Fundme - Crowdfunding Platform

Fundme Crowdfunding Platform It is a script for fundraising for various causes, the administrator can add volunteers who can create unlimited campaigns, this script is finished create a community where different people to help those in need either your community or different places. Demo User: User Pass 123456 URL Features are disabled in Panel Admin Features: Built with Laravel 10 Bootstrap 5 Rewards Send mail to Organizer Members can create unlimited campaigns Updates campaigns Option Delete Account Members can change their name, email and password Members manage their campaigns and see donations Upload Avatar Change password Integration with PayPal Integration with Stripe Bank Transfer XSS: Protection from cross site scripting Secure Bcrypt password hashing SMTP Support Share social Multiple currencies Easy translation Ajax pagination in Campaigns, Donations and Updates Admin Features: Change the site name Change the site title welcome Statistics Set keywords for the site. (SEO) Add a description (SEO) Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc. Payments Settings. See Donations Set up social accounts Manage members. Add / Edit members. Manage campaigns. Add / Edit Campaigns Requirements: PHP >= 8.1 MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17 Ctype PHP Extension cURL PHP Extension DOM PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension Filter PHP Extension Hash PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PCRE PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Session PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension GD or Imagick EXIF allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON Important: All images used in this demo are solely and exclusively from their owners Mollie Payment (Not included, sold separately) Razorpay Payment (Not included, sold separately) Instamojo Payment (Not included, sold separately) Paystack Payment (Not included, sold separately) Change Log / Updates Update 5.1 // 05 October 2023 [NEW] Updated to Laravel v10.26.2 [NEW] Updated to Bootstrap v5.3.2 [NEW] Updated to Bootstrap Icons v1.11.1 [Bug Fix] Categories count on Categories page [Bug Fix] Undefined constant STDIN error with Artisan::call during a request Update // 27 September 2023 [NEW] Updated to Laravel 10 Update 5.0 // 30 August 2023 [NEW] Updated Bootstrap 5.3.1 [NEW] Dark Mode on Frontend and Panel Admin [NEW] Change route languages (required for Laravel 10) [NEW] Captcha package compatible with Laravel 10 [NEW] Updated JQuery 3.7.0 [NEW] The cache and view are cleared when updating PWA images [NEW] PWA images are displayed in Panel Admin [NEW] Updated Bootstrap Icons 1.10.5 Update 4.9 // 02 February 2023 [NEW] Disable/Enable PWA from Panel Admin [NEW] Button Install Web App on footer [NEW] Updated to jQuery 3.6.3 [Bug Fix] Net Earnings on User Dashboard [Bug Fix] Replace default category image [Bug Fix] Number of campaigns to show Update 4.8 // 03 September 2022 [NEW] RESTful API PayPal [NEW] Blog with 3 columns [Bug Fix] Bank transfer details in deposits [Bug Fix] Campaigns with quotes in Donation Update 4.7 // 15 July 2022 [Bug Fix] Slider image on homepage not visible [Bug Fix] Missing button to approve or delete pending donations [Bug Fix] Slug URL page duplicate [Bug Fix] Margin in menu language dropdown [Bug Fix] Delete page on Panel Admin [Bug Fix] Campaigns delete with donations [Bug Fix] Page error 404 and 500 not centered [Bug Fix] Pagination on Campaigns on Panel Admin (Missing) [Bug Fix] Pagination overflow on Panel Admin [Bug Fix] Captcha error when user is logged in (Donation page) Update 4.6 // 14 April 2022 [NEW] Updated to Laravel v8.83.6 [NEW] Updated to Bootstrap 5 [NEW] Updated latest version jQuery [NEW] Redesigned Admin Panel [NEW] Redesigned Dashboard user [Bug Fix] Minor bugs Update 4.5 // 14 December 2021 [NEW] Progressive Web Apps (PWA) [NEW] Multilanguage Categories [NEW] Multilanguage Pages (Terms, Privacy, etc) [NEW] Cookies expire 1 year [Bug Fix] Pagination with Bootstrap [Bug Fix] Captcha on donation page when user is logged in Update 4.4 // 08 Dec 2021 [NEW] Updated to Laravel 8 Update 4.3 // 13 October 2021 [NEW] Show Admin Net Earnings in Panel Admin [NEW] Show Admin Net Earnings in Donation Page [NEW] Show User Net Earnings in Dashboard [NEW] Show User Net Earnings in Donation Page [NEW] Show Alert of Payment Processor Fees and Admin Fee on Create Campaign [Bug Fix] Installation Update 4.2 // 17 March 2021 [NEW] Wizard Installation [NEW] Section campaigns ended [NEW] Multilanguage [NEW] Increased campaign title limit [NEW] Increased campaign description limit [Bug Fix] Navbar on Tablet [Bug Fix] Image responsive on Blog [Bug Fix] Ribbon in videos Youtube or Vimeo. [Bug Fix] Undefined variable in section create blog [Bug Fix] Line break on campaigns [Bug Fix] UTF-8 words edit campaign error Update 4.1 // 08 Jan 2021 [NEW] Blog [NEW] Youtube or Vimeo videos on the campaign page (Now it can be image or video) [Removed] Share button in completed campaigns [Bug Fix] Changing the avatar in the admin panel Update 4.0 // 19 May 2020 [NEW] Gallery. [NEW] Disable captcha on Donations. [NEW] Hidden captcha. [NEW] Add manual payments from Panel Admin. [NEW] If there are no categories hide link in navigation bar and footer [NEW] Updated to Bootstrap 4.5 and jQuery 3.5.1 [Changed] Buttons share. [Bug Fix] PayPal payment [Bug Fix] Button embed. [Bug Fix] Banner confirm email. [Bug Fix] Delete category. Update 3.9 // 05 May 2020 [NEW] Navbar static [Missing] Files in Panel Admin Update 3.8 // 04 May 2020 [NEW] Template based Bootstrap 4 [NEW] CKEditor user can upload photo on form create campaign. [NEW] Slider on Homepage [NEW] Page Latest Campaigns [NEW] Page Popular Campaigns [NEW] Related Campaigns in page campaign details. [NEW] Social share: Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Text Message [Bug Fix] Decimal format with JPY currency in Stripe. [Changed] Message successfully in Bank Transfer Donations Update 3.7 // 22 April 2020 [Bug Fix] [Important] Withdrawals. [Bug Fix] Replace logo in footer. [Bug Fix] Progress Bar decimal error. Update 3.6 // 12 April 2020 [NEW] Google Login. [NEW] Enable or disable user registration from the Panel Admin. [NEW] Theme option, change Logo, favicon, etc, from Panel Admin. [NEW] Show preview when embedding a campaign. [NEW] Decimal format. [NEW] Full number members in Panel Admin. [NEW] The version of the script is displayed in the dashboard. [NEW] Exact percentage of donations. [Missing] Folder tagsInput. [Improved] Update method. Update 3.5 // 31 March 2020 [NEW] Full amount of funds raised in Panel Admin and user dashboard. [NEW] Map of registered users in Panel Admin. [Bug Fix] [Important] Fees of withdrawals amounts. [Bug Fix] Sending email to the donor. [Removed] ZIP code in Stripe Payment. Update 3.4 // 07 March 2020 [NEW] Updated to Laravel 6 Update 3.3 // 15 October 2019 [NEW] Support for Mollie Payment. [NEW] Add webhook url to VerifyCsrfToken. [Bug Fix] [Important] PayPalController sandbox option [Bug Fix] Payment Gateway when send email. Update 3.2 // 10 October 2019 [NEW] [Important] Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in stripe for customers with business in Europe. [NEW] Admin can enter your currency directly in Panel Admin. [NEW] reCAPTCHA [NEW] Share campaign via Whatsapp [Improved] Documentation Update 3.1 // 14 September 2019 [NEW] Updated to Laravel 5.8 Update 3.0 // 12 September 2019 [Bug Fix] Bug with PayPal gateway [Important ] [Removed] Google Plus link on footer [Added] Email Share Update 2.9 // 25 April 2019 [Bug Fix] Delete campaigns with Bank Transfer pending [Removed] Social Share counter [Added] Counter of Donations pending on Admin Panel Update 2.8 // 07 March 2019 [Bug Fix] Finished campaigns were still showing in Categories and searches [Bug Fix] Missing string social login [Bug Fix] Deleting withdrawals [Bug Fix] Social Login Update 2.7 // 27 February 2019 [NEW] Updated to Laravel 5.7.28 [NEW] Add Facebook Login Update 2.6 // 20 December 2018 [Bug Fix] CSS Margin – Banner confirm email [Bug Fix] Current year in emails template [Bug Fix] Share Facebook – Image not showing [NEW] Text Create Campaing in button menu (Missing) [NEW] Implemented GDPR [NEW] User can not change avatar until his account is confirmed [NEW] Add Date Format in Panel Admin [NEW] Add Currency Position in Panel Admin [NEW] Add Featured Campaigns section in Index [NEW] Add Featured Campaigns page [Removed] Finished campaigns of the Index Update 2.5 // 14 November 2018 [Bug Fix] IMPORTANT Empty strings null [NEW] Text Create Campaing in button menu [NEW] Campaings link dropdown menu user [NEW] Counter Facebook share in campaign Update 2.4 // 11 November 2018 [Bug Fix] Update rewards [Bug Fix] Iframe height [Bug Fix] Validate email in donation page [Bug Fix] Removing campaigns [Bug Fix] Campaign embed [Bug Fix] Column comment nullable [Bug Fix] Method not available throwValidationException [NEW] Upgrade to Laravel 5.7 [NEW] MustVerifyEmail and ResetPassword in User model [NEW] ResetPassword template [NEW] Delete donations pending (Bank Transfer) [NEW] Name, email of organizer and url campaign in email sent to user after donating [Changed] Validation images dimensions [Changed] Description validation Update 2.3 // 31 August 2018 [Bug Fix] Word Break in rewards description [Bug Fix] Campaign Card (There is no time anymore) missing [Bug Fix] String Lang [Bug Fix] Campaing Active in Dashboard user before finalized [Bug Fix] Spelling error in lang [Changed] Stripe label to Debit/Credit Card in Donations page Update 2.2 // 26 July 2018 [Bug Fix] Removed the campaign delete button if you have a donation (Avoid fraud) [Bug Fix] Redirecting auto approve campaign [Bug Fix] Real percentage in donation page [NEW] Add Rewards [NEW] Add Bank Transfer [NEW] Add Days Left in Campaing Thumbnail [NEW] The admin can choose the methods of payment for donations [NEW] Now the donor can choose their payment method (PayPal, Stripe or Bank Transfer) [IMPROVED] Embed button copy link [IMPROVED] Modal contact organizer [IMPROVED] Banner Cookie Use [IMPROVED] Donations of campaigns was changed to tab along with story and updates Update 2.1 // 18 June 2018 [Bug Fix] Campaigns finalized [NEW] Dashboard for users with stats [NEW] Copy link button in Camapigns [NEW] Percentage real Goal Update 2.0.1 // 19 March 2017 [Bug Fix] Removed edit post when campaign ends [Bug Fix] Important bug with XSS [Bug Fix] End campaign in users section [Bug Fix] Removed link in pending campaigns [Bug Fix] Removed delete campaign if you have at least one donation [NEW] Added campaign days remaining [NEW] Added campaign deadline in admin panel [NEW] Update to Laravel 5.3.30 Update 2.0 // 13 February 2017 BUGS FIXED Deleting categories with image Word wrap in description campaign Tags HTML in description campaign (share social) Removed link in pending campaigns NEW Allowed to send emails in active session Cookies agree banner Deadline for campaigns Added new currencies Update 1.9.1 // 16 January 2017 BUGS FIXED Hidden avatar for donations anonymous NEW Set lang Facebook Comments from file fb_app.php Add Like on Campaigns Update 1.9 // 16 December 2016 BUGS FIXED Categories Add thumbnail User delete campaigns NEW Facebook Comments Add Gravatar on user Donations Update 1.8 // 26 November 2016 BUGS FIXED Summation of commissions on page user campaigns Fee Donation Minimum amount corrected User search in admin panel NEW Automatic Image Rotation Report Campaign Embed videos in campaigns Update 1.7 // 17 November 2016 BUGS FIXED Https / Http support for Google Fonts (Panel Admin) Pagination Campaigns “Pending” Withdrawals amount Panel admin (Mark as paid) Counter Up Number error NEW User’s country when registering Set maximum amount of donations Featured Campaign Update 1.6 // 07 November 2016 BUGS FIXED Bug with image editing category Failed to verify user account with active session NEW Widget Embed Auto Approve Campaigns Update 1.5 // 01 November 2016 BUGS FIXED Error url Change url in google fonts http or https Fixed bug with withdrawal amount NEW Truncate text in the story of the campaign Add Captcha (managed from the admin panel) Update 1.4.1 // 31 October 2016 BUGS FIXED Important bug payment processor’s fees NEW Set fees according to your country PayPal and Stripe Update 1.4 // 27 October 2016 BUGS FIXED Number/ Amount Goal / Limits NEW Add search function Update 1.3 // 25 October 2016 BUGS FIXED Missing use Mail in RegisterController Bug in withdrawal Bug Save Payments Missing Fee field Overflow Image in Description Campaign Number/Amount Goal IMPROVED Improved text editor description NEW Change Footer style Show name user in Admin Dashboard Update 1.2 // 21 October 2016 BUGS FIXED Username error en RegisterController IMPROVED Improved text editor description NEW Add Categories on Nav bar Add Stats on bottom index page Add Page all Categories Add Option upload image on Categories Update 1.1 // 20 October 2016 NEW Add Wysiwyg editor Add Login and Sign Up Add Categories Add Stripe Payment Add WithdrawalsBuy and Download
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