Victoria Premium Restaurant Wordpress Theme

Homepage Sliders Content Slider – from Coddrop Cycle Slider – This slider has 1 field for uploading image no need to use any extra features but you can assign partial left or right content. Single Video Slider – This slider has 1 field to enter the video embed code in the theme options panel itself. Static Image – This slider has 1 field to upload the image via theme options panel. Fonts & Colors Editing Over 100+ Google fonts offered with theme Custom 30+ Cufon fonts Unlimited combinations of colors editing for many elements Background Images – You can also upload background images on per section bases instead of solid background color for header, body background etc. Custom Widgets Restaurant Form – Display the reservation form Recent Posts – Display the most recent posts with title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and content is chosen Popular Posts – Display the most popular posts based on comments with title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and content is chosen Twitter Tweets – Display the recent tweets by limiting the tweets and displays the tweets posted status Flickr Photos – Display the Flickr photos with limiting the photos Contact Info – Displays the quick contact info with address, name, state, city, zip code, email, phone etc. Contact Form – Displays the quick contact form. Input email id to display. Google Map – Insert the fields longitude latitude and address to display the short or long google map. Custom Sociables Theme comes with default 30+ sociable icons of 16×16 pixels sizes can be added easily from theme options panel. Displays on right side of the footer. Custom Sidebars Theme provides unlimited custom sidebars option where you can add for pages or posts. Display the sidebar positioning left of the right side for each page or posts without affecting the code hierarchy as the main content block is always placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position. It’s best for SEO to have your sidebar on the right to your main content is crawled first, if you use a left sidebar to show your most recent posts they will rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Footer Theme currently has 6 Column support for the footer where you can place the custom widgets or default widgets including the Teaser text for the footer area. Shortcodes Theme comes with simple, easy and feasible option to use shortcodes built in the theme with just one click. Theme have almost 100+ Shortcodes including typography styling and blog posts styling. Updates and Changelog v6.0.0 - 2018-02-27 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - 3 Header Styles. - Fixed Header Style. - Header Style 2 Right Side Widget. - Header Style 2 Left Side Widget. - Icon Box widget. - Header Style 3 Widget. - Mobile Menu CSS Hamburger. - One Click Demo Importer. - Image align options for default image placements. - New Fontawesome Icons. ### Changed - New Admin User Interface for Theme Options. - Dashicons for the theme custom post types. - breadcrumb plugin fetching from WP Repositories. - php construction method for the widgets. - Google Map custom jquery. - Nivo slider to the latest version. - Flexslider to the latest version. ### Removed - Old Demo Content Importer. - Twitter API Authentication options. - Old color picker for the theme options. - Unwanted images for an admin interface. - Sociable icons from images and replaced with fontawesome. ### Fixed - Issue with number of tables Reservation starting with 0. - Issue with vertical tabs and horizontal tabs. - Wrong image for toggle icon in sticky bar. - Google map API Key enqueue option. - Carousel Slider Responsive Fixes. - Conflict with the UI for the datepicker added prefix. - Carousel slider responsive layout. v5.0.0 - 2015-07-24 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - add_theme_support for title-tag. ### Changed - Missing string localizations. - TGM Class Plugin Activation. - Breadcrumb NavXT plugin to 5.2.2 - Fontawesome Update to the latest version. - Responsive Menu to the latest version. - Mobile Menu with active page class highlights. - Nivo Slider jQuery. - Flex Slider jQuery. - Flex Slider CSS file. - Twitter Widgets Updated. - User Interface for the post and page meta options. - Image-based sociables converted to Fontawesome based. - Superfish jquery Menu. - Lightbox Evolution jQuery plugin. ### Fixed - jQuery PrettyPhoto Updated to Latest Version. - querystring_reset undefined variable. - One Click Install for the Sample Data. - Easy Install for the Default Options Backup. - Responsive Issues with Mobile Menu. - Responsive Issues on few pages. - Google Font Bad Value issue with w3 consortium. - Blog Title line-height issue with default css. - Empty Customizer Panel issue. ### Removed - Old Title Tag. - Image-based sociables. Child Theme Modifications ---------------------------------------------------------------- - functions.php - style.css v4.0.0 - 2015-02-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Slider Options for subpages. - Florals now disappear in mobile. - one-third class added to the blog style 3 layout - Vertical Tabs layout is now responsive. - Google Font now works on SSL - Align shortcode for the menu price and thumbs - New Twitter tweets with the different look. - Google Map now works on SSL - Empty paragraph elements display none. - Google Font shortcode. - Fontawesome icons styles shortcode. - Old Breadcrumbplus replaced with new BreadcrumbNavxt. ### Changed - Settings for the Homepage from Native Wordpress. - Subheader text changes to uppercase now. - New Logo designed for the theme. - Content Carousel Scripts now enqueues in slider only. - Sanitized the Data Validation query in functions.php - Reservation calendar widget UI changed. ### Fixed - Responsive mode issues on various devices. - Compatibility for the WordPress 4.1 - WordPress 4.1 compatibility for taxonomies. - Categories issues with WordPress recent updates. - Frontpage widgets responsive issue. - Frontpage Teaser enable disable. - Subheader appearing in frontpage. - Slider appearing in subpages. - Background image restores to old in options panel. - Theme single color issue missing args added. - The efficiency of meta and tax queries has been improved. - Theme Options stuck at loading. - Undefined Variables. - Blog Template Pagination fixed. - Pagination extend showing page 1 of 2 removed. - Security vulnerability fixes in admin-interface.php :warning:*Take a backup before upgrading the new version.Modified almost all the files.* v3.1 - 2014-05-14 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Settings for the Homepage from Native Wordpress. - New User Interface for the Theme Options Panel. ### Fixed - Homepage pagination issue for today special shortcode. - Flex slider Arrows Issues. v3.0 - 12th 2014-02-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Multiple Taxonomy filters added in functions.php - Multiple Prices for the food items. - Google Web Fonts UI. - FontAwesome Icons support. - NEW Admin User Interface - Child theme compatibility. - Google Font preview in Option Panel - caption field for image shortcode - border css for photo frame - Price Background Color Option - Google font for Body - Google font for Headings - Google font for Menu (Navigation) - Sociables target window opens in a \'_blank\' - Box Shadow for the subheader area. ### Changed - Food Menu shortcode. - Added padding for the frontpage sidebar area. - Typography Case for the options panel. - Compressed Options Panel UI. - Typography for the menus type renamed to menu category. - Menu Type slug updated. ### Removed - Lightbox meta removed in shortcode-meta.php. - Google Chart shortcode. - Nivo Slider Shortcode removed. - Related posts shortcode removed. - teaserbox, specialbox, staffbox removed. ### Fixed - Food Menu shortcode title link. - The responsive issue with the slider. - Responsive Menu dropdowns not showing. - Related Posts Border Issue. - Typography for the menus post type. - Menu Type slug issue when permalink set as post name. - Missing styles generator in the skin.php - Twitter utf8 changed for localization issue. - Twitter code updated in shortcode and widget. - Food Menu shortcode multiple categories fetch issue. v2.4 - 2013-08-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Custom Slider option. - Twitter API v1.0 to v1.1 - Twitter API Key options. ### Changed - WordPress-3.6 compliance. - Google map shortcode and widget. - Lightbox evolution plugin. ### Removed - skin.css file from header.php ### Fixed - WP 3.6 update issues. - Framed box Shortcode not working. - Frontpage widgets responsive issue. - Removed extra bottom padding in footer section. - Sticky Bar Option missing in theme options. - Slider Order by Order Attributes. - iPad and iPhone Responsive Issues. - Undefined issues in theme options. - Footer copyright bar padding issues. - Food Menu Image overflow issue. v2.3 - 2013-07-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Localization for the reservation status. ### Fixed - WP 3.5.2 Bug fixes. - Layout Option updates issue. v2.2 - 2013-05-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Flex Slider for the Responsive.Revamped the coding and made the theme to responsive. ### Changed - Custom font face Uploader. - TGM Plugin Activation. - Contact form shortcode. - Contact form widget. ### Removed - skin.css - Old Breadcrumb integrated Plugin. - Cufon Font Replacement. - Timthumb Image Resizer Option. - VT_RESIZE image resizer changed to Aqua Resizer. ### Fixed - Skin Generator Bug. - Google Map Shortcode Bug. - Breadcrumb Plugin Activation Bug. - Menu Category Image Issue. v2.1 - 2013-01-23 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Minor Bugs in Display Menu Order. v2.0 - 2013-01-19 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Localization POT File. - Menu Title link removal ( Food Menu shortcode ) - Menu Thumb removal ( Food Menu shortcode ) - Form Labels Text Translation ( Options Panel ) - Week Days Text Translation ( Options Panel ) ### Removed - Extended Calendar script and replaced with WP Core Script. ### Fixed - Display Menu Order. - Menu Skinning Bug. - WP3.5 Tested. - Menu Thumb Issue. v1.9 - 2013-01-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Changed - Major update. - All the files in the new framework. v1.8 - 2012-10-23 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - displaying unlimited menu items in the taxonomy-menutype.php ### Changed - notifier. ### Fixed - Cycle slider not working but. - API updated to latest version 1.1 v1.7 - 2012-07-21 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - css/shortcode.css - framework/shortcode/foodmenu.php ### Removed - jquery.form.js - scrolltopcontrol.js - jquery.validate.js v1.6 - 2012-03-27 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Business Hours Labels changing option in language tab in options panel. - [contact_phone][reservation_note] shortcodes for admin email section on reservation mail setup. ### Removed - Google map Older Version and Updated to GmapV3. ### Fixed - 24 hours Business Hours time settings bug. - Core Wordpress jQuery used and removed theme jquery. v1.5 - 2012-02-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Google 60 webfonts. ### Fixed - jQuery issue on date selected in the IE8. v1.4.2 - 2012-02-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Admin notification for booking requests. v1.4.1 - 2012-02-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Page background option for posts/pages/menus. v1.4 - 2012-02-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Option for background image for each page and posts. - files: header.php,style.css,page-meta.php,post-meta.php,menus-meta.php - style.css added #pageid - page/post/menus*meta php files added option for upload image. ### Fixed - twitter tweets bug in framework/includes/twitter.php - Reservation Widget Bug. v1.3 - 2011-11-08 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Background Image for each page/posts. ### Fixed - Minor bug with the background option in skin.php file. v1.2 - 2011-01-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Added - Lightbox for images. ### Fixed - Reservation Form widget. v1.1 - 2011-12-16 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ### Fixed - Initial installation bug fixed on activation. v1.0 - 2011-12-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Release. Note: Images used in the live preview is only for live demo and are purchased from Shutterstock and some from Pixabay. You are not permitted to use any images from live demo as it’s only for live demoBuy and Download
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