JustDo - Angular 10 Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template

JustDo Angular Admin Template The JustDo Angular admin template is developed based on the latest version of Angular framework by using the Bootstrap framework, SASS, HTML5, and CSS. This admin template guarantees a fine user experience on both desktop and mobile devices due to its high responsiveness. The customization is relatively simpler since SASS preprocessor is used for the styling of JustDo template. This cross-browser compatible template is a suitable candidate for designing CMS, CRS, application backend, admin dashboard, and several other web apps. The code of JustDo Angular admin template can be easily comprehended, as it is simple, well-commented, and clean. Users will not be charged for the future updates of the JustDo Angular admin template. Prominent Features of The JustDo Bootstrap Admin Template Responsive Design Simple, modern, and user-friendly design Well-commented and well-documented Cross Browser Compatibility UI Elements Accordions Buttons Badges Breadcrumbs Dropdowns Modals Progress Bar Pagination Tabs Typography Tooltips Advanced UI elements Dragula Clipboard Context Menu Sliders Carousel Loaders Form Elements Basic Elements Advanced Elements Validation Wizard Charts ChartJs Morris Chartists Editors Text Editors Code Editors Tables Data table Basic table Popups Notifications Icons Flag icons Mdi icons Font Awesome Simple line icons Themify icons Maps Google Map User Pages Login Login 2 Register Register 2 Lockscreen Error Pages 500 404 General Pages Blank Page Profile FAQ FAQ 2 News Grid Timeline Search Results Portfolio E-Commerce Orders Pricing Table Invoice E-mail Calendar To-do ListBuy and Download
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