Karenderia Single Restaurant Website Food Ordering and Restaurant Panel

Merchant Panel    Website    Notice : To test ordering please use Los angeles as address – Version: 1.0.3 – Last update: June 22, 2023 Important notice 1.0.3 version requires karenderia 1.0.8 update Notice to buyer : this is addon for Karenderia Multiple Restaurant System, you need to purchase KMRS for this website app to work. Join our community at https://community.bastisapp.com/ – Video tutorials Single Restaurant Addon Installation https://youtu.be/aE6EnxRR9pw Single Restaurant Build Guide https://youtu.be/Gagh34gltII Single Restaurant Build Live https://youtu.be/2RqXZGxstHI Localization https://youtu.be/jzmwDIPuMBg Version 1.0.3 – 22 June 2023 update - compatible with kmrs version 1.0.8 fixed - RTL to use language rtl options remove - RTL button on header menu update - addon min and maximum selection update - commission/merchant earnings computations update - session to local storage for user login Version 1.0.2 – 15 April 2023 new - upload profile photo new - RTL new - add options to make addon as checkbox instead of image fixed - forgot password fixed - remove address when merchant has no delivery services fixed - remove address in checkout page if transaction type is not delivery fixed - language bar on top when mobile view fixed - multi options addons limit Version 1.0.1 – 17 January 2023 fixed - issue in product page not showing addons and ingredients fixed - issue on facebook login fixed - issue on tax missing fixed - add to favorites if not login fixed - paypal payment decimal fixed - tips showing even disabled in merchant panel fixed - if has no banner uploaded fixed - make banner clicikable fixed - tracking link for single app fixed - reviews not showing anonymous fixed - check if merchant is open fixed - service list by merchant fixed - out of range when changing transaction type fixed - multiple transaction list fixed - forgot password fixed - download PDF fixed - add language code for captcha fixed - custom page new - item to be open as popup new - require cooking reference new - pre selected ingredients new - item not for sale new - mapbox new - cash change new - cash maximum amount new - table reservations new - about us page new - tips percentage or fixed new - localization or translation Version 1.0.0 – 16 May 2022 - Initial Release.Buy and Download
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