MyHash - Encrypt & Decrypt Text Online - Firebase Version (Production Ready)

Description MyHash is a powerful tool for encrypt & decrypt text online with 20 hash / encrypt / encode functions, build with Vue.js 3 & Google Firebase. Features List of supported functions: Hash MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA3 SHA512 Hmac HmacMD5 HmacSHA1 HmacSHA256 HmacSHA512 Ciphers AES DES TripleDES Rabbit PBKDF2PBKDF2 Encoders Base64 Hex Latin1 Utf16 Utf16LE Utf8 Change Log v2.0.0 - 10 Jul 21 - Version 2 first release. v1.2.0 - 20 Oct 19 - Add: shows transition effect when user switches tabs. - Update all packages & improve performance. - Update document. v1.1.2 - 7 Aug 19 - Update all packages & improve performance. - Update: update document. - Update: bootstrap v4.0.0 -> v4.3.1 - Change: class \"card-block\" to \"card-body\". v1.1.1 - 11 Feb 18 - Update all packages & improve performance. v1.1.0 - 4 Jul 17 - Update all packages & improve performance. - Add: recent encryption. - Fixed: decrypt hash string. v1.0.0 - 7 Jan 17 - First release.Buy and Download
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