WordPress Contact Form 7 PDF, Google Sheet & Database

WordPress Contact Form 7 PDF, Google Sheet & Database – This plugin facilitates the admin to convert Contact Form 7 feed into PDF according to their need, this PDF may be downloaded or directly sent to the user email or the admin can do both at the same time. Admin can also change the PDF format as required. In this plugin admin also got an option for saving submitted form data of contact form into the database. This plugin is fully compatible with WordPress Contact Form 7 Multistep With the help of this plugin admin can also Export data in CSV and Excel file of any form which is created by admin. With the help of this plugin admin can also Export submitted form data into Google Sheets Key Features Supports & Customizable All Contact Form 7 Templates Form Email Message Additional Setting Integration with Google Sheets. Now with the help of our plugin you can integrate contact form 7 with google sheet in just few steps. All data which is submitted from contact form 7 would be directly saved into your Google Sheets, so you can add data analysis, reports, analytics and email scheduling tools to your spreadsheets. Features of Google Sheets. Map each contact form to its specefic Google Sheets spreadsheet. Google Sheets API V4 – This is latest Google api Very Easy to Setup and handle. Option For Redirect The User on Specific Page Now admin can redirect the user on any specific page when he submitted the form successfully.For this go to Basic Setting tab and enable the option of Redirection.Below this option admin can choose the specific page where he want to redirect the user. Option For Resize the Image Attachment Now admin can resize the all image attachments. For this feature again go to Basic setting tab and enter the your neccessary height & width of images in Height For Uploaded Image & Width For Uploaded Image options. Export Your CF7 Data In Excel/CSV File With Time and Date Now admin can create Excel and CSV files of Contact Form’s data with time and date at a single click. For generating the Excel or CSV file goes to the ‘Contact Form 7 entries’ page then select the forms for which you want to generate Excel and then select Excel or CSV option from the dropdown menu, now click the ‘Export To’ button. Provides PDF security This plugin provides facility to the admin to secure their pdf with password so nobody can access it without their permission. Generate Bulk PDF From the table provided by us admin can create PDF from all entries at once. Get PDF When You Want From the contact-form-7 entries page admin can access the previously created pdf of every single entry or specific entry. Other Features Option To Redirection Now admin have option for redirect the user after the successfull submission of the form. For use this feature first go to the Basic Setting and enable the Redirect option and choose the Page on which you want to redirect the user. Option To Resize The Uploded Image Now admin have option to define height & Width of image which is uploded by the user. For use this feature first go to the Basic Setting and enter the height & width in Height For uploaded image and Width For uploaded image respectivily. Customizable PDF Header Design PDF header through WP Editor. Admin can change header content, CSS, fonts, font size and provides margin too. Customizable PDF Footer Design PDF footer through WP Editor. Admin can change footer content, CSS, fonts, font size and provides margin too. Enhanced PDF customization through WP Editor Design whole body of PDF with the use of WP Editor. Add or remove fields in the editor as you want in your PDF. Add Watermark Image/Text in PDF This functionality makes the PDF look better. You can add watermark image or watermark text and change its opacity accordingly. Image dimension can also be set using the setting. Specify Position For Watermark Image Position your watermark image where you want in your PDF. RTL Support It support Arabic or languages which start from right align. All Fonts & Custom CSS supported Select among 40 fonts write your own CSS for header, footer and body. Get PDF on Mail User can either download or send attachment with mail the generated PDF or do both. Various PDF Page Size Select among 266 page sizes for the PDF pages. Choose Page Orientation Select among Portrait and Landscape mode for the page orientation. Easily Generate PDF with Contact Forms 7 Feeds. GDPR Compliant User’s Data will be appended in WordPress Export and Erase Personal Data Tools. Minimum Requirements Contact Form 7 WordPress 4.0 or greater. PHP version 5.5.5 or greater. MySQL version 5.0 or greater. Translation Ready .pot file included, for easy translation Thank-you for your interest in WordPress Contact Form 7 PDF, Google Sheet & Database, RedefiningTheWeb. Changelog 27.10.2023 - ver 2.5.3 - Add: Timestamp on inserting data to google spreadsheet. - Fixed: Exporting data to google spreadsheet. - Fixed: Sorting inserted data according to timestamp at Contact-Form-7 Entries. - Fixed: Download Zip file (Bulk action) for generating pdf. - Add: PDF link to spreadsheet. - Fixed: Other Minor Bugs 02.01.2023 - ver 2.5.2 - Fixed time and date not showing for some countries. - Fixed sorting issue in WP List table in CF7 entries. - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.7.2 - Fixed other minor bugs. 19.11.2022 - ver 2.5.1 - Fix PDF button issue ( user can only see download PDF button on selected CF7 ). - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.6.4 - Compatible with Latest WordPress version 6.1.1 - Fixed conditinal fields not show on the PDF issue. - Fixed other minor bugs. 23.09.2022 - ver 2.5.0 - Fixed: js issue of donload PDF button. - Fixed: some entries are not showing in WP List table. - Fixed: Can\'t able to delete form entries through WP List Table. - Add: Now user can sort form data according timestap. - Compatible File Uploaded for CF7 add-on. - Fixed other minor bugs. 23.07.2022 - ver 2.4.2 - Fixed: Searching issue in Wp-List table. - Fixed: CSV not generated from CF7 form data. - Add: Now user can sort form data according timestap. - Compatible with UACF7 Addon - conditional Field. - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.6.1 - Compatible with Latest WordPress version 6.0.1 - Fixed other minor bugs. 14.04.2022 - ver 2.4.1 - Add option for skip mail functionality for specific CF7 form. - Add compatibility with UACF7 Addon - Repeater Field plugin. - Add compatibility with Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7. - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.5.6 - Compatible with Latest WordPress version 5.9.3 - Fixed other minor bugs. 31.01.2022 - ver 2.4.0 - Improve the backend setting so admin can enable/disable some particular setting for particular CF7 form. - Add the option by which admin can redirect the user to different pages on different CF7 forms submission. - Fix the broken entries not deleted from table. - Add the option by which admin can save every CF7 entries in different GoogleSheet. - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.5.4 - Compatible with Latest WordPress version 5.9 - Fixed other minor bugs. 24.12.2021 - ver 2.3.4 - Add the support of attachment type files. - Add the feature by which attachment type files are show on the PDF with clickable link. - Fix the error uploaded files are not save in the database. - Fix the error show hash string of uploaded files path. - Fixed other minor bugs. 18.10.2021 - ver 2.3.3 - Compatible with CF7 repeatable fields plugin. - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.5.1 - Fixed duplicate entries in Googlesheet. - Fixed other minor bugs. 24.09.2021 - ver 2.3.2 - Add the feature for getting user\'s all spreadsheet automatically. - Add the feature by which different form data in different spreadsheet. - Add the feature for fetching all spreadsheet related work tab. - Fix the PDF format not working. - Fix the PDF password error. - Other minor bug fixed 02.08.2021 - ver 2.3.1 - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.4.2 - Fix form data are not saving in Google sheet error. - Fix PDF HTML error. - Fix corrupted CSV error. - Other minor bug fixed 28.06.2021 - ver 2.3.0 - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.4.1 - Compatible Contact Form 7 Conditional Fields Pro plugin. - Compatible with Contact Contact form 7 serial numbers. - Other minor bug fixed. 20.04.2021 - ver 2.2.1 - Compatible with Latest WordPress 5.7.1 - Compatible with CF7 hidden fields plugin. - Fix error when submit the contact form. - Fix uploaded image error. - Other minor bug fixed. 06.04.2021 - ver 2.2.0 - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.4. - Compatible with Latest WordPress 5.7. - Fix error when submit the contact form. - Minor bug fixed. 07.01.2021 - ver 2.2.0 - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.3.2. - Add latest Google Library. - Add latest mPDF Library. - Fixed form entries are not show in Googlesheet. - Add special mail tags data in PDF. - Minor bug fixed. 07.08.2020 - ver 2.1.0 - Compatible with Latest Contact Form 7 version 5.2.1 - Compatible with Contact form 7 Signature field add-on. - Minor bug fixed. 13.04.2020 - ver 2.0.1 - Minor bug fixed. 17.01.2020 - ver 2.0.0 - Added Google Spreadsheet Integration. - Minor bug fixes. 30.11.2019 - ver 1.3.2 - Added option to save contact form entries with the time stamp into the database. - Minor bug fixes. 05.11.2019 - ver 1.3.1 - Added option to redirect the user after the form submitted successfully. - Added option to choose the page where the user is redirected. - Added option to set the dimension of image attachment of the form. - Minor bug fixes. 28.09.2019 - ver 1.3.0 - Added feature for choosing the CF7 by which you send the attachment. - Added feature to supporting automatic language in PDF. - Minor bug fixes. 25.08.2019 - ver 1.2.0 - Added feature for remove header from the generated pdf. - Added feature for remove the footer from the generated pdf. - Minor bug fixes. 25.07.2019 - ver 1.1.4 - Fixed issue for saving entries into Database. - Fixed issue for custom CSS not working. 24.07.2019 - ver 1.1.3 - Enhanced security while PDF downloading. - Minor bug fixes. 16.07.2019 - ver 1.1.2 - Improved WP-List table flow. - Fixed issue for creating excel from contact form 7 entries. - Modified Database Sync. 26.06.2019 - ver 1.1.1 - Fixed issue for Radio button and Checkboxes - Fixed attachment issue for mail. 01.06.2019 - ver 1.1.0 - Added feature for creating excel files of all entries. - Added feature for creating CSV files of all entries. - Added option to choose whether to save contact form 7 entries into a database or not. 03.05.2019 - ver 1.0.1 - Minor Bugs Fixed 11.04.2019 - ver 1.0.0 - Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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