Magento 2 Commonwealth Bank CommWeb

Commonwealth Bank CommWeb extension develops on magento 2 for payment gateway. After customers choose payment method on website, it will be redirected to payment gateway and make payment. After paying successfully on payment gateway, it will redirect to shop’s website and then update status for order. Features: - Support Merchant Server API (2-Party Payments) – collect card details directly in your checkout, post directly. - Support Hosted Server (3-Party Payments) – redirect to collect card details. - Support MiGS. - Support MPGS. - Support 3D Secure - Support Secure Hash Type SHA256. - Support Refund online payment transaction - No empty cart on cancel - Can create invoice, sends order - Easy to install and setup, it can input MerchantId, AccesCode and Secure Secret in magento admin - Capture new sales by enabling your website. - Can change the logo or payment description in magento backend - Compatible with Magento Community and Enterprise 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x - Very Easy Installation & Configure Changelog updated: + Fix issue terms and condition for hosted payment method updated: + Fix issue and compatible on magento 2.4.x ver. 1.0.2 updated: + Add new feature to validate billing address + Fix issue with more currency in the merchant ver. 1.0.1 updated: Validate response code to update order status in Hosted Payment ver. 1.0.0 updated: Fix when database use Prefix tableBuy and Download
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