My Account menu show/hide -Bug : Bug fixed on WPML post issue -Bug : Payment History show user id + Amount issue 1.2.9– 8 -September-2015 -Add : The word \"Free\" added on OP file 1.2.8– 20-August-2015 -Add : 11 language files inside the plugin 1.2.7– 30-June-2015 -Add : Subscription cancel notification 1.2.5– 07-June-2015 -Bug Fixed: Login Page image re loader issue 1.2.4– 23-May-2015 -Bug Fixed: Free Package to Free Package User Role Update issue 1.2.3– 19-May-2015 -Bug Fixed: Free User Role Update 1.2.3– 16-May-2015 -Bug Fixed: Email template 1.2.3– 30-April-2015 -Add: Add|Edit|Delete User Profile Fields by Admin -Add: Page Restriction Module By User Role 1.2.2– 21- April-2015 -Bug Fixed: User Register page without package issue 1.2.1– 19-April-2015 - Add Subscription Reminder Email Module - Add Stripe Free Package Without Credit Card - Bugs Fixed 1.0.9– 04 -Mar-2015 - Add Variable Subscription - Add User Setting Module for change user role, expire date and payment statues by admin - Bug Fixed : Content restriction by user role 1.0.8– 13 -Feb-2015 - Change Loading image string 1.0.7– 10 -Feb-2015 - Update \"My Account \" page membership level. 1.0.6– 1 -Feb-2015 - Fixed error on protected category module 1.0.6– 29-Jan-2015 - Add Protected Category for user role 1.0.5– 23-Jan-2015 - Add 2 style User Directories 1.0.4– 21-Jan-2015 - Fixed Login Error on user Login Page 1.0.3– 20-Jan-2015 - Update Profile Post Pagination 1.0.2– 19-Jan-2015 - Add Custom Post - Add Custom Fields 1.0.2– 17-Jan-2015 - Bugs Fixed On Payment Page Contributor Peter Babel : Subscription cancel notificationBuy and Download
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