Primer - Angular & React Material Design Admin Template

Primer is a creative material design admin template. It comes packaged with an Angular version and a React version with RTL support and light and dark colour schemes. With this, you get all you need to start working on your SAAS, CRM, CMS or dashboard based project. Once you’ve purchased Primer please consider giving a 5 star rating, it helps in pushing out more updates and adding a lot more features. Key Angular Features Include: LTR/RTL Support Angular 8 Angular 8 Material design Light and Dark theme AoT compilation Fully responsive (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop) Well documented (Both online and offline) Easy to customise Language translation Git Repo available Key React Features Include: Material-UI JSS styling React Router LTR/RTL Support React Material design Light and Dark theme Fully responsive (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop) Well documented (Both online and offline) Easy to customise Changelog Git repo now available. To gain access simply get in touch via the profile page with your github username/email address. - `4.2.0` (2019-09-26) - Features Update to angular-cli v8 Update to material 2 v8 Update to angular v8 Update packages Remove angular tree component in favour of material 2 tree component Use ng-material-multilevel-menu for sidebar menu - Minimum Requirements After Update angular-cli v8 angular v8 angular material 2 v8 Node 10+ - `4.1.0` (2018-09-22) - Features Add React version Update to latest angular-cli Update to latest material 2 Update packages Remove rxjs-compact package - `4.0.0` (2018-05-18) - Features Update to angular-cli v6 Update to material 2 v6 (Breaking changes) Update to angular v6 Update packages Remove angular tree component in favour of material 2 tree component Update material 2 demos - Minimum Requirements After Update angular-cli v6 angular v6 angular material 2 v6 Node 8.9+ NPM 5.5.1+ `3.1.1` (2018-03-22) - Features Update packages Update to 5.0.0-beta.13 ( removes deprecated fxLayoutWrap - Breaking change ) - `3.1.0` (2018-01-24) - Fixes ie issue with sub menus being hidden some of the time - Features Splits admin-layout into seperate core components (Breaking change) - header - sidebar - notification sidenav - menu Remove the shared module (Breaking change) Remove the layouts folder (Breaking change) Update material2 demos Use ngx-loading-bar component and remove pace plugin Update to angular-cli 1.6.5 Update to material2 v5.1.0 - `3.0.0` (2017-11-18) - Fixes perfect-scrollbar issues on mobile Remove /deep/ combinator Mail and Chat page RTL layout issue fix - Features Use ngx-perfect-scrollbar component Use ngx-leaflet component Update to angular-cli 1.5 Update to material2 v5.0.0-rc0 Update to angular 5 (Breaking change) - Minimum Requirements After Update angular-cli v1.5 angular 5 angular material 2 v5.0.0-rc0 - `2.6.0` (2017-10-10) - Fixes Fix ie11 errors Fix ngx-quill runtime error - Features Update to angular-cli 1.4.x Add ngx-quill editor Update to material2 beta 12 (Breaking change) Remove deprecated md- prefixes (Breaking change) - `2.5.0` (2017-08-18) - Fixes Fix ngx-datatables icon issue Fix ng build issue - Features Update to angular-cli 1.3.x Add ngx-quill editor Remove deprecated MaterialModule (Breaking change) Update ngx-translate http-loader (Breaking change) - `2.4.0` (2017-07-19) - Fixes Fix scroll issue on route changes Fix layout height issue for mobile landscape sizes Fix searchbar height issue for mobile landscape sizes Fix mail page extra scrollbar issue Fix lint errors - Features Update to material 2 beta.8 Update to angular-cli 1.2.1 Add table component to demo - `2.3.0` (2017-06-28) - Fixes Fix menu issue on tab press Resize ecommerce pages image Update material component demos Chat page scrollbar overflow fix Fix router events timing issue Fix table-filter search value - Features Update ng2-translate to latest ngx-translate Update to angular-cli 1.1.3 Add taskboard pages Add expansion component to demo Use expansion component for mail page Migrate to material 2 typography - `2.2.0` (2017-06-01) - Fixes fix ngx-datatable paging issue fix sidenav submenu max-height croping issue - Features Add ecommerce pages Update to angular material 2 beta 6 - `2.1.1` (2017-05-19) - Fixes fix perfect-scrollbar issue move entry components from app.module.ts - Misc update to angular material 2 beta 5 Add material 2 datepicker demo - `2.1.0` (2017-05-11) - Fixes fix md-select padding and margin issues accordion state change on route change fix map redraw issue for google maps demo page fix chat page toolbar alignment issue - Misc update google maps component (breaking change) update to angular-cli 1.0.3 - Minimum Requirements After Update angular-cli v1.0.3 - `2.0.0` (2017-04-10) - Fixes datatable vertical scroll height datatable fullscreen width Auth layout z-index issue Minor angular 4 fixes css theming imports fix (angular material 2 beta.3) perfect-scrollbar layout fix (angular material 2 beta.3) - Features Update to angular-cli v1 Update to angular 4 Update to angular material 2 beta.3 Add chips demo - Misc change deprecated