Multi Categories Web Design Template for Startups - Sketch Template

  Multi Categories Landing Pages Sketch Templates     Multi Categories Landing Pages Sketch Templates dedicated for Creative Agency, Food Order or Restaurent, Car Buy & Sell, Explore Travel and Fashion E commerce Shopping Store Including 5 Best Quality Landing pages List of Files: 1. multi-categories-landing-pages.sketch (including 5 Templates)       5 Layered Sketch File Designed in 1600px Circular Std & Playfair Display, Josefin_Sans and Yanone_Kaffeesatz Font Easy to edit Fully Vector Icons Unique Design So much more…   1.1 Car Buy & Sell 1.2 Food Order or Restaurant 1.3 Creative Agency or Business 1.4 Explore Travel Packages 1.5 E-commerce Shopping Store   How to use sketch file You just need to download some appropriate images from the image bank or given below links ( or ). Just place the images into sketch file. You can also edit any text, Navigation Menu, color or any font file by double click and change the same. Make sure your image sizes are as per the mentioned sizes in the sketch file. You can also download the trial version of sketch from here.     Sketch version 46+     Font Used You need to install fonts below before editing the sketch files (you can find them inside the zip file) circular st playfair display Josefin_Sans Yanone_Kaffeesatz   Graphic Used Many thanks for these great images to:     Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the website template and NOT included in the final purchase files.Buy and Download
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