IronBand - Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme

IronBand™ is the perfect WordPress theme for bands, musicians and DJs. Everything is in the details. The design is unique and comes with layered PSD. The theme includes all major features: Events & Gigs, HTML5 audio Player, YouTube Videos, News, Discography, Photos and Biography and even a Booking section. Everything’s there. Fans will be able to follow you on all major social media including SoundCloud, Vimeo, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. You can also add your own social media. With IronBand™, customize what you want and how you want it. Using our control panel, there are thousand ways to make the look and feel as you want it. You will be able to customize every little pieces from fonts, colors, sizes, and background images easily using our control panel. After all, we have designed this theme for you. If your sound is unique, you website should be. We got it! Oh yeah ! Finally, this site is responsive and it kicks ass ! View the live responsive demo If you like this theme, please don’t forget to rate it What people said about it: “Bought it right away, and playing with it right now. SUCH a great theme !—matsbox” “Absolute quality work here!—hughkingkartel” “My thanks for such a great theme—Luther92” “About your customer services: You are awesome!—CharlzWllt” “Worked perfectly – thank you for all your wonderful support—Usnraver!” “Thank you so much ! I love your theme, very intuitive and good skills !—JulienCotel” *Images (except the background images and icons) are not included in the download file. See credits below. Features Fully responsive Easy options and control panel Thousand ways to change the look and feel ! Option to have different background images on each pages WPML Ready Made with HTML5 & CSS3 Fontawesome used for icons Smoooooth Scrolling MP3 Player Amazing Revolution Slider included ! Fully working AJAX/PHP/MySQL newsletter form Easy Mailchimp Integration Work with social medias Clean & Layered PSD Included! Live Twitter Feed Working Newsletter form Commented HTML5 & CSS code Good documentation Credits: Revolution Slider – Nicescroll – Google Font – Oswald – jQuery Quicksand – Photos Credits: (Photos are not included) Updates / Changelog V.2.1.6 – 12.13.2021 Update ACF and ACF to 5.9.5 for PHP 8 compatibility Update ACF-Addon Widget Area to v5 Fix deprecated php code since PHP 8 Fix Player issue on IOS Fix carousel style issue Fix JS message error related to the missing allmobile.css file V.2.1.5 – 12.11.2020 Fix grid template issue V.2.1.4 – 12.08.2020 Now compatible with WordPress 5.6 Fix jQuery warnings for WP 5.6 V.2.1.3 – 08.19.2020 Fixed Ironband options issues on wordpress 5.5 Fixed double click issue to open submenu on mobile Fixed deprecated JS and PHP code V.2.1.2 – 04.26.2019 Fixed googlefonts loading issue Fixed background image issue Fixed form dropdown issue Removed Favion theme option. We have to use the native wordpress option. V.2.1.1 – 07.27.2018 Added the theme translation file .POT Fixed woocommerce template issue Update FontAwesome to 4.7.0 V.2.1 – 06.14.2016 Refactored and fixed the Twitter feed Widget. You will have to set your own Twitter API keys to make the twitter feed working again. More info here: Update WooCommerce templates. Fixed minor issue for PHP 5.6.x V.2.0.3 – 12.01.2016 Fix demo importation error if import folder does not exist Fix issue where people had to activate woocommerce plugin to make the theme work V.2.0.2 – 14.09.2015 WooCommerce template to be compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.6 Fix widget Widget_Recent_Posts Widget now show the related category with the correct number of posts, and fix the stripos() php error. Fix browser title for shop pages V.2.0.1 – 22.05.2015 Updated WooCommerce to 2.3.8. All templates are up to date Fixed dropdown “Country” on WooCommerce Now Retina ready ! Added retina css for logos in the header and footer Updated CSS for dropdown and checkboxes in forms Updated TGM to 2.5 V.2.0 – 17.12.2014 Integrated WooCommerce V.1.7.0 – 14.08.2014 Fix contact form dropdowns Fix slider arrows on mobile Add option to show / hide post author Add option to show / hide breadcrumbs Fix radio player on some browser versions V.1.6.9 – 16.06.2014 Fixed redux group field order V.1.6.8 – 02.06.2014 Updated Redux Backend Font Awesome to 4.1.0 Added a category filter to the Recent Posts widget V.1.6.7 – 29.05.2014 Updated Font Awesome to 4.1.0 Fixed single post image original width V.1.6.6 – 29.04.2014 Added get_content() to archive-photo template MailChimp Fix and update to v2.0 Added Facebook page url option for the like button to work Fixed social networks custom icons Fixed Redux upload field bug Updated Advanced Custom Fields Added Responsive On / Off option V.1.6.5 – 16.04.2014 Added post archive default template option (List / Grid) Added featured image options within each single post Revamped ajax pagination system Moved the contact options from theme panel to the contact template it self. NB: This will break the existing page. You will need to enter your contact info within the contact page it self Fixed breadcrumbs bug Fixed scheduled gigs 404 page. NB: You will need to edit and re-save each scheduled gig in order to make it work Fixed newsletter widget when used within a sidebar zone Support get_content within all archive templates. Fixed child theme redirection bug when saving theme options V.1.6.4 – 04.04.2014 Fixed child theme style path Added category filter to photos template Added single page for gigs Added Upcoming / Past Gigs filter to gigs page template / widget Updated Font Awesome to 4.0.3 Updated Theme Options Updated Social Media theme options to support multiple entries Updated Contact Page custom fields V.1.6.3 – 12.03.2014 Added a setting for single post to show the featured image in Full width / Original Size / None Added 2nd level menu support to the mobile Added child theme support Added caption to the photo section in the lightbox Fixed Mailchimp newsletter ajax call Fixed an issue regarding the footer in the single video post Reduced presets background quality for faster page load V.1.6.2 – 05.03.2014 Updated default data import system. Now imports directly from our live server V.1.6.1 – 11.11.2013 Widget-Ready! Fixed Media Manager disabling image selection; related to mismatched paths with included Advanced Custom Fields. Updated Advanced Custom Fields to 4.3.0 Updated ACF Repeater Field to 1.1.0 V.1.6 – 31.10.2013 Widget-Ready! Deprecated Homepage Blocks in favor of WordPress Widgets. Deprecated the following theme options : sidebar_for_posts, sidebar_for_videos, newsletter_label Removed the following theme options : post_type_label, radio_playlist_label, twitter_widget_label, posts_widget_label, gigs_widget_label, videos_widget_label, twitter_username Refactored all static widgets into proper, albeit basic, WordPress Widgets. Calls-to-action are managed by Widget Areas instead of Home Page, under Theme Options. Customizable widget area for the foot of your site; where the newsletter module used to be. Each Post, Page, and Video, now has a customizable widget area (either left, right, or disabled). Added custom widget that allows you to choose a taxonomy to display its terms. Started reorganizing style.css based on principles of idiomatic CSS. Improved CSS/JS of carousels, much more flexible. Implemented a CSS “panel” pattern for widgets and sidebar blocks. Cleaned up default data importation system; added setting up of widgets and sidebars. Added IronBand Theme Options to WordPress Toolbar. Theme Options : Renamed “Homepage Blocks” to “Home Page” Redux > Widget Area Select : Added field to select, including NULL, a widget area; similar to Menu Location Select. Redux > Menu Location Select : Cleaned up PHP syntax and added NULL option. Redux : Added Group Field. Redux > Background Field : Replaced jQuery UI Tooltip with Bootstrap Tooltip and Bootstrap Popover components to reduce theme conflicts with other jQuery UI components. V.1.5.1 – 18.10.2013 Gigs : Restored post_status and trimmed trailing whitespace. Gig > Single : Added blank target for ticket link. Breadcrumbs: If a static home page is assigned, use it’s title instead of “Home” jQuery Tweet : Added blank targets for all links. Fixed bug with redirect on settings update Fixed bug with theme deactivating on settings update Theme Setup : Trimmed trailing whitespace, cleaned up syntax and added exit after wp_redirect() called in iron_theme_activation() Taxonomies > Video + Photo : Changed taxonomies to hierarchical (like categories). Previously behaved like tags. ACF : Removed ACF fields for Video/Photo taxonomies. Using native WordPress meta box. Upgrade system now streamlined as a “version number”-oriented process rather than “feature detection” process. Integrated 1.4.1 migrations with additional fixes related to ACF field keys beeing forgotten from deletion process. Taxonomies : Enabled taxonomy meta boxes. Deleted previous code related to ACF drop down. Theme Options > Social Media > Facebook App ID : Update description of field Functions : Cleaned up syntax and trimmed trailing whitespace. Fixed WP_Query filters for Gigs Theme Options : Added text field for audio player call-to-action label. Added ZIP for Slider Revolution and requirement for TGM Plugin Activation Theme Options : Added field to select a slider from Slider Revolution. Disabled jQuery Slider Revolution Home > Slider : Updated function to use WordPress Slider Revolution instead of deprecated jQuery solution. CSS : Updated z-indexes to accomodate for WordPress Slider Revolution. Replaced Oswald web font with new version that includes all western characters and glyphs. CSS : Updated @font-face declaration for Oswald web font and all occurrences in document with proper styles. CSS : Simplified font-family declarations to use sans-serif and serif only since stacked fonts were system defaults. Home Page Blocks : Fixed widget labels for Gigs and Videos not displaying. Mixed up conditional order. Home Page Blocks : Standardized PHP structure for News, Gigs, and Videos, for future merger. JS : Revamped AJAX “Load More” Pagination. Fixed bug with header menu custom background color Home > Blocks : Fixed PHP Notices. Site Header : Balanced out widths between Logo, Slogan, and Quote to prevent layout breaks because sum was wider than container. Fix blockquote occurences to be semantic, as per HTML5 specification. Taxonomies : Added terms to post_class filter. Photos/Videos Grid : Refactored Quicksand implementation. Home > Slider : Fixed line height; Used a normalized EM unit and removed padding variation for smaller viewports because of EM advantage. Home > Slider : Activated fullWidth option to center image. JS : Replaced double-quotation marks with single-quotation marks where applicable. Home > Slider : Added extra media queries for caption font-size. Normalized font-sizes and line-height. Site Header : Updated markup and styles to justify and vertically center logo, slogan, and quote. Theme Options : Fixed typo for default Site Header quote. fixed bug with header menu custom background color Home > Slider : Improved CSS to support responsive measures. Photo/Video Grid : Improved width/height settings. Demo images too small. Video Grid : Replaced hovered label with video title. V.1.5 – 26.09.2013 Fixed bug with Infinite Scroll on Mobile Devices Gigs: Show past events if it’s still within the same day Gigs: Fixed bug with time not showing even if the option “Show time” is active. Home > Gigs : Fixed Gig links Fixed bug with “show at most” options Social Network : Added Instagram Discography > Single : Remove the title « Album Description » Discography > Single : Remove « Track Listing » if no tracks found Discography : Added “external link” field for albums Standardized Date/Time within templates Added an option to disable the fixed header on scroll Added an option to disable niceScroll Removed all color styles from the base style.css Create additional template pages for News and Videos, (List / Grid) Personalize blocks titles and call to action texts Dynamic Change-log updates within option panel Gigs: Added option to hide the date Gigs: Modified the look and feel Header Quote: Removed double quotes if quote is empty Added the plugin Google Analytics for Wordpress within the optional theme plugins V.1.4.3 – 16.09.2013 Fixed bug with page background colour overridden by default background Fixed gig link from homepage Post Types : Fixed typo on `supports` parameter V.1.4.2 – 15.09.2013 Fixed bug with gig dates on the home page Fixed bug with error showing on a category page Fixed custom post type thumbnail support V.1.4.1 – 14.09.2013 Content type carousels now fetch title from associated page template Added text fields to customize default playlist and Twitter block Added text fields to customize Gig calls to action Added text fields to customize Newsletter title and submit button Added blank image for default album thumbnail i18n : Replaced miused x() with _() Taxonomies : Cleaned up trailing whitespace and abuse of indentation Modified PHP syntax for post types to match taxonomy style Added option to configure number of slides to display on home page Globalized post_status and posts_per_page settings in pre_get_posts Archives : Removed Archive suffix from index titles related to wp_title. Reorganized the fields in the Content Type tab for better readability of options Added settings to control posts per page for each custom content type Comments : Fixed submit button to match color palette. Archive : Moved get_header() to top of file to prevent fallback loop from breaking the title. Archive > News : Swapped labels for Next and Previous links. Pagination > posts_nav_link : Fixed links to match color palette. Updated Advanced Custom Fields to 4.2.2 Fontello : Opera fails to fallback from FontAwesome to Fontello. Added CSS hack to target it and override its first webfont as Fontello. Gigs : Added title to events; Cleaner title output for Albums. Post Types : Added custom columns to all custom post types. Post Types : Improved display of URLs for Slideshows and Gigs. Taxonomies : Enabled display of taxonomy column for post types. Site Footer : Fixed layout of logo and social networks on palm-sized viewports. Gigs : Fixed & Centralized WP Querying Homepage Slider : Fixed PHP notice related to empty slides. Replaced query_posts with WP_Query. Added Individual Page Background Settings Updated jPlayer Plugin to v2.4.0 Added Newsletter export option Migrated Gigs dates to native WordPress post_date V.1.4 – 05.09.2013 Fixed bug with audio player V.1.3 – 04.09.2013 Fixed bug with nav menu / theme location Made sure to use native WordPress jQuery version Automatically assign pages to templates after importing default data Automatically assign content types within admin panel after importing default data V.1.2 – 30.08.2013 Added Wordpress native pagination support Now support 4 types of pagination Placed wp_head immediately before head closing tag Fixed minor bugBuy and Download
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