Mega Able Bootstrap 4 & Angular 10 Admin Template

Description Mega Able Admin Template – is fully responsive admin template design & developed by Phoenixcoded. Detailed Features Dashboard Dashboard Version 1 Dashboard Version 2 Dashboard Version 3 Dashboard Version 4 Widget 100 + Widgets Page Layouts Static Layout Header and Sidebar fixed Sidebar Sticky Header fixed Menu Horizontal Menu Horizontal with icon Header Horizontal fixed Header Horizontal with icon fixed Footer fixed Bottom Menu fixed Mega Menu UI Elements Accordion Button Button FAB Label Badge Grid System Box Shadow Color Draggable Light Box List Nestable Notification Panel-Wells Preloader Range-Slider Rating Slider Tabs Tree View Tour Tooltips Typography Card Footer Footer Center Foother Right Other – Breadcrumbs, Pager etc.. Template UI Contact Card Contact Details Animation Dynamic Grid Generic Grid Grid Stack Modal Portlets Sticky Icon Font-Awesome icons Material Design icons Simple Line icons Ion icons Ico Fonts icons Weather icons Typ icons Flags Charts & Maps E-Charts Chart Js List Charts Float Charts Know Charts Morris Charts nvd3 Charts Peity Charts Radial Charts Rickshaw Charts Sparkline Charts c3Chart Charts Google Map Vecator Map Forms Form Elements Bootstrap Form Elements Material Form Elements Advance Form Wizard Form Masking Form Validation X-Editable File Upload Image Cropper Tables Basic Tables Data Tables Resposive Tables Editable Tables Foo Tables Auth Pages Registration/Signup 2 version Login/Signup with Modal Login 2 version Forgot Password Pages One Landing Page – Front end Page Error pages version 6 Sample page Invoice Blog Blog Detail Search result 2 version Task Task List Task Board Task Detailed Issue List Email Inbox Compose Read Mail 10+ Email Templates Apps To do Advance Chat with separate window CK Editor wysiwyg Editor Ace Editor CRM pages CRM Dashboard CRM Contact E-Commerce Product Product Detail Product List Product Edit Social Social Profile Social Timeline Wall Message Extra Timeline Maintenance Comming Soon Profile Pricing Full Calendor 4 Menu Level Updates 05-08-2020 ----------------- - Angular 10 Release - No Change in Bootstrap Vesion 30-01-2019 -v1.2 ------------------- - Release Angular 7 compatible version 19-03-2018 -v1.1 ----------------------- - Seperate folder for Angular CLI v1.5.0 & v1.7.3 - New Release for CLI v1.7.3 supported - Properly parse CSS variables that begin with interpolation - Generate correct source maps for main scss - Ripple effect on Menu Structure - Add more advance widget - fix bug: real time charts - effective navigation and breadcrumbs add - fix bug: basic alert - fix bug: responsive tabs options - add bootstrap cards and color cards - fix bug: datatable responsive - New Added Modules:- - proper star, bar, square rating - slider, range slider and scale slider - effective and proper landing page - email inbox with mail compose - and most important setup easy interface documentation 31-01-2018 - Release v1.0 ------------------------------------ - Release v1.0 InitiallyBuy and Download
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