User Management Net core 7 - Support Arabic + Full Source Code

User Management .Net core 7.0 + Full Source Code Version v2.0   Introduction User management system make administrators able to manage users within any organization. It offers a simple way to manage information about user accounts. It also enables the administrator to reset user passwords and enable or disable account status. This web based application is developed on .Net core 7.0 using ASP.Net Core, C#, Entity framework core ,JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and SQL Server. User Management has two default role [Admin – User] , and you can add unlimited roles . Also you can create policies with many roles and bind policies with pages, you can do this using a simple page in the system . the page name is [Apply Policies]. you can use this solution as a template to develop any system you want  , just change the name of [Usermanagement.web] project to the name of your project , and start develop your own system with full user management features.   Framework: .Net Core 7.0 Features : Fully responsive and user friendly Hide/Show Menu Links according to the user policy Interactive Dashboard Simple to use and implement Improved security features Secured user login Remember me feature on login Hide / Show Remember me and Forgot password feature on login Recover password Authentication Throttling (lock user account after certain incorrect login attempts) Configure Email SMTP Graphical representation show the registered users sort by current month, current year Full client-side validation (using JavaScript) Full server-side validation (using ASP.Net Core C#) Fully responsive to mobile browsers Latest HTML5 features Designed using Bootstrap Fully optimized code   Quick Start Guide How to Generate Database Tables Open [Package manager console] and in the [Default project] list .. select [Common.Persistance] project Write the below commands add-migration CreateCommon -context CommonDbContext update-database -context CommonDbContext Open [Package manager console] and in the [Default project] list .. select [UserManagement.Persistance] project add-migration CreateIdentity -context ApplicationDbContext update-database -context ApplicationDbContext Congratulations , just run the project .   Credentials User name : admin Password : P@ssw0rd      Buy and Download
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