Social Stream for WordPress With Carousel

WooCommerce Login – Registration Popup Plugin Main Features Available in Visual Composer Addon Visual Composer – Social Streams Responsive Feed Layout. 3 Style Available( Grid / List) Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Google Plus Feed Custom background Color and hover background color Infinite scroll: load more content simply by scrolling to the bottom of the page. Mixed Feed Available. Sort Filter By Date Customize Front Colors Combine content from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Google Plus and YouTube! Choose from expert-designed templates or customize fonts, colors, backgrounds, and more. Custom Feed Grid Layouts. (1 Columns,2 Columns,3 Columns,4 Columns,5 Columns) Inline YouTube video watch in popup Large Image Display in Popup. Social Stream Feed Demo All Social Stream Feed Demo Facebook Feed Demo Twitter Feed Demo Youtube Feed Demo Google Plus Feed Demo Instagram Feed Demo Tumblr Feed Demo Without Media Feed Demo One Columns Feed Demo Search Feed Demo Facebook with Youtube Feed Demo Dribble Feed Demo Instagram with Twitter Feed Demo Social Carousel Demo Facebook Carousel Demo Youtube Carousel Demo Vimeo Carousel Demo Instagram Carousel Demo Twitter Carousel Demo Tumblur Carousel Demo Dribble Carousel Demo Instagram Grid With Carousel WordPress Plugin WordPress Post Grid/List Layout With Carousel Visual Composer – Social Streams UPDATES 13-07-2015 - ver 1.2 - New : Dribble Social FeedBuy and Download
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