Photofeed | iOS Universal Social Photo feeds App Template (Swift)

Both iOS and Android version can share the same Parse database 23 Mar 2023 • Updated design of main screens • Update the source code to support Xcode 14+ and iOS 16.2+ versions 11 Mar 2022 • Updated all screens design • Updated code to support iOS 15+ and xcode 13+ versions 19 Jul 2021 • Updated to a new design • Update code to support Xcode 12.4 and iOS 14+ versions • Fixed the Facebook login crash 11 Jun 2020 • Webview bug fixed 25 Apr 2020 • Updated the code to support Apple Login method. • Updated the code to fix issues on Apple dark mode theme. • Fixed the issues in code to support iOS 13+ and Xcode 11+ version updates 28 July 2018 • Added \"Block User\" function, as per Apple Safety - 1.2 recommendations. 25 May 2018 • Accordingly to the new EU GDPR terms, I\'ve updated the \'tou.html\' file and Documentation. IMPORTANT: This means that if a User asks for his/her Account deletion, you must do it within 24 hours, as the GDPR\'s \"Right to be forgotten\" Article states (LINK: 3 April 2018 • Updated to recommended settings with Xcode 9.3 • Updated the 3 Facebook SDKs (because of Swift 4.1 release): FBSDKCoreKit.framework FBSDKLoginKit.framework FBSDKShareKit.framework 6 October 2017 • Edited the Location Privacy Usage keys into Info.plist. So right-click on Info.plist in Xcode, Open As -> Source code, and replace the existing NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription This app needs your current location to set your city on new posts NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription This app needs your current location to set your city on new posts NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription This app needs your current location to set your city on new posts NSLocationUsageDescription This app needs your current location to set your city on new posts In this way, the Location permission alert will show up on devices with iOS versions older than iOS 11 Photofeed is a Universal App Template where you can post your own pictures, location, and relative text and get involved in a funny community. You can also browse popular posts from other users, see their profiles, like and share their posts on popular social networks. Since its backend is by Parse Server, you don’t have to buy any domain/hosting, there are NO PHP files to upload to a web server so you’ll save some money for server side. Photofeed is a native XCode project, Swift language, Storyboard, Universal, super easy to customize, backend with Parse SDK hosted on About Parse SDK and back4app Read this article for more info about back4app and Parse SDK: Can I host Parse Server on my own server? Yes, although I don’t provide support for the setup process, you can read the official Guide here: I get a Code signing error in Xcode 8.x That’s a bug of Xcode 8 with macOS Sierra, check this sample video to see how to fix it: How to remove AdMob banner ads Check this video out to see how to remove the code that shows AdMob banners: Keep in mind that you must repeat the shown steps for every .swift file that contains this line on the top: import GoogleMobileAds What about free support for this template? I can offer free support for bugs encountered in the original code. Instead, if you’ve edited the code and messed something up with it, I may apply some fee to fix it either via TeamViewer or by checking your app project files directly on my computer. Should I use the latest version of Xcode to edit this template? Yes, I always update my apps to the latest version of the IDE. XCode 9.x project – Swift – 64bit iOS 8.0+ – Universal – Storyboard AdMob banners Facebook login Push Notifications for likes, follow and comments Works with Parse backend hosted on back{4}app Easily post your pictures, text and current location, like and comment posts of other users, delete your own ones. Terms of User .html file and Report feature included PDF User Guide included PSD graphics included Easy to customize, well commented code Apple Mac with its latest OS version installed The latest version of Xcode and some knowledge about its UI interface Photoshop or any other image editor software An Apple Developer account to submit apps to the App Store An AdMob account to generate your own banner UNIT ID A free account on back4app.comBuy and Download
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