Olomo – Directory & Listing

Olomo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme comes along with 4 Homepages designs, Advanced Search Filter fields enable & disable from Theme options, 3 types of listing pages designs, including iOS & Android mobile apps, Listing service booking system, commission settings, available members payout request, free & paid listing, customize pricing plans, including payment gateway options are PayPal, PayFast, PayStack & Stripe, and many more advance theme options. You can use Olomo – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme for real estate, car dealership, local business, advertisement, restaurant, jobs, room booking and any type of directory & listing businesses. Olomo has prepared multiple directory elements like Google Maps, MapBox, OpenstreetMap, Reviews, ratings, claim listing, submissions page, email to friends, share listing, send message/inbox and available with many more features.     Features: Fully Responsive Free Android APP Available Free iOS APP Available APP Download Direct from Website 4 Home Pages Demo 4 Type of Listings Styles 3 Type of Listing Detail Page Event Section On Listing Detail Page 4 Styles Header/Footer Including User Dashboard Blog listing & Grid and single article pages included 20+ other Inner pages Unlimited Color Child Theme RTL Version Clean, Modern & Beautiful Design Typography Font Size Option Mail-chimp Newsletter Google Maps MapBox OpenStreetMap Listing Parent and Sub Category Listing Reviews Valid HTML5 & CSS3 with Responsive Bootstrap 3.x Creative and Modern Designs Map Location with stylish search field. Choose UTC Time Zone Multiple Business Hours Offers Available Claimed, Report, Email-Friend, Share Paid Services PayPal and Stripe Payment Integration PayFast and PayStack Payment Integration Review/Rating System Bookmark Social media icons Easy to use and customized code 20+ Custom ShortCode Cross Browser Optimization Google Fonts Font Awesome Icon Very Clearly Documentation (Step by Step) Regular Updates Top Notch Support Fonts: Google WebFonts Font Awesome Images: Pixabay freepik Credits: Bootstrap Framework jQuery OWL Carousel JS Slideshow Countdown.js gmaps jqueryvalidation Note: All Images used only for demonstration purposes. Please do not use package images for your own purpose. Version- 6.1 [Dated: 05August2023] - ADDED Primary and Theme Hover Color controls. - ADDED Typography globally and H1-H6 font properties. - ADDED Google Fonts. - ADDED new design for search result half map page at top part. - ADDED TranslatePress plugin fully compatible with theme. - FIXED all 4 Header and Footer Styles. - FIXED Listing Style1,2 and3 designs. - FIXED Submit/Edit your listing page errors. - FIXED Profile update page front end. - FIXED edit listing from front end both whose added from WP-back & front end both. - FIXED CSV bulk listing importer plugin files. - UPDATE FONTAWESOME LIBRARY. - UPDATE all custom olomo plugins files. - REMOVED Critical error with WordPress 6.2.2 and Olomo plugin files. - Theme compatible with latest PHP 8.2 version. - THEME Compatible with latest WordPress version 6.2.X., Redux4.4.X, Elementor3.15.X, Woo-commerce and other plugins. - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 6.0.2 [DATED:10OCTOBER2022] - UPDATED Plugin Activation TGMPA files. - Bulk Plugin install-activate-Update files compatible with WordPress 6.X VERSION 6.0.1 [DATED:01JULY2022] - Fixed css issue on search result page. - Fixed responsive issues. VERSION 6.0.0 [DATED:19MAY2022] - *ADDED Service Bookings. - *ADDED Service Payouts Request. - ADDED Payout Request on PayPal and Bank Wire. - *ADDED Services Commission Settings. - *ADDED Plans Subscription Downgrade/Upgrade. - *ADDED Payment Invoices. - *ADDED Inbox LIVE Chat between registered users. - ADDED Save PDF & Print Option on Payment Success Page. - ADDED Email Management- Services Payment, Payout Request, Service Booking. - ADDED Olomo CSV Bulk Listing Importer Plugin. - *REMOVED Listing Services Plugin. - ADDED WPML, TranslatePress & Loco Translate Plugin Compatible. - FIXED Multiple Category Structure. - FIXED Advanced Search Filter Design Styles. - UPDATE Theme version in theme files. - UPDATE Plugin files. - UPDATE language translation POT files Themes and All Plugins. - THEME COMPATIBLE with latest version of WordPress, Elementor, Redux Plugins. - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 5.0.1 [DATED:13OCTOBER2021] - *ADDED iOS APP FREE. - *ADDED PayStack & PayFast Payment gateway integration. - ADDED Plans Upgrade and Subscription. - ADDED Coupon Code on Checkout Page. - FIXED Plans & Packages bugs. - FIXED Expire Listing issue. - UPDATE Theme version in theme files. - UPDATE Plugin files. - UPDATE language translation POT files Themes and Plugins. - THEME COMPATIBLE with latest version of WordPress, Elementor, Redux Plugins. - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 4.0 [DATED:01AUGUST2021] - ADDED Listing Expire automatically and Review Manually. - ADDED Listing Status OPEN/CLOSED field in Advance Search result filter, ON/OFF this field by Admin.. - ADDED Listing Sub Category Field in Advance Search result filter, ON/OFF this field by Admin.. - ADDED Listing Amenities Field in Advance Search result filter, ON/OFF this field by Admin. - ADDED Listing SORTING on Search result page by A-Z, Z-A, Price, Newest/Oldest, Most View/Rated. - ADDED Similar Listing in Theme Options manage via Location & Category. - ADDED NextEnd Social Login Plugin. - FIXED Stripe Payment Gateway correction. - FIXED Review delete issue. - FIXED Shortcode Popular Listing and Listing New. - FIXED Email Management in Theme Option for each email formatts. - REMOVED Privacy Policy mandatory for Submit Listing Page. - UPDATE Theme demo data. - UPDATE Theme version in theme files. - UPDATE Plugin files. - UPDATE language translation POT files of each PO/MO language files. - THEME COMPATIBLE with latest version of WordPress, Elementor, Redux Plugins. - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 3.1 [DATED:22MARCH2021] - ADDED Event option ON/OFF inside Plans & Packages. - ADDED Contact Info Display ON/OFF Option from Event Detail Page. - ADDED Sort By ALL on all event Page. - ADDED MANDATORY Fields on Submit Listing Page. - ADDED Get Direction on detail listing page. - ADDED Pinterest option on each listing details page \"Share This\". - ADDED GDPR Checkbox Send Message button from all 3 listing detail page styles. - Issue fixed on submit/edit listing page. - Issue fixed Apostrophe\'s Listing\'s in Search and Search result page. - Issue fixed Long URL auto break and shows in second line from both listing/event page. - Removed Google+ listing/event Share. - UPDATE Theme version in theme files. - UPDATE Plugin files. - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 3.0.1 [DATED:28AUGUST2020] - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 3.0 [DATED:15AUGUST2020] - **ADDED Elementor Page Builder Plugin. - *ADDED Stripe Payment Gateway. - ADDED Inbox Message Front End User Dashboard. - ADDED Multipe Business Hours. - ADDED MapBox Auto Complete Geolocation. - ADDED OpenStreetMap. - ADDED Collapsible Menu at Front End Dashboard. - ADDED Google Ads & Custom Advertisements. - ADDED Show all events on All Event Page. - ADDED Total events and Sort By on All Event Page. - ADDED Single Listing Category Banner Change Option. - ADDED Amenities Option on Front End on Submit Listing Page. - REMOVED Bulk Listing Importer Plugin. - FIXED Map icon on Detail Listing Style3 template. - FIXED Blog Featured Image Option Dynamic. - FIXED Gallery upload image issue on Front end. - UPDATE Demo Data. - UPDATE POT and .PO/.MO files for Theme and Plugins. - UPDATE Theme version in theme files. - UPDATE Theme Documentation. - COMPATIBLE with WPBakery Page Builder. - Overall Improvements & Bugs fixed. VERSION 2.2.2 [DATED:21MAY2020] - FIXED Event Thumbnail Design Issue - FIXED Event detail page design issue. - FIXED EVENT section on mobile responsive. - FIXED OVERALL MOBILE RESPONSIVE DESIGN. - UPDATED Olomo Event Plugin. VERSION 2.2.1 [DATED:28APRIL2020] - FIXED Listing Style 1, 2 & 3 Data. - FIXED Event Data. - FIXED Search Filter CSS. - FIXED Default Sorting on result page. - UPDATE Demo Data. - UPDATE Theme Files. VERSION 2.2 [DATED:25APRIL2020] - ADDED ON/OFF Front End Listing Submission. - ADDED WYSIWYG Editor in front end listing submission. - ADDED Google Map Address Preview Front End Listing Submission. - ADDED Comment System ON/OFF. - ADDED Payment Successful transaction page. - ADDED Child Theme Instruction Document. - FIXED Auto Hide if no data. - FIXED Theme Option Menu & Other Data. - FIXED Theme Option Slug Rewrite. - FIXED Google Map Icon in Center. - FIXED Front End Listing Edit Page. - UPDATE THEME DOCUMENTATION. - UPDATED DEMO DATA. - UPDATED THEME VERSION IN FILES. - THEME COMPATIBLE WITH LATEST WORDPRESS VERSION, REDUX & WPBAKERY PLUGIN. - OVERALL IMPROVEMENTS & BUG FIXED. VERSION 2.1 [DATED:25FEBRUARY2020] - ADDED BULK LISTING IMPORTER. - UPDATED DOCUMENTATION. VERSION 2.0 [DATED:01JANUARY2020] - FIXED EDIT LISTING ISSUE FRONT END! - FIXED MULTI LANGUAGE TRANSLATION. - FIXED PRICING & PLAN. - ADDED GDPR READY. - UPDATED DEMO DATA. - UPDATED THEME VERSION IN FILES. - OVERALL IMPROVEMENTS & BUG FIXED. VERSION 1.9 [DATED:14DECEMBER2019] - **ADDED CUSTOM PLUGIN FOR EVENT. - ADDED EVENT SECTION ON LISTING DETAIL. - ADDED EVENT BOTH FRONT & BACK END. - ADDED EVENT INTERESTED & SHARE BUTTON. - **ADDED NEW HOME STYLE. - **ADDED NEW LISTING DETAIL STYLE. - ADDED NEW HEADER STYLE 4 DESIGN. - ADDED MORE SHORT CODES POPULAR LISTING, TESTIMONIAL, BLOG, SEARCH FILTER - UPDATE DEMO DATA. - UPDATE POT and .PO/.MO files for plugins. - UPDATE THEME DOCUMENTATION. - UPDATE THEME VERSION. - UPDATE EMAIL TEMPLATE DESIGNS. - FIXED PHOTO GALLERY SLIDER IMAGE REPEAT ISSUE. - THEME COMPATIBLE WITH LATEST WORDPRESS VERSION, REDUX & WPBAKERY PLUGIN. - OVERALL IMPROVEMENTS & BUG FIXED. VERSION 1.8 [DATED:01OCTOBER2019] - UPDATE DEMO DATA. - ADDED UTC TIME ZONE FRONT END. - UPDATE theme version in files. - UPDATE THEME DOCUMENTATION. - Overall Improvements & bugs fixes. VERSION 1.7 [DATED:06SEPTEMBER2019] - ADDED MAPBOX. - ADDED DEMO DATA. - ADDED Download App page. - ADDED More Menu\'s in main menu. - FIXED UTC Time Zone in Opening Time. - ADDED Shortcode in Olomo plugin. - Overall Improvements & bugs fixes. VERSION 1.6 [DATED:26JULY2019] - ADDED Android Mobile App. - ADDED Direct App Download from Website. - ADDED APP SETUP from Theme Option. - ADDED RTL version along with Hebrew language. - ADDED DEMO DATA. - ADDED Public Profile URL on Listing Detail Page. - ADDED ON/OFF option for Public profile. - ADDED List/Grid view on Public Profile Page along with last activity seen. - ADDED Listing Date on Detail Page. - ADDED Total number of Views on Listing Detail Page. - ADDED CLAIMED button on Listing Detail Page. - ADDED My Other Listings Section on Listing Detail Page. - ADDED OFFERS section on Listing Detail Page. - ADDED UTC Time Zone in Opening Time. - ADDED HEBREW Language .PO and .MO file for language translation for theme. - FIXED Validation Error on Submit Listing Page. - FIXED Dashboard Active/Pending/Expired Listing. - Fixed Search Filter for language translations. - UPDATE POT and .PO/.MO files for plugins. - UPDATE THEME DOCUMENTATION. - UPDATE theme version in files. - Overall Improvements & bugs fixes. Version- 1.5 [DATED: 22APRIL2019] - Added Publicly show email on each Listing Detail Page. - Added Magnifier Glass Image on Listing Gallery Slider Images. - Added Services Section Hide Automatically if no data exists. - Added Listing Email from Front End Members too. - Updated theme version in files. - Overall Improvements & bugs fixes. Version- 1.4 [Dated- 14December2018] - Compatible with Latest WordPress version 5.X.X - Add Update version of WPBakery plugin. - Add instruction DOCUMENTATION for Create a Child Theme. - Add instruction DOCUMENTATION for Language Translator both Front & Back End. Version- 1.3.1 [Dated- 06November2018] - Added Arabic Languages .PO and .MO files in plugins and theme package. - Added Single Listing design style 2 banner image. - Add Update version of WPBakery plugin. - Alphabetic Order Location and Category in search filter. Version- 1.3.0 [Dated- 16October2018] - Improvements in Language translations. - Added .POT for Plugins. - Added .PO & .MO files for plugins. - Home Page 2 Search Filter Alignment Issue solved. Version- 1.3 [Dated- 24September2018] - Added Banners Dynamic on Pages. - Added Services Section on Listing Page. - Add, Edit, Delete Services option on Listing Page. - Add PayPal Payment Option on Services. - Service Payment Transaction email send to Admin, Author and User. - ADMIN have all services orders history at WP Admin Dashboard. Version- 1.2.2 [Dated- 11September2018] Add Child Theme. FIXED MAP MARKER ISSUE. Added RUSSIAN Language .PO and . MO files. Version- 1.2.1 [Dated- 24August2018] Fixed CSS issues on search filter. Fixed responsive issues. Added Down Arrow.png image in search filter plugin. Added video in DOCUMENTS for Google MAP API and Theme installation video. Version- 1.2 [Dated- 30July2018] Added - Make it Featured Listing for Front End User\'s on Submit Your Listing page. Added - Make it Featured Listing option in Plans/Packages. Added - Choose Multiple Category for listing on Submit Your Listing page. Added on Dashboard- Total Number of Views on active listing. Added on Dashboard- Account Delete Option for front end User\'s. Added on SignUp- Check Box: I agree to the Terms & conditions. **Added - NEW Advanced Search Filter Plugin, Here are Features: - Search By Title - Category - Open or Closed - Price range slider - Auto Complete Google Address - Rating Range Slider - Search by locations - Tags or Keywords Added - Claim Listing Button on Listing details page. Added - Admin can TRANSFER LISTING to any user account. Version- 1.1 [Dated- 11July2018] Added - Maps shows results based on visitors IP only country wise. Added - Manage Map results by Theme Options in Map Settings: Select Map Options by Visitor IP / All Listings. Version- 1.0.2 [Dated- 06July2018] Send Message, Email to Friend and Report Fixed on single listing detail page. Add/Edit Business Hours Fixed. Auto Complete Google Address (Page-\"Submit Your Listing\") working. Google Map working on Single Listing detail Page Spelling mistake on Submit Your Listing Page. Image Upload Issue fixed in Safari. Version- 1.0.1 [Dated- 21June2018] Search Page google map and cluster fixed. Home Page 3 google map and cluster fixed. Version- 1.0 [Dated- 14June2018] ADDED .POT File Ready. ADDED Languages are available in Italian, French, Spanish and Germany .PO & .MO file is ready. ADDED 3 Types of Header Styles. ADDED 4 Types of Footer Styles. ADDED 3 Types of Listing Page Layout. Search Page CSS issue fixed. THEME INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION VIDEO ADDED WELL DOCUMENTATIONBuy and Download
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