Fast Gallery - Premium Wordpress Plugin

Welcome to Fast Gallery. With this awesome plugin you can build your gallery in 1 minute. You have available 5 types of gallery (Prettyphoto, Photobox, Magnificer Popup, Fotorama, Custom URL) using masonry, grid with responsive or fluid layout and more features. List all Features: 4 Type Gallery (Prettyphoto, Magnificer Popup, Fotorama, Custom URL) One Thumbs for Gallery Custom URL 10 Differents Style Custom color for each gallery (Main color with opacity and Secondary color) Masonry / Grid Responsive / Fluid Widget Support Translation Ready (include .po/.mo files) 1 Column, 2 Columns, 3 Columns, 4 Columns, 5 Columns, 6 Columns, 7 Columns, 8 Columns, 9 Columns Version 2.0 – Date 07 Dec 2022 Added compatiblity with WP 6.x Rebuild code and fix some issues Version 1.3 – Date 18 Jun 2015 NEW FEATURES: effect image: on/off Fix: prettyPhoto XSS fix Fix: icon fonts – better compatiblity Version 1.2 – Date 1 Sep 2014 NEW FEATURES: Custom URL Fix: img auto Fix: fix photobox Fix: icon Fix: fix caption prettyphoto Version 1.1 – Date 19 Jun 2014 NEW FEATURES: Fotorama slideshow NEW FEATURES: One Thumbs for Gallery Fix: php 5.2Buy and Download
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