WordPress Content Filter

WordPress Content Filter lets you filter by rating, custom fields, taxonomies, meta fields, authors, dates, post types, sort and more. Users now able to choose to use the Redirect or Ajax to display the search result. It allows you filter posts, pages, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads: product attributes, product categories, custom taxonomies, price, meta fields … You can buy with price better here: https://zufusion.com/downloads/wordpress-content-filter/ Key Features: Easy to customize for developers Work on WordPress 4.2+ Create as many different search forms Support Advanced Custom Fields ( Pro ) Show Private Posts in Search Results with User Roles Show private posts by user Grid Type: Default, Shop, Table Search results with Masonry Grid Search form sidebar on mobile Sort search results Import/export forms Filter by rating, custom fields, taxonomies, meta fields, authors, dates, attributes, categories, tags and more Support post types Support checkbox, radio, select, multiselect,color field. Use AJAX or Redirect to display results Displaying Fields: Vertical or Horizontal Shortcode & Widget Custom templates for search results. Custom CSS. Support filter by price for WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads 13 Available Fields Cross Browser (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge) WPML ready Documentation included Extensions: WordPress Content Filter Addon is an addon that supports extra features, set default expand/collapse field ,Support SEO Friendly url: Buy now Demo: Filter Posts with Table grid Filter Posts Filter Fields sidebar on mobile Table Grid Shop Grid Default Grid Vertical Fields Horizontal Fields Change Log: 28.06.2023 - Version 2.8.4 * Added lightbox for default grid layout * Changed default grid layout * Fixed some css * Updated core system * Force using color scheme 11.04.2023 - Version 2.8.3 * Added display type is color circle for taxonomy * Compatible with WP 6.1 * Fixed css style 17.10.2022 - Version 2.8.0 * Added grid results widget * Removed unnecessary compare for taxonomy/acf * Disabled fields when it has added already to search form * Removed filter checkbox at rating field * Removed ajax loader option * Optimized speed search * Removed sample search form * Fixed load select2 script * Fixed select2 on mobile * Added new dialog to get terms for taxonomy field * Improved speed big site in backend * Updated core * Changed input query name * Fixed search results is not redirect to set results page * Compatible with php 8.1 22.08.2022 - Version 2.7.8 * Updated core system * Moved settings box of search form to content position * Removed excerpt post template * Added select2 for select mode * Removed custom Template * Removed required input query * Optimized sql query * Fixed search query in search results * Config page to display search results in settings section of search form * Added the callback js option when ajax filter is completed * Close filter box on mobile when clicking out of fitler box 11.03.2022 - Version 2.7.7 * Fixed display all posts when using ACF * Fixed display type for acf field * Fixed icon of datepicker 13.11.2021 - Version 2.7.6 * Optimized template engine * Updated default template * Fixed taxonomy field * Fixed css field * Fixed reset search form works incorrectly * Fixed grid table * Updated demo site 12.08.2021 - Version 2.7.5 * Fixed url when disabled ajax * Fixed line break on field description 12.05.2021 - Version 2.7.4 * Removed inline CSS * Added \"use strict\" to js * Optimized js * Added translatable and properly escaped * Removed en_US language files 11.09.2020 - Version 2.7.3 * Fixed select post type in search form 26.08.2020 - Version 2.7.2 * Fixed load template for post type 22.03.2020 - Version 2.7.1 * Fixed filter posts with default value 21.03.2020 - Version 2.7 * Added show author by role for Author field * Added filter posts with default value for Author, Taxonomy, Meta Field, ACF field * Added sort with default value for Sort field 11.12.2019 - Version 2.6 * Fixed warning select option * Fixed filter posts for ACF field 02.11.2019 - Version 2.5 * Display search results using masonry grid * Speed up ajax search results * Show private posts by user 27.10.2019 - Version 2.4 * Added sort search results * Move pagination of table grid to header * Fixed import search forms on WordPress 5 * Support Advanced Custom Fields Pro * Show Private Posts in Search Results with User Roles * Added Search Form sidebar on mobile * Fixed pagination of table grid when using ajax filter * Change scroll top right when requesting ajax * Allow to show/hide ajax url 21.10.2019 - Version 2.2 * Fixed html id of field * Fixed warning taxonomy color * Allow to change the grid type of search results * Must select the grid type is post type if you want to display the template of a post type * Added table grid with sort columns, pagination * Updated demo website more beautiful 02.10.2019 - Version 2.1 * Work with WordPress 5.2 09.08.2017 - Version 2.0 * Fixed exclude terms of taxonomy in results * Fixed warning in search form setting * Work with WordPress 4.8 22.01.2016 - Version 1.8 * Fixed exclude terms not work for taxonomy field * Fixed can\'t click anything on field to config on firefox 24.10.2015 - Version 1.7 * Fixed form search shortcode not display 09.10.2015 - Version 1.6 * Fixed pagination when not use ajax * Fixed not show custom taxonomy * Added wcf-grid-results template for grid results 14.08.2015 - Version 1.5 : Saving search form again to get latest option * Added reset filter for search form * Added clear keyword for input query field * Added intro field on tooltip * Added tooltip option in the settings page 07.08.2015 - Version 1.4 * Fixed load template from theme * Loading default template for custom post type 30.07.2015 - Version 1.3 * Fixed can\'t drop item into an empty search form box 23.07.2015 - Version 1.2 * Keep selected values from search form after submit * Added order by option for taxonomy field * Added order option for taxonomy field * Added hierarchical option for taxonomy field * Fixed select default select/radio for taxonomy field * Filter \'select all\' by default or not * Only show \"SEARCH RESULTS FOR\" when enter keyword 18.07.2015 - Version 1.1 * Fixed css for horizontal mode * Added horizontal fields on mobile when using Vertical mode * Added \'generate terms color\' button for taxonomy fieldBuy and Download
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