Ionic 4 Wordpress News App

This Ionic 4 Wordpress News App will help you create a mobile app for both iOS and Android within minutes. Built using the recommended best practices for Ionic 4 and Angular 8, the template gives a very rich native feel and optimized for fast responsiveness. Easily create a mobile app for your wordpress blog Convert your wordpress blog to a mobile app for iOS and Android using the Ionic 4 Wordpress News App. Earn Income using Google Admob Earn additional income from your blog by integrating Google Admob. We have already set it up all you need to do is insert your publisher ID and start earning Features your users will love Bookmarks Offline Mode Push Notifications Personalization and Settings Social Sharing Rate App Share App More Features Coming Soon (Free updates) Comments Related News Posts Local Notifications Deep Links Many more Documentation Take a look at the Documentation HereBuy and Download
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