Psychologist - Psychological Practice WP Theme

Psychologist – Psychological Practice WordPress Theme IMPORTANT! This is new, completely updated theme version (theme version 1.6.0). Unyson page builder, that is no longer available, had to be replaced with Elementor page builder. Theme is now compatible with Elementor page builder. That means, if you update theme from older versions, you will need to rebuilt all elements with new Elementor page builder. New custom post types for programs and team added in this theme version. Description Clean and responsive WordPress theme for psychological practice personal or business websites, for mental health doctors, coaches and psychological clinics. Premium Slider Revolution plugin bundled with theme and Elementor page builder. Features Responsive design Slider Revolution premium plugin Elementor page builder Custom post types for therapy programs and team Customizer options for logo, copyright, global colors (unlimited colors), menu etc Translation ready ( pot file included ) Child theme included Extensive online documentation and step by step guide how to set your website to be like theme demo And more Documentation click here Do you have questions? If you have pre-sale question feel free to ask through Themeforest contact form If you already bought theme/template, before you ask for support please read documentation that you downloaded with theme and additional information for buyers about support. Plugins - Rt psychologisttheme functions bundled with theme - Slider revolution premium plugin, bundled with theme - TGM plugin activation bundled with theme - Contact form 7 - Elementor - Advanced custom fields - Breadcrumbs Fonts Vollkorn and Poppins ( Google fonts ) Changelog 06. December 2023. Version 1.6.0 - Theme redesigned with Elementor page builder. Unyson page builder is not used in theme anymore. New custom post type for programs, team, testimonials added, new demo website, new documentation. - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.6.18 (23rd October 2023) - Rt Psychologist theme functions plugin bundled with theme updated, version 1.8.0 08. September 2023. Version 1.5.8 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.6.16 (30th August 2023) 31. May 2023. - Version 1.5.7 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, 6.6.13 (4th May 2023) - CSS fix 13. January 2023. - Version 1.5.6 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.6.8 - new page template 10. October 2022. - Version 1.5.5 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.6.0 22. April 2022. - Version 1.5.4 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.5.20 (12th April 2022) 28. November 2021. - Version 1.5.3 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.5.11 (19th November 2021) - TGM bundled plugin PHP fix 26. August 2021. - Version 1.5.2 - Slider revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.5.7 (20th August 2021) - Dropped support for All Around Slider plugin, added Testimonials-free plugin instead: - CSS fix 09. January 2021. - Version 1.5.1 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.3.5 (31st December 2020) 28. April 2020. - Version 1.5.0 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.2.2 (7th March 2020) 30. October 2019. - Version 1.4.9 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin updated, version 6.1.3 - Gutenberg editor styling fix 15. April 2019. - Version 1.4.8 - text strings escaped 18. March 2019. - Version 1.4.7 - rt-psychologisttheme-functions plugin updated to version 1.7 - functions.php file updated - scripts.js file updated - Gutenberg styling improved 18. February 2019. - Version 1.4.6 - Envato theme check tested - Metaboxes moved to plugin rt-psychologisttheme-functions (fallback is still in theme it is recommended to update plugin to latest version) - rt-psychologisttheme-functions plugin updated to version 1.6 6. February 2019. - Version 1.4.5 - Slider Revolution updated Version StarPath (5th December 2018) - Gutenberg optimized - child theme updated 15. June 2018. – Version 1.4.4 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin version updated. Version StarPath (23rd May 2018) - All Around slider plugin version 1.4.9 updated - @import replaced with wp_enqueue function 05. March 2018. – Version 1.4.3 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin version updated. Version StarPath (17th February 2018) - WooCommerce files updated - fix for events featured image 13. December 2017. – Version 1.4.2 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin version updated. Version StarPath (29th November 2017) - Fix for contact form in Chrome 15. August 2017. – Version 1.4.1 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin version updated. Version StarPath (10th June 2017) 22. April 2017. – Version 1.4.0 - Slider Revolution bundled plugin version updated. Version 5.4.1 StarPath (28th February 2017) - Rt psychologisttheme functions bundled plugin updated, ver 1.5 - Rt Unyson framework customizations bundled plugin updated, ver 1.3 - WooCommerce support added - Options for add/remove sidebar in WooCommerce and blog pages added in Customizer - Option for add/remove LESS file added in Customizer - Metabox plugin removed from theme - CSS fix for contact form 20. December 2016. – Version 1.3.5 - Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (10th December 2016) - Metabox plugin updated. Version 4.9.8 - Menu on setup improved 25. August 2016. – Version 1.3.4 - Slider revolution version updated. Version 5.2.6 StarPath (28th June 2016) 18. June 2016. – Version 1.3.3 - Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (14th June 2016) - Metabox plugin updated. Version 4.8.7 - menu links functionality improved - mobile menu improved - setup video added (link for video is in documentation) 24. May 2016. – Version 1.3.2 - Slider revolution version updated. Version StarPath (24th May 2016) - Metabox plugin updated. Version 4.8.6 - Rt unyson framework customizations plugin updated, version 1.2 (fix for Unyson updates) - TGMPA plugin version updated (version 2.6.1) Version: 1.3.1 18. April 2016. - Slider Revolution plugin version updated Version 5.2.5 StarPath (16th April 2016) - Metabox plugin version updated Version: 4.8.5 - Excerpt field in pages added. If used, search results will show content from excerpt. Version: 1.3.0 30. March 2016. - Slider Revolution plugin version updated Version StarPath (18th March 2016) Version: 1.2.9 27. February 2016. - Rt Psychologisttheme functions plugin updated (Version 1.4) - added option to output excerpt in blog posts on homepage Version: 1.2.8 06. February 2016. - Three new page templates added Version: 1.2.7 22. January 2016. - Menu mobile improved Version: 1.2.6 11. January 2016. - Slider Revolution plugin version updated Version 5.1.6 StarPath (05th January 2016) - bug with contact form send button color fixed - breadcrumbs added (optional plugin) Version: 1.2.5 19. December 2015. - Slider Revolution plugin version updated (Version 5.1.5 StarPath (16th Dezember 2015 ) - Metabox included plugin version updated (Version: 4.7.3) - Rt Unyson framework customizations plugin updated (Version 1.1) - Main columns page builder content now more flexible and have option for adding links - Rt Psychologisttheme functions plugin updated (Version 1.3) - Team columns now more flexible in combination with page builder, see documentation for more details (about team shortcode) - Menu mobile UX improved - Few PHP improvements - Documentation updated Version 1.2.4 29. November 2015. - new Revolution Slider version added Version 5.1.4 StarPath (28th November 2015) Version 1.2.3 17. October 2015. - optimized for pro version of Events calendar plugin (additional text hidden from timeline posts) Version 1.2.2 17. October 2015. - style.less included in child theme and process of color changing explained better in documentation - demo.xml file updated - optimized for pro version of Events calendar plugin (additional text hidden from timeline posts) - retina.js removed – it is recommended to use plugins for retina images instead Version 1.2.1 26. September 2015. - updated Slider Revolution plugin, Version 5.0.9 StarPath (xth September 2015) Version 1.2 04. September 2015. - new Rt-psychologisttheme-functions plugin added, version 1.2 (delete old plugin and add this when install new theme, it is prepacked with theme and will be automatically recommended for installation on theme activation) - new Metabox Deluxe plugin, version: 4.5.6 - new Slider Revolution plugin, version 5.0.6 StarPath (2nd September 2015) - new All Around slider plugin, version 1.4.8 - new TGM plugin activation, version 2.5.2 - Unyson plugin extensions that are not used in theme are not visible in dashboard anymore, to avoid confusion. For more information please see documentation. - meta data code for blog loop removed in file meta.php - strings for translation improved - responsiveness improved - js small code improvements 27. June 2015. prettyPhoto fix – new version of All Around plugin (version 1.4.7) added contains updated prettyPhoto script Version 1.1 05 June 2015. - new All Around slider version 1.4.6 added - new Metabox Deluxe plugin version added, version 4.5.3, - new Slider Revolution version added, version 4.6.93 SkyWood release Date 08.05.2015, - permalinks issue (404 error no found page) fixed, - slider bug if added as shortcode fixed, - improved php code in page section php file, - documentation updated 01. May 2015. Related to the XSS vulnerability, TGM plugin updated tp 2.4.2 latest released version. meta box plugin in theme updated to 4.5.1, archive page bug fixed, Revolution Slider updated to Version 4.6.91 SkyWood release Date 28.04.2015 25. April 2015. Related to the XSS vulnerability, TGM plugin updated tp 2.4.1, Slider Revolution new version added (Version 4.6.9 SkyWood release Date 16.04.2015), Masonry columns functionality for team and home blog posts added, bug in blog pagination fixed, WP 4.2 tested. 3. April 2015 - Unyson framework customization now in plugin – Hover on images bug on iPhone fixed – Option “target” added in icons shortcode – Documentation updated – Metabox plugin in theme updated 9. March 2015 - Team and homeblog columns improved for responsiveness, documentation updated 5. March 2015 - Theme now compatible with Unyson page-builder extension ( part of Unyson framework ). Old page builder removed - Documentation updated Credit Images are not included for download. Images are slightly transformed to fit design. Images and icons credit: Stress icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Psychology icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Group therapy icons created by afif fudin – Flaticon Philosophy icons created by Eucalyp – Flaticon Psychology icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Mind mapping icons created by VectorPortal – Flaticon Sad icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Idea icons created by Canticons – Flaticon Emoji icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash Photo by Mark Williams on Unsplash Image by Freepik Image by Freepik Location icons created by Freepik – Flaticon Phone icons created by Gregor Cresnar – Flaticon Email icons created by Those Icons – Flaticon Image by Freepik Image by Freepik Image by prostooleh on Freepik Image by starline on Freepik Image by on FreepikBuy and Download
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