Online Unit Converter PRO Tools Full Production Ready Application (Angular 15)

Complete functional online unit converter tools developed by latest Angular 11 Password: 123456 Website Features A handy utility for converting between quantities in different units There are a total of 23 supported units for converter and 173+ sub units for converter There are total 2883 routes in this application Every section of each conversion contains the main value of each unit Demo Website – No backend and No external APIs NPM utility library used to measure and convert between units Beautiful Designed Technologies: Angular 11, TypeScript Mobile Friendly Single Page Application Well Documentation and Code Comment Very Clean Code & Easily Customizable Supported Units Length mm cm m in ft-us ft fathom mi nMi Area mm2 cm2 m2 ha km2 in2 ft2 ac mi2 Mass mcg mg g kg oz lb mt t Volume mm3 cm3 ml l kl m3 km3 tsp Tbs in3 fl-oz cup pnt qt gal ft3 yd3 Volume Flow Rate mm3/s cm3/s ml/s cl/s dl/s l/s l/min l/h kl/s kl/min kl/h m3/s m3/min m3/h km3/s tsp/s Tbs/s in3/s in3/min in3/h fl-oz/s fl-oz/min fl-oz/h cup/s pnt/s pnt/min pnt/h qt/s gal/s gal/min gal/h ft3/s ft3/min ft3/h yd3/s yd3/min yd3/h’ Temperature C F K R Time ns mu ms s min h d week month year Frequency Hz mHz kHz MHz GHz THz rpm deg/s rad/s >Speed m/s km/h m/h knot ft/s Pace s/m min/km s/ft min/km Pressure Pa hPa kPa MPa bar torr psi ksi Digital b Kb Mb Gb Tb B KB MB GB TB Illuminance lx ft-cd Parts-Per ppm ppb ppt ppq Voltage V mV kV Current A mA kA Power W mW kW MW GW Apparent Power VA mVA kVA MVA GVA Reactive Power VAR mVAR kVAR MVAR GVAR Energy Wh mWh kWh MWh GWh J kJ Reactive Energy VARh mVARh kVARh MVARh GVARh Angle deg rad grad arcmin arcsec Charge c mC μC nC pC Force N kN lbf Acceleration g (g-force) m/s2 Admin Panel Features Integrated Firebase database Login with email Change your website logos, Titles and social links from admin dashboard Live Preview of admin dashboard: Email: and Password: 123456Buy and Download
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