Ssagency - Fashion & Modeling World WordPress Theme

Ssagency is a fully responsive theme, which you can create or manage any websites like model agency, photography, fashions, actors, anchors and singers. SSAgency Theme you can use multiple themes like “Model Agency, Photography, Singers, Actors, Fashion, Film Industry, Buddy press, Membership Themes, Shopping, Business and more…” User can register & can create any talent profile(like singer, photographer, actors, models, anchors etc…). Registered user can give the ratings based upon his/her performance. Smart talent search functionality is included in which you can search result by age, height, location or you can find the best-known talents in your area. Talent single profile page you can enable/disable any options Rating, Favarative, Following, Enquiry, Share On buttons… like and you can customize as your requirement. SSAgency Premimum Plugins Follow / Unfollow Plugin 1. Loggedin users can follow the model 2. Users can follow any model 3. Users can Unfollow the already following model Upload Resume / Upload Document Plugin Use this plugin, registered models can upload their profiles like the resume or any other documents. Any agency can download/view their profile and easily contact them. Talent/Model Upload Image Validation Plugin Use this plugin, to restrict the upload profile images limit sizes in kbs If you have any questions about this plugins and prices please drop an email at Booking Talents: We have updated the Talent Booking Request Functionality. We are providing 5 custom talent profiles. We Are Providing Sample Demos With This Theme Talent Agency Elementor Demo Talent Agency Demo WooCommerce Demo (Woocommerce Full Support) Menu Overlapping on Slider Boxed With Light Demo Boxed With Dark Demo Membership Demo BuddyPress Demo Pet Finder Demo This Theme Fully Compatability Ultimate Member – User Profile & Membership Plugin 3 – Custom Header Styles 4 – Talent Single Profile Pages Our theme support please click here Theme Main Key Features Elementor Page Builder – Easy Drag & Drop Page builder Elementor Custom Modules – You can create unlimited pages by using custom Modules More than 35+ Elementor Modules are available Page Builder by SiteOrigin – Easy Drag & Drop Page builder Custom Widgets – You can create unlimited pages by using custom widgets More than 60+ widgets are available Create Custom Infinite Layouts It is totally Widget based theme Video background – You can create Video background rows, you can add whatever you required above video backgrounds such as (images, text and our custom widgets) You Can Create Front End User Registration, Login and Forget Password Forms Google Captcha added for the registraion form You Can Create Front End User Profile Form User Registration – user can register based upon user roles Talents Follow – Only Registered Users can follow the talents Talents Rating – Registered Users can give the ratings Talents Display – you can display talent based upon rating, view count, order Masonry Gallery – You can display isotope masonry & grid images Advanced Search – you can customize the search fields Anyone can search talents (like age, gender, height, weight etc….) Favorite – you can add or shortlist any talent to your favorites Print & Email – you can print and email your favorites(shortlisted) talents Custom Post Type permissions – Based on user roles the administrator can give the permission to access the custom post types Custom post Type Post Limit – The administrator can give the post limit based upon the user roles5 Custom Meta Option Field Generator – you can create unlimited custom meta options by using option generator like image fields, text fields, description fields, video etc. ... based upon user roles Talent Custom Meta Option Group – you can create / customize talent meta option groups based upon user roles such as ( models, singers, actors, photographers…...) Custom Links – You can create custom links (external and page links) based upon the user roles Roles Control – The administrator can control any user roles according to his requirement Profile Custom Fields – you can create unlimited profile fields based upon user roles Admin Dashboard – fully customized admin dashboard for all user roles User Dashboard Settings – administrator can customize user dashboard settings like messages Dashboard Logo administrator can upload any custom logos and change the footer copy rights text Register Agencies – Agencies can register and create profiles Multiple Talent Profiles – Agencies can create multiple talent profiles based on post limit permissions Projects feature – Any registered user can post a project(job) based on user role access permissions. Projects Apply – Apply the posted projects(jobs) any registered users based on user roles. Projects Save – Save the posted projects(jobs) any registered users based on user roles. Project posted authors can check the applicants list(applied users list & visit their profiles). Frontend Talent Posting – Registred user can create talent profile & edit talent profile from frontend Frontend Project Posting – User can post the projects & edit the projects from frontend Frontend Agency Posting – Registred user can create agency profile & edit agency profile from frontend WooCommerce Ready – Fully integrated woocommerce Woo Commerce Pages – you can create unlimited page layouts Fully Woo Commerce Customized Fully Responsive – It supports any devices like mobile, tablet, desktops Unlimited Colors unlimited color options to the header, body & footer Google Fonts unlimited google fonts more than 800+ fonts support Typography advanced typography Customize you can customize total theme from the option customize menu One Click Demo – Amazing one click demo import Roles & Capabilities – All the roles, capabilities and user registration form roles also imported one click demo. SEO – fully SEO optimized Contact Form 7 – Fully integrated contact form 7 Well Coded Theme Documentation Free Demo Installation & Roles Setup Demo Login Information For Model : user name : model , password : model For Singer : user name : singer , password : singer For photographer : user name : photo , password : photo Our theme support please click here Change Log = 2.0.6= * Added new features, Fully compatible, and developed the elementor modules for SSAgency. * Added, 35+ Elementor moduldes. * Updated the plugin core files for the elementor. * Updated the CSS files. * Updated the javascript files. * Updated the Talents category slider. * Updated the forgot password widget. * Minor issues fixed. * updated language file. = 2.0.5= * Updated the HSK Talent Plugin. * Fixed theme CSS issues. = 2.0.4 = * Added new feature, Login/Registration Popup forms functionality. * Updated the plugin core functionality. * CSS issues fixed. * Project CPT post updated. * User profile avatar image upload issue fixed. * Theme header functionality updated. * Minor issues fixed. * update languae file. = 2.0.3 = * Issue Fixed, Hsk Talent Registration form roles based registration issue fixed, when using the single role. * Add new feature, Bread Crumb option added in customizer > page title bar section * Added new features, agency posted projects display on agency single pages based on roles. * Issue fixed, Talent Booking form calender first-time display issue fixed. * Updated the core functionality. = 2.0.2 = * Added new feature, Featured talents display the first position for talent category pages and search page. * Added new feature, After user registration admin can redirect any page. ex: login page, custom pages... like. * Added new feature, Talent Profile single page \"Enquiry\" option added to disable for non logged users. * Added new feature, Category option added in the talent search form. * Issue fixed, Talent select option removed, when using talent one single form, the select option enables only when using multi-talent profile forms. * Added new feature, HSK Project widgets added tabs options for filtering the projects category wise. * Agency Profile single page \"Enquiry\" button option added to disable for non logged users. * Favourite Email form button text change option added. * Updated the treansalation strings. = 2.0.1 = * Added google captcha for registration form. * Added registration form role text change. * Added upload images note options for users. * Updated the core functionality. * Fixed the CSS issues. * Updated the treansalation strings. = 2.0 = * Added new feature, \"Talent Booking Request\" plugin added. * Added new functionality in the \"HSK Talent\" plugin. * Added new feature, Mobile Menu options added. * Added new feature, Mobile \"Toggle\" menu options added in customize > header section > mobile hamburger settings. * Added new feature, Mobile \"Slide\" menu options added in customize > header section > mobile hamburger settings. * Added new feature, Mobile \"Push\" menu options added in customize > header section > mobile hamburger settings. * Added new features & functionality. * Updated Front UI. * Updated language files. * Fixed Minor issues. = 1.1.9 = * Updated HSK WooCommerce widgets. * Issue Fixed, WooCommrce Products widgets. * Minor issues fixed. = 1.1.8 = * Update the header style change issue. * Added new feature, Fixed phone number in mobile modes. * Added new feature, Update the phone number, and \"Call Us\" text in customizer > footer section. * Added new feature, Slide fixed contact form. * fixed the minor issues. * updated theme .pot file. * Added new feature, Woocommerce category search widget added. * Updated talent meta field required issue. * Updated BuddyPress Members widget. * Updated the \"HSK Talents\" plugin core functionality. * Added custom hooks to override the theme functionality. * Added functions to Customize the \"Talents Single\" Page per your requirement. * Fixed, all HSK Related plugins minor issues. * Updated language file. = 1.1.7 = * Added New feature, Menu overlap options on slider. * Added password fields to the registration form. * Added enable/disable option fields in \"Dashboard > HSK Talents > Registration / Login\". * HSK Talents - Talents profiles duplication issue fixed. * Language translation issue fixed. * Minor issues fixed. * Updated language files. = 1.1.6 = * Added new feature, Talent enquiry custom email option added in \"HSK Talents > Talents > Single Page Section > Talent Enquiry Custom Email\" * Added new feature, Talent enquiry email receive talents enable option added in \"HSK Talents > Talents > Single Page Section > Enable Talent Recive Emails\" * Added, Talent DOB Date formats. * Fixed Category slider loading issue. * Issue fixed, Talent front end posting videos display. * HSK Projects plugin, Users Applied \"Email Message\" display, issue fixed. * HSK Projects plugin, Advanced search fields \"checkbox\" display issue fixed. * HSK Projects plugin, Frontend casting form date display issue fixed. * HSK Projects plugin, Date formats added. * HSK Agency plugin, Issue fixed, Agency single page details display issue fixed. * HSK Agency plugin, Added Search widget. * Added site-wide loader. * Loader enable/disable options added into \"customize > Layout Section\". * Updated language files. = 1.1.5 = * Added widget animation. * Added sticky Menu. * Added email subscription plugin. * Added theme animation effects to every element. * Added, \"Talent Staus\" in Talent Front end talent posting. * Talent profile page inquiry form overlapping issue fixed. * Advanced search widget checkboxes display issue fixed. * Minor issue fixed. = 1.1.4 = * Added search result pagination. * minor issues fixed. = 1.1.3 = * \"Favourite\" Page text change when empty page option added. * Issue fixed, Search form checkboxes not showing. * \"Talent Single\" Page \"Trust\" text change option added. * Search box \"Search\" text change issue fixed. * Some minor issues fixed. * update languae file. = 1.1.2 = * Registration form \"Terms & Conditon\" checkbox added. * Registration form \"Terms & Conditon\" disable/enable options added in \"HSK Talents > Registration / Login\" section * Added Talent display styles widget. * Title bottom border issue fixed. * Minor issues fixed. * updated core functionality. * updated language files. = 1.1.1 = * Added new one click demo \"Pet Finder\" * Added new features \"HSK-Custom Title\" * Updated \"HSK - Image Box\" Widget with full features. * Added \"HSK - Tabs & Accrodions\" Widget. * Issue fixed, \"HSK - Testimonial\" widget navigation colors. * Added new talent single page profile. * Updated core functionality. = 1.1.0 = * Updated one click demo. * Added new talent single page profile style. * Added new feature \"Boxed layout\". * Added new feature \"Left Menu\" layout. * Added new feature \"Opacity background\" color for body layout. * Issue fixed, Talent profile duplication(When multiple times clicked on talent profiles, on frontend talent creation time). * Added new talent single page profile style. * Updated Core functionality. * All plugins updated. = 1.0.9 = * Added Favicon in customizer. * Agency Category Added in theme customize > Agency Page Settings. * Added new feature, add to scroll top button. * Issue fixed, facebook comments not display on a single page. * Issue fixed, Buddypress notification count display in user dashboard. * Added new widget, \"HSK - Talents / Projects Category Count\" count cpt category posts. * Issue fixed, Agency category page not working. * Added new feature, Remove Applied Projects. * Added new feature, Remove Saved Projects. * Updated \"HSK-Talents\" Plugin (v1.0.9). * Updated \"HSK-Projects\" Plugin (v1.0.2). * Updated \"HSK-Agency\" Plugin .(v1.0.3) = 1.0.8 = * Theme Fully Compatibility with \"BuddyPress\". * Added New Feature, Added 4 talent profile pages(choose your choice) in \"Appearance > Customize > Choose Talents Single Page Style\". * Added New Feature, Custom page title options added for talent profiles in \"Appearance > Customize > Talent Single Page Titlebar Settings\". * Added new feature, Slider Option added to \"Client Images\" Widget, it works both slider & grid. * Added new feature, Talent category id added in \"Dashboard > Talent > Category\". * Added new widget, Talents & Projects Taxonomy Count Widget( HSK - Taxonomy Terms Count). * Added new feature, Roles based talent profile images limit added. * Added new feature, Roles based talent profile video limit added. * Added new feature, 4 talent single profile styles added. * Issue fixed, Talent category slider display based on ids only(if ids empty display all category). * Issue fixed, when removing favorites entire section disappears in talent profile page. * Issue fixed, Talent custom profile fields \"Textarea\" display frontend issue fixed. * Issue fixed, Talent profiles rating user display name. * Issue fixed, Talent Profiles permalinks issue fixes. * Issue fixed, User Registration time \"Phone Number\" Save issue fixed. * Issue fixed, Social share icons display circle issue fixed. * Updated Core Functionality. * Some minor issues fixed. * Update Language Files. = 1.0.7 = * Issue fixed, Page title background image not working. * Issue fixed, Woo-commerce product single page product tabs colors not working. * Updated some core functionality. * Added Category slider title background color, font size, title color. * Added registration form fields enable / disable options. * Updated language file. = 1.0.6 = * Added new feature, Talents \"HSK - Talents Advanced Search\" Widget. * Added new feature, Talents \"HSK - Pricing Table\" Widget. * Added new feature, Restrict Individual \"Talents Single Pages\" based on user roles. * Added new feature, Restrict Talent Single Pages For Non-logged In Users. * Added new feature, Add \"Page Title Bar\" custom background settings options added to \"Dashboard > pages > add new > Page Titlebar Options\". * Issues fixed, Some minor issues fixed. * Updated language files. = 1.0.5 = * Added new feature, Added 3 header styles. * Added new features, Theme supported \"Membership\" Plugin. = 1.0.4 = * Added new feature, Talent frontend posting. * Added new feature, Talent frontend edit, and update. * Added new feature, Project frontend posting. * Added new feature, Project frontend edit, and update. * Added new feature, Agency frontend posting. * Added new feature, Agency frontend edit and update. = 1.0.3 = * Added Project posting plugin. * Projects feature - Post a project based on the user. * Apply the posted projects based on roles(role permission to apply for the job). * Save the posted projects based on roles(role permission to save the job). * Project posted authors can check the applicant\'s list(applied users list & visit their profiles). * Updated Language file. = 1.0.2 = * New featur added, Roles based \"Talent Category\" Restriction. * \"HSK - User Frontend Dashboard Links\" added user images & last login date. * Add New widgets \"Blog Post & Image over content\" * Talent single page \"Talent Status\" Display issue fixed. = 1.0.1 = * Roles import issue fixed with one click demo. * Added New widget - \"HSK - User Talent Profile(s)\" for display user created profiles and action links( Add / edit / delete). * update plugin core functionality. = 1.0 = * initial release Images Source Background photo created by senivpetro – Background photo created by freepik – Background photo created by asierromero – Designed by v.ivash – Baby photo created by asier_relampagoestudio – www.freepik.comBuy and Download
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