Forum Website PSD Template

Features 1170 Grid system Used Fully Customizable layerd PSD files Custom Icons Google Web Font Used 32 PSD File Total 1. Home Page 2. Single Topic Page 3. Single Topic Image Page 4. Single Topi Image Preview Page 5. Single Topic Video Page 6. Single Topic Question Answer Page 7. Single Topic Voting Page 8. New Badge Earning Popup 9. Badges Page 10. Detailed Signup Page 11. Simple Signup Page 12. Social Signup Option Page 13. Login Page 14. Advanced Timeline View 15. Advanced Search Popup 16. Advanced Search Page 17. Age Verification Page 18. Create Topic Page 19. Create Topic Popup Page 20. Reply to Thread Page 21. User Summary Page 22. User Activity Page 23. User Notifications Page 24. User Friends & Follwers Page 25. User no Friends & Followers Page 26. User Groups Page 27. User No Groups Page 28. User Messages Inbox Page 29. User Single Message Page 30. User Compose Message Page 31. User Badges Page 32. User Settings Page What’s New in this Update (2017) New Redesign 1170 Grid Added Login/ Create Account/ Social Login feature Thread Navigation – Quickly change thread page without going back to thread list Thread types added – Images, Videos,Question answer, voting etc. Spoiler Alert Threads (Visually blocked, can be seen by clicking) Added Forum Statistics area User Profile page User profile followers page and many more Fonts Used Nunito Sans Credits Pixbay Images in the preview file are not included in the main download. Please Rate & Share this item if you like itBuy and Download
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