Smart Invoice .Net core 7 + User Management + Arabic Support + Full Source Code

Smart Invoice .Net core 7.0+ User Management + Arabic Support + Full Source Code Version v2.0   Introduction Smart Invoice make admin able to add unlimited products and customers and create sales invoices with taxes and discounts and print invoices . also you can add unlimited companies . This web based application is developed on .Net core 7.0 using ASP.Net Core, C#, Entity framework core, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and SQL Server. Smart Invoice System has Two default roles [Admin , CompanyAdmin] , and you can add unlimited roles . Framework: .Net Core 7.0 Features : Support English / Arabic Architecture : Clean Architecture Full User Management Module Users [Create –Edit – Delete – Search] Roles [Create –Edit – Delete – Search] Policies [Create –Edit – Delete – Search] Authentication Settings Bind Pages with Policies , using easy user interface Login Reset Password Error Log : using NLog Audit trail : log database actions [add – update -delete] and business actions Like:[CreateInvoice,UpdateInvoice , etc] Multitenant: unlimited companies Products [Create –Edit – Display – Delete – Search] Customers [Create –Edit – Display – Delete – Search] Sales Invoices [Create –Edit – Display – Delete – Search] Dashboard   Quick Start Guide How to Generate Database Tables Open [Package manager console] and in the [Default project] list .. select [Common.Persistance] project Write the below commands add-migration CreateCommon -context CommonDbContext update-database -context CommonDbContext Open [Package manager console] and in the [Default project] list .. select [UserManagement.Persistance] project Write the below commands add-migration CreateIdentity -context ApplicationDbContext update-database -context ApplicationDbContext Open [Package manager console] and in the [Default project] list .. select [SmartInvoice.Persistance] project add-migration CreateSmartInvoice -context SmartInvoiceDbContext update-database -context SmartInvoiceDbContext Congratulations , just run the project .   Credentials User name : admin Password : P@ssw0rd   Create Company Admin Company Admins à New Company Admin    Buy and Download
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