Lush - Music Band & Musician WordPress Theme

Lush is a complete solution for everybody in the music industry. If you are a jazz master, punk rocker, soprano singer, piano player, band manager or even a webmaster, this premium theme is for you. We build this theme with a vision: How can we design a beautiful website dedicated to multiple music lovers that will always looks beautiful and unique? The answer is in Lush Music WordPress Theme. View Changelog Music WordPress Theme Overview Credits: - - - - - Zoltan Szirmai ( - Engin Asil ( - Robin Lambrecht ( - Michael Thompson ( - Jessica Branstetter ( - Montecruz foto ( - Green poster by Sarah Mulligan ( - Yellow poster by Spablab ( - Accoustic poster by Room122 ( UPDATES: V.2.9.20- August 7th 2023 - Updated: Slider Revolution to 6.6.16 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 7.0 - Fix compatibility with \"Local Google Fonts\" plugin - Change the way to download googlefont V.2.9.19- July 25th 2023 - Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to 6.6.14 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.13.0 - Updated: FontAwesome to 6.4.0 V.2.9.18- April 17th 2023 - Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to 6.6.12 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.10.0 - Fixed: Page backgound issue since php 8 - Fixed: Custom post types Title translation issue - Fixed: Photo Gallery Image position tool broken since ACF update. - Fixed: Issue when we scroll with the Hover Box V.2.9.17- December 07th 2022 - Fixed: Lush theme options loading issue. - Fixed: Parallax issue V.2.9.16- September 06th 2022 - Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to 6.5.31 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.9.0 - Updated: Iron Demo Importer plugin to 1.8 - Fixed: Video Background autoplay issue. - Fixed: Woocommerce product title alignment issue on the shop page - Fixed: Hide title option issue - Fixed: Replace deprecated PHP function - Fixed: Lush theme options loading issue. - Include ACF Options UPDATES: V.2.9.15- April 06th 2021 - Updated: Slider Revolution to 6.4.6 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 6.6.0 - Updated: ACF Pro 5.9.5 - Fixed: PHP error on PHP8 V.2.9.14- December 08th 2020 - Now compatible with WordPress 5.6 - Fixed: jQuery warnings for WP 5.6 - Updated: Slider Revolution to 6.3.2 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 6.4.2 V.2.9.13- November 04th 2020 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 6.4.1 - Updated: Lush Documentation V.2.9.12- September 16th 2020 - Updated: Slider Revolution to 6.2.23 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 6.4.0 - Fixed: WPBakery CSS Animations issue V.2.9.11- August 19th 2020 - Add Poppins Google font - Fixed: Deprecated JS code (required on wordpress 5.5) - Updated: WPBakery page Builder Plugin to 6.2 - Updated: Revolution Slider Plugin to 6.2.21 (required on wordpress 5.5) V.2.9.10- January 30th 2020 - Fixed: Footer issue with Elementor - Updated: WPBakery page Builder Plugin to 6.1 V.2.9.9- November 26th 2019 - Updated: Woocommerce template - Remove Deprecated Envato Toolkit library updaters - Fixed Mobile audio player style issue - Fixed Gallery PHP error V.2.9.8- February 28th 2019 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 5.7 - Updated: Slider Revolution to V.2.9.7- January 2th 2019 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 5.6 - fixed: Child theme - Removed: Deprecated Favicon theme option V.2.9.6- October 24th 2018 - Updated: WPBakery Page Builder to 5.5.5 - Updated: Slider Revolution to 5.4.8 - Updated: Iron-demo-Impoter to 1.4 - Fix issues with php 7.2x - Single album store buttons now open in a new tab V.2.9.5- May 22th 2018 - Updated: Slider Revolution to (Instruction: To update the plugin, go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install the plugin. You won\'t loose anything.) V.2.9.4- March 12th 2018 - Updated: WPBackery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) to 5.4.7 (Instruction: To update the plugin, go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install the plugin. You won\'t loose anything.) - Update WooCommerce template to be compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.1 V.2.9.3- November 17th 2017 - Updated: WPBackery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) to 5.4.4 (Instruction: To update the plugin, go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install the plugin. You won\'t loose anything.) - Updated: Revolution Slider to (Instruction: To update the plugin, go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install the plugin. You won\'t loose anything.) V.2.9.2- September 5th 2017 - Fix minor issue footer.php where php warning was shown from V 2.9.1 V. – September 2nd 2017 - Removed deprecated functions of VC. V.2.9.1 – September 1st 2017 - Updated: Iron Demo Importer to version 1.2 - Updated: Visual Composer to 5.2.1 - Updated Revolution Slider to - Updated: Nmedia Mailchimp plugin is deprecated and is replaced by the powerful plugin: MailChimp for WordPress - Updated: Documentation on how to import the demos * To update the plugins, go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and re-install the plugin. You won\'t loose anything. V.2.9 – April 21th 2017 - Updated Revolution Slider to 5.4.1 - Updated Visual Composer to 5.1.1 - Refactored for WooCommerce 3.* - Fixed parallax on Firefox - Fixed Object background for Internet explorer - Added an option on Event section to redirect on external link V.2.8 – January 27th 2017 - Updated FontAwesome 4.7.0 - Adding BandCamp for FontAwesome - Adding the feature \"image Header\" to all custom post type - Adding the option \"disable row\" in Visual Composer - Fixed an issue with the tab element and the pageable container - Fixed an issue with browsers not supporting media-object-fit css property V.2.7.1 – July 6th 2016 - Fixed a issue when on theme activation when there was no option saved. - Fixed a issue with custom style and WPML V.2.7 – June 20th 2016 - Updated Visual Composer to version 4.12 - Updated Revolution Slider to version - Refactored and fixed the Twitter Widget. You will have to set your own Twitter API keys to make the twitter feed working again. - Refactored the demo importer with Unyson Framework for better performance - Updated TGMPA - Fixed an issue with WP 4.5.x where custom-style is not loaded when permalinks are set to \"base\" - Fixed issue with wp_enqueue - Fixed parallax issue - Removed php warning and notice V.2.6 – April 15th 2016 - Fixed WordPress 4.5 compatibility with Visual Composer and Javascript - Fixed menu width on some mobile devices - Fixed broken logo for people using https - Updated Visual Composer to version 4.11.2 (Go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and install the new plugin) - Updated Revolution Slider to version (Go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and install the new plugin) V.2.5 – February 15th 2016 - Added Sidekick 2.6.8 - Real-time, voice-guided WordPress training and support straight from your dashboard V. – February 06th 2016 - Fix issue with background color of widgets since v2.4 V.2.4 – February 2nd 2016 - Added settings in typography to change the text size of the page banners for desktop, tablet and mobile - Added word-break: break-word for H1 title - Fixed an issue regarding the parallax effect when the page is reloaded while scrolling down the page. The background-position was miscalculated - Fixed display issue on the MP3 player when you had long titles - Fixed conflict when using an ID named Events - Fixed display issue when you have only 2 menu items with short names - Fixed the back to top button - Lush now comes with a .pot file to easily translate your theme - Fixed the retina logos - Updated WooCommerce template V.2.3.5 – December 07th 2015 - Fix menu slider for one-pager - Fix Google Font domain with best practice V.2.3.4 – November 19th 2015 - Fix page banner conflict with page background image. V.2.3.3 – November 18th 2015 - Updated Visual Composer to 4.8.1 - Fixed the VC Text block where Wysiwyg and text editor was hidden. - Updated the Special Header with parallax background - Fixed full background issues that was chopped at the top of the page. - Fixed the VC Tab module is now fully working. - Added CSS -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; on the body V.2.3.2 – October 07th 2015 - Minor adjustment that fix background and parallax header for people who installed version 2.3.1 V.2.3.1 – October 07th 2015 - Updated Visual Composer to 4.7.4 - New ! Banner header option for pages with parallax ! You can find this option when you edit your pages (Wp-Admin>Pages>Edit your page) - Improved the SmoothScroll effect for a smoother experience ! V.2.3 – September 15th 2015 - Updated Visual Composer to 4.7 - Updated Revolution Slider to 5.0.6 (Major update) - Fix error call on mobile where some files where 404 not found - Update WooCommerce template to be compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.6 - Fix title for video archive (all categories) - Moving old plugins for backup, if you want to use the old plugins they are located in \"Lush/includes/plugins/old\" V.2.2.10 – June 19th 2015 - Update Visual Composer to 4.5.3 V.2.2.9 – April 15th 2015 - Fixed images in revolution slider, iphone/mobile - Fixed header on mobile - Fixed demo import - Fixed placeholders in setup - Fixed arrows in primetime - Fixed css in WooCommerce child section - Fixed security issues related to add_query_arg/remove_query_arg - Fixed padding issues in VC - Added post-type priority - Added style on container - Added button on page event page - Updated TGM to 2.4.2 - Updated Visual Composer to 4.5.1 - Updated Revolution Slider to 4.6.93 - Removed outline on player - Removed unnecessary WooCommerce override - Removed shadow on text menu V.2.2.8 – February 09th 2015 - Fixed scroll issue on android / chrome - Fixed scroll to section issue on mobile V.2.2.7 – January 16th 2015 - Updated Visual Composer to v4.3.5 / Fixed bugs on WP 4.1 - Updated Slider Revolution to v.4.6.5 - Updated jPlayer to v2.9.2 - Ajaxified demo import V.2.2.6 – January 09th 2015 - Optimized theme options / demo import V.2.2.5 – November 25th 2015 - Added button widget - Fixed css discography & mediablocks - Fixed video grid bug chrome V.2.2.4 – November 12th 2014 - Fixed archive.php child theme support - Updated Slider Revolution to 4.6.3 - Added possibility to remove row padding on small and medium screens V.2.2.3 – October 23th 2014 - Update Visual Composer to v.4.3.4 - Update jPlayer to v.2.6.0 - Enhanced Parallax Options - Added row overlays and patterns - Fixed scroll to section section id - Fixed background images on mobile - Fixed issue with page scroll on tab click - Added single shop page title option - Added auto loop to audio player - Update back to top animation - Added theme panel Menu Options V.2.2.2 – August 22th 2014 - Added option to change hot links colors - Fixed 404 error on past event pages V.2.2.1 – August 14th 2014 - Fixed media library issue V.2.2 – August 13th 2014 - Updated jPlayer.swf - Added events settings options - Added hide logo on scroll option - Fix events order on single page sidebars - Radio Widget - Added show playlist option - Format single album release date to inherit wordpress date settings. - Added visual composer custom button widget - Added visual composer single event widget - Added Categories to Discographies V.2.1.1 – July 25th 2014 - Fix css breakpoint page albums pour iPad - Fix iPhone 5 slider photo - Added lightbox transition option - Added a label option for the button - Added option to enable footer newsletter on homepage only V.2.1.0 – July 17th 2014 - Added Envato Automatic Theme Updater V.2.0.9 – July 14th 2014 - Event: Dont show time when it\'s unselected in the admin. - Event: Include event city in the post. Include Venue in events list. - Discography: Include the release date on the discography single page. - Update Visual Composer 4.2.3 (newest version) + Slider Revolution (newest version) V.2.0.8 – June 19th 2014 - Added Row ID field to visual composer rows that can be used for navigation.
Ex: if you enter \"work\" then you can add a custom link to the menu as follow: \"#work\". Once this link is clicked, the page will be scrolled to that specific section. V.2.0.7 – June 16th 2014 - Fixed redux group field order V.2.0.6 – June 04th 2014 - Updated Visual Composer to v4.2.2 V.2.0.5 – May 26th 2014 - Updated ACF to v4.3.5-13 V.2.0.4 – May 22th 2014 - Fix single event bug - Added countdown localisation compatible with WPML - Updated fontAwesome to v4.1.0 - Added body and menu typography V.2.0.3 – May 12th 2014 - Fixed bug with errors showing on theme activation V.2.0.2 – May 07th 2014 - Added menu toggle icon on / off option - Added \"Is Menu\" option to header hot links - Added page settings to all post types singles V.2.0.1 – April 02nd 2014 - Fix header hot links - Fix form styles V.2.0 – April 29th 2014 - WooCommerce - Fully Supported - Fixed revolution slider default data import - Fixed Newsletter options - Added top menu options V.1.0.1 – April 23th 2014 - Clean up unused code - Added single post thumbnail options for each single - Updated Visual Composer to 4.1.2 - Fixed video widget categories filter - Added \"if exists\" validation to header logos - Fix Contact 7 Form stylesBuy and Download
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