Leo Postmail Professional Email Template for any E-commerce PrestaShop

All-in-one Professional Email Template for any E-commerce PrestaShop Are you looking for the new appearances & impression of email transaction? And the default email template is not satisfied with you. Don’t worry about this. Our Leo Postmail PrestaShop Email Template is developed for you. WHAT MAKES LEO NOIR PRESTASHOP THEME FASHION SPECIAL? #1. Professional Leo Postmail Prestashop Email Template Firstly, Leo Postmail, a modern & intuitive email template, is designed and developed to fit any of your business goals in communicating with clients. #2. 34+ Useful Built-in Email Templates In order to provide you with a professional way to contact or connect with your clients throughout your business, Leo Post mail is born with 34+ available email Template modelings for diversified business purposes as Download, Order, Account Confirm, Order, Payment, Contact, Order Cancel, Password, ... #3. Fully Responsive On Any Devices It ’s also fully responsive, unlimited customization on the intuitive interface that makes Leo Postmail stand out the other email templates in the market. #4. Polish Brand & Store With Professional Communication Tool By changing logo at email, you can advertise your shop brand & communicate customers via email. #5. Flexible Email Content Position Editor If you want to edit any part of email template your store in own style, Leo Postmail allows to customize premade style for Header, General, Content, Footer & Social. #6. Customize As You Want (Images, Texts, Colors, Fonts..) With Leo Postmail PrestaShop Theme Email, you totally customize template as you want for your unique store design. It’s easy to change Image, Edit Text, Colors, Fonts, … #7. Rtl & Multiple Languages Support As PrestaShop default, Multi-languages are supported in email: English, France, Germany, Spanish, etc. #8. Social Network In Email Social media accounts can be integrated into the emails. Here are some social network available: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, PInterest, .... #9. Easily Change Image Header & Background Image This beautiful Email template let to change header image for email. This template also allows to import image background for email. #10. Time-saving & Cost-saving Just pay money one time only! No need to hire developers or third-party to design template. With Leo Postmail PrestaShop Email Template. #11. One-click Installation You can easily & quickly import template for email by 1 click installation. All available designs are imported instantly for your store. #12. Powerful Management Email Template At Admin This template is easy to use & manage. Admin has full permission on editing, managing template. What this product does for you: with this email template, you can: Polish your brand and store’s image with a professional communication tool Self-customize to have a template that fits your shop Save money and time as My Store is available with almost all types of email for your business Increase your store’s reliability Broaden your community by the visual social links at the bottom of the email template Change log: Version 1.1(May 11, 2020) Compatible Prestashop 1.7, 1.6 [Fix] Fix the error displayed on the outlook (May 11, 2020) ====================================================== Prestashop 1.0 (+) Compatible: Prestashop 1.6.x, 1.7.6.x (+) Add newBuy and Download
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