Garage Master - Garage Management System

URL: User Role   Username   Password   Customer Samuel123 Employee William123 Support Staff George123 Accountant James123 Note* The Plugin works best on Cpanel/WHM enabled hosting. Usage/installation on Nginx / Plesk is not recommended and we will not be able to provide support for the same.. Update History 20-01-2024 [Improvement] Added WhatsApp share button to the invoice and quotation list to send invoices and quotations directly on WhatsApp. [Bug] Fixed email send function 17-01-2024 Fixed installation wizard bugs. 08-01-2024 [Improvement] Added a patch to update the new package from the old one. [Improvement] Updated system design. [Improvement] Add a system requirement screen in the installation wizard. [Improvement] Add a colour picker in the \"Colors\" module. [Improvement] Add a stock management feature in the stock module. [Improvement] Introduced a delete feature for the Observation Library. [Bug] Fixed feature-related bugs to Observation Points in the Quotation & Jobcard module. [Bug] Fixed design and feature-related bugs. [Bug] Fixed PDF issues for other languages. 25-09-2023 [Bug] Fixed design and feature related bugs. 04-09-2023 -[Improvement] Update Documentation. - [Bug] Fixed Installation issues. 17-07-2023 [Improvement] Create sales invoice directly from list [Bug] Fixed design and feature-related bugs 04-07-2023 [Bug] fixed design and feature-related bugs 03-07-2023 [Improvement] Change some major designs on all pages [Improvement] Add a WhatsApp share button in the invoice and quotation list to send invoices and quotations directly on WhatsApp [Improvement] Add an image field in service creation to capture an image of the vehicle [Improvement] Create service invoice directly from the job card list [Bug] fixed design and feature-related bugs 06-06-2023 [Bug] Fixed Installation issues 19-05-2023 [Improvement] Display Customer Name in Vehicle List [Improvement] Display Vehicle in the Customer list [Bug] Fixed design and feature-related bugs 29-11-2022 [Bug] Fixed Invoice issues(Sale, Service, and Sale Part Invoice) [Bug] Fixed Jobcard module issues 29-09-2022 -[Improvement] Upgraded bootstrap version 3 to 5 [Improvement] Upgraded some library\'s versions to the latest [Bug] fixed design and feature-related bugs 13-07-2022 [[Improvement] Added fully responsive support for Android, iPhone device [Bug] Fixed PDF issues for other languages [Improvement] Added some extra languages in the general settings [Language List] English, Spanish, Greek, Arabic, German, Portuguese, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Hindi, Chinese (Simplified), Indonesian, Japanese, Czech, Polish, Persian, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Catalan, Danish, Romanian, Vietnamese, Estonian, Finnish, Hebrew (Israel), Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Urdu, Odia, Pushto, Hazaragi, Armenian, Slovenia, Azerbaijani, Haitian creole, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian, Khmer, Kannada, Nepali, Quechua, Albanian, Serbian, Swahili, Yoruba, Luxembourgish, Irish, Icelandic, Frisian, Samoan, Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Maltese, Castilian, Galician, Ukrainian, Slovak, Latvian, Somali, Punjabi, Sindhi, Kurdish, Kazak, Korean, Kyrgyz, Sesotho, Macedonian, Malagasy, Chichewa, Malay, Mongolian, Afrikaans, Kinyarwanda, Filipino, Xhosa, Suriname, Chinese (Mandarin), Tajik, Turkmen, Zulu 09-06-2022 -[Note] PHP version >= 8.0 is must required [Update] Upgraded Laravel framework version from 8 to 9 [Update] Updated package-related issues and fixed some dependency issues [Improvement] Added all middle east country\'s currencies in general settings [Improvement] Added print and PDF features in the quotation module [Improvement] Added some extra 20 languages in the general to make it more localized [Improvement] Allowed decimal number in tax module [Improvement] Added one extra field in the tax add module to store tax number [Improvement] Make repair category dynamic in service and job card module [Improvement] Added some improvements in the quotation module [Bug] Bugs fixed in the job card process and service [Bug] Soft delete issues fixed in all module [Bug] Solved language-related issues in all module [Bug] Solved issues in invoice module PDF and Print time 13-04-2022 [Bug] fixed some compact variable bugs that come in branch login [Improvement] added AED currency in general settings 24-05-2021 [Feature] Added multiple branching feature [Improvement] Fixing language input issue, inside a form field input support all languages listed inside (General Setting->Other setting tab->Language Selection) 27-04-2021 [Improvement] Made changes in validation to store other languages data in the database [Feature] Added Washbay feature in jobcard and service process [Improvement] JS Code clean inside all UI files [Improvement] Language support for all alert messages [Bug] Fixed Custom filed validation rules (Inside all Modules) [Improvement] make some unnecessary fields optional in some modules 30-03-2021 [Feature] Improved custom field module with radio and checkbox controles [Improvement] Added steps wizard on dashboard to guide the user [Improvement] Fixed some laguage translation issues in form validation messages [Bug] Fixed custom field module minor issues 09-03-2021 [Update] Upgraded laravel framework version from 5.8 to 8.0 [Improvement] Delink vehicle service and vehicle sale module [Feature] Added Quotation Module [Bug] Fixed sale part stripe issue [Bug] Fixed some bugs in invoice module and improved it [Bug] Fixed validation message issues [Improvement] Improved report module [Bug] Fixed some issues in invoice PDF 19-02-2021 [Validation] Added Frontend and backend validation in all modules [Bug] Sloved all dependency errors [Bug] Added soft delete in required modules [Improvement] Make price-related textboxes editable [Bug] Fixed payment module issues [Bug] Fixed compact variable issues customer and employee side [Bug] Sales part edit issue fixed [Improvement] Make some unnecessary fields optional in service and vehicle module [Bug] Invoice module status issues fixed [Bug] Income module status issues fixed 30-12-2020 [Bug] Fixed Javascript issue. 29-12-2020 [Feature] Added dynamic access rights module and user wise [Feature] Added searchable dropdown in some modules [Validation] Added product code validation with domain name [Bug] Fixed jobcard process related bugs [Bug] Fixed stock related bugs [Bug] Fixed some bugs in supplier module [Bug] Fixed some bugs in product module [Bug] Fixed some design related bugs also in whole project 04-09-2020 [Feature] Added custom field in all required modules [Bug] Language translation related bugs fixed 25-08-2020 [Feature] Added MOT Test feature in vehicle service module [Bug] Fixed all dependency issues [Bug] Fixed Multiple entries issue at the same time of same records [Bug] Fixed invoice issues in free service and paid service both [Bug] Fixed Some issues at employee and customer side in action buttons in the listing page [Bug] Fixed View PDF issue and view modal design issue [Bug] Fixed Jobcard issues [Bug] Fixed pay with card button issues 06-07-2020 [Feature] Added Stripe Payment Gateway [Bug] Fixed Vehicle module dynamic block delete on click single delete button [Bug] Fixed Jobcard module multiple blocks delete on click single delete button [Bug] Sale Part module multiple blocks delete on click single delete button [Bug] Fixed all browser issues [Bug] Fixed currency symbol issue in invoice view and PDF [Bug] Fixed Jobcard issues [Bug] Fixed pay with card button issues [Bug] Fixed free coupon code dropdown issue 11-06-2020 [Bug] iPhone and android device responsive issues fixed. [Bug] Job card processing issues fixed [Bug] In some modules datatable responsive issues fixed [Bug] Invoice view issue fixed [Bug] In mobile devices some delete buttons are not clickable that is fixed [Bug] Vehicle view is not proper some images are not shown properly in-vehicle view [Bug] Some colors are not shown in the vehicle view [Bug] Some validation issues are fixed in customer and employee module [Bug] In sales module quantity should not be taken in minus that fixed [Feature] Added Company name in customer module [Feature] Added number plate in-vehicle module [Feature] Added number plat in service listing so that user can search service by number plat of particular vehicle [Feature] Also added number plate in invoice list. [Feature] Added vehicle maintenance history in vehicle view 27-12-2019 - Indonesian Language added 14-10-2019 - Upgrade Laravel Framework 5.7 to 5.8 - Bug Fix and code changes based on letest framework and php version compatible upto 7.3.* - Jobcard processing issue fixed - User view issue redirect to login screen fixed 04-07-2019 - New Laravel Project package creation - Added Automobile Parts module 19-03-2019 - Fixed issue with Installation Wizard 15-02-2019 - Email Template Modifcation - Fixed issue with Invoice 21-01-2019 - Upgrade Laravel Framework 5.2 to 5.7 - Fix Token Issue - Bug Fix and code changes based on latest framework and php version 12-12-2018 - Fixed Installation wizard. - Document Updated. 31-10-2018 - Fixed Jobcard Processing. 29-10-2018 - Fixed Installtion wizard. - Fixed Package Structure. 09-10-2018 - Initial releaseBuy and Download
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