Opencart Replace Add to Cart Button

Opencart Replace Add to Cart Button To make the Add to Cart button perform multiple actions can be an interesting feature for the Opencart store. The Add to Cart button is an important aspect of any online store and therefore adding more functionalities to it can benefit the store owner. Opencart Replace Add to Cart Button module facilitates the admin to add multiple actions to an Add to Cart button such as Text, Email, Link, Phone etc. The admin will have to define a Type and then choose an Action which will get the functionalities of the Type which the admin defines. Most of all, the additional functionalities of the Add to Cart button will simplify things for the customers. Just by clicking on the add to cart button, the customers can perform various functions without having to run from pillar to post on visiting an online store. Video Preview Support Dear Customers, if you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at We will do our best to answer as quick as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ve faced with. We are always happy to help you. Features of Opencart Replace Add to Cart Button The admin can define a Type such as Text, Link, Email, Phone. The admin chooses the action such as link, text, email phone for the type defined. If Text type and action are chosen, then the text of the Add to Cart button changes. Under link type and action, the admin provides a link on which the customer is redirected. Through Email type and action, the mail is sent to the admin as well as the customer. Under Phone type and action, the contact details like email and phone number are visible to the customer. The admin can also choose a different Action with a Type in the admin panel. ChangeLog Initial release, current version v Added: Add link of demo and blog v Fixed : Fixed the issue of the mail in version 3.x.x.x v Fixed : Fixed the issue for the phone action in version 3.x.x.x v Removed extra code in version 2.0.x.x v Fixed : Fixes the issue of mail url v Fixed : Fixes all the issues in all versions and also the changelog version v Enhancement: Updated the module in all versions. v Fixed : Fixed the Javascript folder path issue. v Initial release and Download
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