gGrowl Notification - Messages with Icons Plugin

It is an easy way to include responsive text, with more flexible and responsive code. With the ability to add a bunch of icons to give a serious, With the possibility of temporary activation or response to Mobile Event . Installation : Js : CSS : ICON : Basic Usage :\"hello world\") Theming : 14 thmes Notification Types : Success : $\'hello world\',{\'type\':\'Success\'}) Warning : $\'hello world\',{\'type\':\'Warning\'}) Error : $\'hello world\',{\'type\':\'Error\'}) API : show Function: $,Options) Options Configuration Object : message : undefined, // \'string\' icon : undefined, // \'string\' type : undefined, // \'string\' theme : \'themeDefault\', // \'string\' speed : 500, // \'int\' timeout : 3000, // \'int\' iconColor : undefined, // \'string\' mobileEvent : true, // \'bool\' position : \'bottom-right\', // \'string\' possible options are: \'top right\',\'bottom right\',\'top left\',\'bottom left\'Buy and Download
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