HostSite - Hosting and Technology HTML + WHMCS Template

Changelog 18.01.2020 - Updated WHMCS Templates 30.03.2020 Fix - Removed bootstrap-grid.css from HTML (Grid already loaded in bootstrap.css) Fix - header background don\'t appear on IOS Improve - SVG loaded with svg-loader.js ( Now no server needed for show SVG in Chrome ) Improve - Removed webp images (unfortunately webmasters not ready for that feature now) Update from October 29 - Fixed LazyLoaded Images script Update from October 15 - Improved CSS structure - Google speed optimization - Updated Documentation Update from October 10, 2019 - Fixed bugs in Safari - Added theme-icons in typography - Refactoring icons.svg - Added documentation article on the usage of the SVG icons - Improved responsive for a table (pricing table) - Minified default js-files - Added uncompressed js-files folder - Deleted perfect-scroll plugin Update from October 07, 2019 - Disabled Parallax footer by default. ( Can be enabled. See more in the documentation. ) - Fixed sticky menu issue.Buy and Download
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