Qopi - WhatsApp and Short Link Generator

What is this? Qopi is a script to create a ‘WhatsApp Click to Chat’ link generator, besides with this script you can also shorten the URL. Qopi is based on the popular PHP framework Laravel with version 5.5. So, the script is essentially to create a ‘WhatsApp Click to Chat’ link generator and shorten the URL. Requirements PHP 7.0+ OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Features Laravel 5.5.8 WhatsApp preview No need installation, just setup a few minutes Send the generated link to the email (SMTP needed) AJAX form Copy to clipboard Modern design Fully responsive Ads space Available option to set email is required or not Available option to set ads are required or not 3 types of links are generated which are link text, QR code and HTML hyperlink QR Code Admin Panel Responsive admin panel Quick stats on the dashboard User Admin management Link managemenet Pages system Statistics with chart AJAX datatables on each table Export to Excel and CSV Settings page Editable route admin page more … Preview Homepage with WhatsApp Preview You can generate the “WhatsApp click to chat” link and shorten the URL 3 types of links are generated which are link text, QR code and HTML hyperlink Powerfull Admin Panel Since version 2, qopi already has admin panel and you can easily manage links, admin, page and so forth Quick Stats on the Dashboard On the dashboard you will be shown quick stats about generated links User Admin Managemenet You can add other admin users to manage your site and you are not limited to it Links Managemenet You can also delete, edit and export all generated links Pages System Then you can create a page like about us, contact us and so forth Statistics with Chart In admin panel we also provide line graph statistics and bar graph and it can be exported into Excel and CSV file Settings Page And importantly some important options can be set through the settings page Installation Demo Before buying make sure you try it first through the demo below Front Page Go to Qopi.me (email doesn’t work in demo) Admin Panel Go to Qopi.me/admin Email: admin@admin.com Password: 123456 Some features like delete, edit, export and so on are not available in demo version and it will display 404 page. Buyers Said Changelogs 2.1.0 – 23 December 2017 - Added - QRCode - Added - QRCode setting - Added - QRCode can be downloaded - Added - Color labels are required - Added - Autofocus email login admin - Added - Country code setting - Added - \"Show Phone Code of All Countries\" setting - Added - \"Put the Code in the Head Tag\" setting - Added - 3 types of links are generated which are link text, QR code and HTML hyperlink - Added - \'View Site\' link in admin - Changed - The statistical date to a custom date rather than a month - Moved - Ad options from the \"options\" group to ad group \"ads\" - Fixed - WhatsApp avatar preview position - Fixed - Error when logging in without email - Removed - Border .dropdown-menu 2.0.0 – 19 December 2017 - Added responsive admin panel - Added quick stats on the dashboard - Added admin user management - Added link managemenet - Added pages system - Added statistics with chart - Added AJAX datatables on each table - Added export to Excel and CSV - Added settings page - Added editable route admin page - Updated documentation 1.2.0 – 11 December 2017 - Added: Available option to set ads are required or not - Added: Available option to set email is required or not - Added: Configuration file - Added: Email table - Fixed: Image ads - Removed: Unused CSS classes 1.0.0 – 9 December 2017 - Initial releaseBuy and Download
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