Eventica - Event Calendar & Ecommerce WordPress Theme

About Eventica Eventica is Event Calendar and eCommerce WordPress Theme. Ready to use for events listing and online store. You can also sell your event ticket using WooCommerce! COMPATIBILITY: WordPress 6.0+ (self-hosted) The Events Calendar 6+ WooCommerce 8+, optional, if you want to sell event ticket with WooCommerce or add online store functionality to your website DEMO: Eventica + The Events Calendar + WooCommerce This demo is for everyone who want to create an events calendar site plus additional shop feature. You can also SELL event ticket using WooCommerce without creating separate product because it will be created automagically. On v1.4 update, we also introduce frontend submission to allow visitor to submit their event. Launch Eventica + The Events Calendar Demo VIDEO TUTORIALS Eventica Theme Video Tutorials 00 – Eventica – Import Dummy Content (Duplicate Our Demo) 01 – Eventica – Install Parent & Child Theme 02 – Eventica – Create Homepage Using Home Page Template 03 – Eventica – Create Homepage Using WPBakery Page Builder 04 – Eventica – Create Blog Page 05 – Eventica – Create Contact Page 06 – Eventica – Setup Menus 07 – Eventica – Setup Widgets 08 – Eventica – Theme Options 09 – Eventica – Add/Edit An Event 10 – Eventica – Event Gallery 11 – Eventica – Event Venue and Organizer 12 – Eventica – Event Call To Action and Sell Ticket 13 – Eventica – Events View 14 – Eventica – The Events Calendar Pro Overview 15 – Eventica – WooTickets Plugin Overview 16 – Eventica – WordPress Customizer 17 – Eventica – Translation/Localization 18 – Eventica – Frontend Submission Update Your WordPress Theme Using Plugin Easy Themes and Plugin Upgrades Basic WordPress Video Tutorials (included in theme documentation) How to Buy a Domain Name How to Buy a Web Hosting Account How to Connect your Domain to a Web Hosting Account Automatic WordPress Install using Cpanel, Softaculous VS Fantastico Installing WordPress Automatically Using cPanel (Fantastico) Installing WordPress Automatically Using cPanel (Softaculous) Installing WordPress Manually via FTP Get a New Wordpress Blog Ready How to Change Permalinks Structure How to Create New Posts in Wordpress How to Create New Pages in Wordpress How to Install Themes How to Install Plugins Control How Visitors Comment Understanding Different User Permissions Use Wordpress Widgets Effectively Create Navigation Menus and Sort Them WooCommerce Video Tutorials 01 – What is WooCommerce? 02 – How To Install WooCommerce WordPress Plugin? 03 – How To Import WooCommerce Dummy Data? 04 – How To Get Better Product URL With Custom Permalink? 05 – How To Use Shop Page For Homepage? 06 – How To Display Product Categories On Shop Page? 07 – How To Change Shop Currency? 08 – How To Add A Simple Product? 09 – How To Sell A Service Product? 10 – How To Sell A Digital Product? 11 – How To Sell An Affiliate Product? 12 – How To Use Product Attributes? 13 – How To Add A Variable Product With Variations? 14 – How To Change Product Images Size? 15 – What Are Up Sells and Cross Sells? 16 – How To Create A Coupon Code? 17 – How To Add Terms & Conditions At Checkout Page? 18 – How To Enable Registration On “My Account” Page? 19 – What is System Status page? FEATURES This theme is straightforward, no bloated options! The Events Calendar plugin compatible Download plugin (Free) Event List, click here for demo Event Calendar, click here for demo Single Event Page (with link to external site), click here for demo Single Event Page (with Buy Ticket button using WooCommerce), click here for demo WooCommerce plugin compatible Download plugin (Free) Shop Page, click here for demo Single Product Page, click here for demo 3 Page Templates Homepage Page Template, click here for demo Contact Page Template, click here for demo Fullwidth Page Template Translation Ready .po/.mo file is available Codestyling Localization plugin compatible White Label Theme Options Child Theme Ready Custom Header WordPress-standard Theme Auto Update ... and all standard WordPress features … IS IT COMPATIBLE WITH WPML? The Eventica theme and WooCommerce plugin are fully compatible with WPML. But, unfortunately, The Events Calendar plugin is still partially compatible with WPML. We have contacted The Events Calendar plugin developer and it is already on their 2015 roadmap to make it fully compatible with WPML. CREDITS WordPress Options Framework TGMPA BootStrap Grid Font Awesome Superfish Slidebars owlCarousel gMaps IMAGES Images are not included in theme download package. Shutterstocks Photodune CHANGELOGS 1.17.10 – 3 Mei 2021 updated : WPBakery Page Builder Plugin v6.6.0 1.17.9 – 8 Ocktober 2020 updated : WPBakery Page Builder Plugin v6.4.1 1.17.8 – 28 August 2019 added : Readmore link on Featured Event section added : Pre-defined template for WPBakery Page Builder updated : WPBakery Page Builder v6.0.5 fixed : Responsive on calendar view fixed : WooCommerce return shop button alignment if empty cart fixed : Compatibility with PRO Additional Fields fixed : Single event page Layout on event schedule section improvement : white space 1.17.7 – 18 April 2019 added : Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.6.1 1.17.6 – 02 April 2019 fixed : Responsive Header Logo updated : WPBakery Page Builder Plugin v5.7 updated : dummy contents 1.17.5 – 21 January 2019 improved : Event Tickets – Attendee Registration page fixed : Event Tickets – quantity hover display bug improved : Back To Top show earlier than before improved : Google Fonts – do not load default Google Font if not needed 1.17.4 – 27 December 2018 added: Classic editor plugin in the plugin recommendation 1.17.3 – 7 December 2018 updated : WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) v5.6, compatible with WordPress 5.0 1.17.2 – 21 November 2018 added : Off Canvas Menu – close (X) icon fixed : Off Canvas Menu – display issue because wrong width calculation updated : WPBakery Page Builder Plugin v5.5.5 1.17.0 – 7 September 2018 added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – add email notification added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – add email address option for email notification added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – add email subject option for email notification added : Visual Composer – Eventica Event Sliders – option to include/exclude events from event categories/tags added : Visual Composer – Eventica Upcoming Events – option to include/exclude events from event categories/tags added : Visual Composer – Eventica Past Events – option to include/exclude events from event categories/tags added : Visual Composer – Eventica Recent Posts – option to include/exclude posts from post categories/tags added : Visual Composer – Eventica Featured Events – use select option if total events <= 50, use textfield if total event > 50 for better performance added : Optimizations – option to disable generator meta tag added : Optimizations – option to disable WordPress emoji script added : Optimizations – option to disable WordPress responsive images srcset added : Optimizations – option to disable child theme’s style.css added : Optimizations – option to disable Jetpack JS&CSS added : Optimizations – option to load custom WooCommerce smallscreen css to fix W3TotalCache minify issue added : Contact Page Template – option to disable contact form added : Contact Page Template – option to change contact form title added : Contact Page Template – option to disable send copy checkbox added : Contact Page Template – option to change button text added : Contact Page Template – option to change email address added : Contact Page Template – option to change email subject – 1 August 2018 added : Contact Template – Google Maps – wrong variable for API key 1.16.0 – 31 Juli 2018 fixed : some minor styling issues, including IE & Edge issues in some users fixed : minor CSS validation issues added : Homepage Template – Featured Events – option to show full content or excerpt only added : Contact Template – Google Maps – option to use Embed Map using Address without API key added : Contact Template – Google Maps – option to use Embed Map using Iframe without API key added : Contact Template – Google Maps – option to change map zoom (1-20) added : Contact Template – Google Maps – option to change map height (px) added : TheEventsCalendar – compatible with the latest version v4.6.x updated : TheEventsCalendar – Google Maps – use simple embed map if no Google Map API key supplied updated : TheEventsCalendar – Calendar View – show navigation links above the calendar in Month View added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Event – option to change number of related events on single event page added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Venue – option to disable page title on single venue page added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Venue – option to disable sidebar on single venue page added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Venue – option to disable upcoming events on single venue page added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Organizer – option to disable page title on single organizer page added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Organizer – option to disable sidebar on single organizer page added : TheEventsCalendar – Single Organizer – option to disable upcoming events on single organizer page fixed : TheEventsCalendar – Widgets – featured event styling issue added : WooCommerce – compatible with the latest version v3.4.x added : Visual Composer – Eventica Featured Events – option to show full content or excerpt only added : Visual Composer – Eventica Recent Posts – option to show pagination added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – available on Visual Composer element added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – shortcode param thankyou for custom thankyou message added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – shortcode param event_category=no to hide event category field added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – shortcode param event_venue=no to hide event venue field added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – shortcode param event_venue=select to show event venue in dropdown select added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – shortcode param event_organizer=no to hide event organizer field added : TEC FrontEnd Submission – shortcode param event_organizer=select to show event organizer in dropdown select updated : TEC FrontEnd Submission – use correct TEC date picker format updated : TEC FrontEnd Submission – prevent duplicated submission updated : TEC FrontEnd Submission – include submitter name&email for logged-in user updated : TEC FrontEnd Submission – show login form when shortcode param login_only=yes updated : TEC FrontEnd Submission – styling added : EventsCalendarPro – compatible with the latest version v4.4.x updated : EventsCalendarPro – option to show recurring event information on list view of events catalog page and event slider (disabled by default) added : TEC Community Events – compatible with the latest version v4.5.x added : TEC Community Events – styling community events list page added : TEC Community Events – styling add/edit community events page added : TEC Filter Bar – compatible with the latest version v4.5.x added : Event Tickets – compatible with the latest version v4.7.x added : Event Tickets Plus – compatible with the latest version v4.7.x 1.15.1 – March 21 2018 updated : WPBakery Page Builder v5.4.7 1.15.0 – February 23 2018 added : plugin integration section, final preparation to support other Events plugin on the next v2.0 updated : Typography – base font 14px, increase readibility added : OffCanvas Menu – option to change offcanvas menu position (left/right) added : Blog Page – option to disable sidebar on blog page added : Single Post – option to disable sidebar on single post added : Single Post – option to disable featured image on single post added : Single Post – option to change post meta position (side/bottom) on single post added : WooCommerce – compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.3 fixed : WooCommerce – customizer live preview fixed : double scrolling issue on some browsers removed : “old” options framework, fully using WordPress Customizer now updated : light customizer framework 1.14.1 – November 29 2017 fixed : WordPress Customizer issue on WordPress 4.9 fixed : TheEventsCalendar Pro – mini calendar widget CSS minor issue updated : Visual Composer v5.4.5 1.14.0 – October 13 2017 added : option to change mobile menu color added : option to change off-canvas menu color updated : better customizer framework updated : slowdown testimonial slider to 8 seconds & add next/prev navigation updated : new API url for automatic update feature updated : Structured Data – valid JSON-LD Schema.org Events for Single Event updated : Structured Data – remove no longer used hcalendar microformat updated : Structured Data – update hentry microformat on single post updated : Structured Data – update hentry microformat on blog page added : TheEventsCalendar – option to show Facebook Comments on single event fixed : TheEventsCalendar – minor layout issue on single event page on Safari iPad fixed : TheEventsCalendar – minor event price layout issue updated : UberMenu – better compatibility added : WP Customer Reviews – basic compatibility & styling added : One Click Demo Import – add option to disable this feature added : One Click Demo Import – remove WooCommerce wizard notice after importing demo content fixed : TGMPA – remove warning on bulk installer for WP 4.8 1.13.0 – 14 September 2017 added: add “tokopress_fonts” filter to allow user adding Google Font from child theme added: add Marvel Google Font on customizer, by Eventica user request added: TheEventsCalendar – option to show event month in short text format (3 letters) fixed: TheEventsCalendar – responsive style on google calendar & ical export button added: EventTickets – better responsive style for EventTickets form updated: TEC Frontend Submission – prevent double submission because of other plugin conflict fixed: TEC Frontend Submission – wrong sanitization method for event cost 1.12.0 – 20 July 2017 added: better Customizer for theme options, fonts, and colors added: TGMPA – Thumbnail Upscale plugin fixed: some responsive layout issue added: TheEventsCalendar – option to disable currency locking to WooCommerce currency settings. updated: TheEventsCalendar – exclude buy button on past event updated: Visual Composer v5.2 fixed: TheEventsCalendar – layout issue on List View fixed: TheEventsCalendar – layout issue on featured event fixed: TheEventsCalendar Pro – layout issue on recurring event info fixed: EventTickets – responsive layout issue 1.11.1 – 19 April 2017 fixed: Back To Top icon doesn’t show on iPhone 5S added: WooCommerce – support WooCommerce 3.0 added: TheEventsCalendar – option to show day of week on list view of events catalog page fixed: TheEventsCalendar – sometimes past events widget show upcoming event fixed: TheEventsCalendar – missing before&after hooks on Eventica featured event updated: Visual Composer Plugin v5.1.1 updated: EventTickets – add ticket form anchor link offset when sticky header is active fixed: EventTickets – missing styles&scripts enqueue on Eventica Featured event 1.11.0 – 13 March 2017 added: TheEventsCalendarPro – support [tribe_events] shortcode uddated: page title – show event category name on event category page updated: use basic TheEventsCalendar pagination updated: event search box updated: Font Awesome 4.7.0 updated: move vendor stylesheets to different CSS file updated: merge woocommerce stylesheet to main stylesheet fixed: cost display issue on event meta fixed: TheEventsCalendarPro – blank display issue on Photo View 1.10.0 – 28 October 2016 added: TheEventsCalendar 4.3 compatibility added: option to disable recurring event information on list view added: option for product image layout (full/half width) on WooCommerce product page added: nofollow and open link in new window for footer social icons updated: move Event Details metabox below Event Tickets metabox updated: event slider style on mobile updated: WPML config file update fixed: missing venue on TEC4.3 update fixed: stretched logo image issue on sticky header fixed: logo overlap with hamburger menu issue on mobile fixed: multiline layout issue on event schedule fixed: VC Testimonial – numbers of testimonilas to show fixed: rare issue on Upcoming Events & Recent Posts widget fixed: RTL issue for Event Slider 1.9.0 – 9 August 2016 added: new Visual Composer element – Event Venues added: new Visual Composer element – Event Organizers added: new TP – Featured Event widget added: better placeholder images added: option to add minicart icon on header menu added: option to disable month and year separator on list view added: option to disable event gallery on single event page added: option to change event gallery title on single event page added: option to disable related events on single event page added: option to change related events title on single event page added: option to include past events on related events added: TheEventsCalendar – styling for Events List widget output fixed: missing start & end time on single event page for multiday event fixed: rare bug on event cost syncronization updated: password protected event updated: single venue template updated: single organizer template updated: increase line height for better readibility updated: sticky header positioning when admin bar is active updated: event categories and event tags string translation 1.8.1 – 26 July 2016 added: option to use Google Maps API key for Contact page template updated: default featured event shows the next occurring event updated: Event Tickets Plus – give enough space for event price updated: Community Events – improve responsive event submission fixed: image alignment issue 1.8.0 – 17 June 2016 added: support multiple organizers output on single event page added: Event Frontend Submission – support multiple event categories selection added: Event Frontend Submission – support multiple event organizers selection added: compatible with WooCommerce 2.6 added: styling My Account tab navigation on WooCommerce 2.6 updated: outdate template files on WooCommerce 2.6.1 updated: TGM Plugin Activation 2.6.1 updated: Visual Composer 4.12 added: option to enable Visual Composer License Page (Appearance – Theme Options – Misc). It is useful if you purchase Visual Composer license to get direct plugin updates and official support from Visual Composer developer. 1.7.0 – 7 June 2016 added: option to change events page title (default: Events) added: option to change “Upcoming Events” text added: option to change the word “Event” / “Events” globally added: customizer option to change Back To Top background color added: show event date/time detail on Event Slider added: TheEventsCalendarPro – show recurring info on event list, single event, and slider added: new Past Events Visual Composer element added: new Posts Slider Visual Composer element added: compatible with TEC EventBrite updated: show start-end date/time instead of x days/weeks for consistency updated: open external event link at CTA button on new window updated: FontAwesome 4.6.3 fixed: TheEventsCalendarPro – location search issue fixed: TheEventsCalendarPro – photo view layout issue when using FilterBar fixed: Events Slider sort by IDs issue fixed: WordPress database error Unknown column ‘EventStartDate’ in ‘order clause’ 1.6.6 – 23 April 2016 updated: Visual Composer 1.6.5 – 13 April 2016 added: notice to change currency options on WooCommerce Settings added: Custom Header Extended plugin support for single event fixed: double arrow issue on Home Slider because of VC Grid fixed: currency encoding issue on TEC Filter Bar addon 1.6.4 – 28 March 2016 updated: Visual Composer v4.11.1 updated: increase depth level of header menu fixed: wrong event time calculation 1.6.3 – 24 March 2016 added: compatible with MailChimp Pro 3.0 plugin updated: Visual Composer v4.11.1 fixed: remove some notices on TEC when WP_DEBUG is active 1.6.2 – 12 March 2016 added: compatible with CM2 2.2.1 updated: now Past Events widget use DESC order updated: Visual Composer Plugin v4.10 1.6.1 – 22 January 2016 added: compatible with WooCommerce 2.5.0 updated: Visual Composer v4.9.2 fixed: Google map styling issue on single venue 1.6 – 30 December 2015 added: compatible with WordPress 4.4 added: compatible with The Events Calendar 4.0 added: compatible with Event Tickets added: compatible with Event Tickets Plus updated: Visual Composer 4.9 updated: TGMPA 2.5.2 1.5.1 – 27 November 2015 added: The Events Calendar uses WooCommerce currency settings when WooCommerce is active! added: TEC WooTicket – option to show event attendees list on Single Event page (per event) added: TEC WooTicket – new responsive style for ticket table added: Mailchimp4WP v3 support updated: responsive cart page updated: contact form updated: Visual Composer Plugin 4.8.1 1.5.0 – 9 October 2015 updated: Visual Composer Plugin 4.7.4 1.4.9 – 28 August 2015 added: option to hide Page Title globally added: better styling for WooTicket ticket table updated: Visual Composer 4.6.2 updated: better submenu indicator using fa-angle-down and fa-angle-left updated: better responsive for single blog page & comment updated: use new TEC 3.11 class name fixed: missing event cost on single event page fixed: event cost is converted to integer value in WooCommerce fixed: missing Subscribe Form option when Mailchimp plugin is not active fixed: bug on home search block fixed: Google Maps link should open in new window fixed: missing Single Venue page after TEC 3.11 update fixed: missing Single Organizer page after TEC 3.11 update 1.4.8 – 24 August 2015 added: option to change body font size via Appearance – Customize – Fonts added: “Return To Top” icon added: The Events Calendar WooTicket – option to change minimum quantity input from 0 to 1 via Appearance – Theme Options – Events updated: replace favicon uploader with WP4.3 site icon 1.4.7 – 11 August 2015 added: pre option filter to always use “Default Events Template” for Events Template option fixed: quantity number issue on Cart page because of WooTickets product number input filter updated: WooCommerce 2.4 template override notice 1.4.6 – 9 August 2015 updated: use new TEC 3.11 class name fixed: list view navigation issue after TEC 3.11 update fixed: hamburger menu icon color on mobile use logo text color 1.4.5 – 14 July 2015 added: event list styling when “Include events in main blog loop” option is ON fixed: max-width of event page when tribe bar is disabled fixed: frontend submission style issue, it is bug on the latest CMB2 plugin 1.4.4 – 20 June 2015 updated: Visual Composer 4.5.3, addressing PrettyPhoto security issue 1.4.3 – 4 June 2015 fixed: wrong download URL for Eventica Visual Composer elements plugin package 1.4.2 – 2 June 2015 added: The Events Calendar WooTicket – set minimum quantity to 1 added: numbers & category option for Upcoming Events and Events Slider added: hide buy ticket button for passed events added: https support for google fonts and placeholders added: exclude option for Upcoming Events fixed: stretched / not aligned logo image issue fixed: Event IDs ordering issue on event slider fixed: hide Google Maps issue 1.4.1 – 23 April 2015 fixed: security vulnerability issue with add_query_arg fixed: bugs on TGMPA class 1.4 – 22 April 2015 added: Frontend Submission for The Events Calendar added: Customizer options to change body fonts and heading fonts 1.3 – 10 April 2015 added: Many Customizer options to change important colors on Content, Home, Events, WooCommerce added: The Events Calendar Filter Bar compatibility added: UberMenu compatibility added: Events Venue shortcode added: new single venue page added: option to link venue name on single event to venue page added: Events Organizer shortcode added: new single organizer page added: option to link organizer name on single event to organizer page added: option to choose category on upcoming events element added: “Return To Events” button on Cart page when cart is empty added: option to show comment form on single event page added: Visual Composer Elements plugin is translatable now fixed: Events Slider not show past event with specific ID fixed: Events list box are not aligned properly fixed: custom background issue fixed: search form widget style 1.2.1 – 30 March 2015 added: option to enable/disable sticky header updated: smooth sticky header updated: TEC PRO – link venue name to venue page updated: TEC PRO – link organizer name to organizer page fixed: missing organizer link fixed: mobile not not easy clickable on touch device fixed: html5 validation issues 1.2 – 2 March 2015 added: Visual Composer v4.4.2 added: Eventica Visual Composer elements and shortcodes added: Visual Composer (blank) page template added: “full width” page template added: “no title” page template added: “full width + no title” page template added: “with comments” page template added: option to hide page title and sidebar on events and single event page added: option to hide page title and sidebar on contact page template added: option to hide page title and sidebar on main shop page added: option to hide product rating on shop page added: The Events Calendar Pro – additional fields output on event detail updated: use “Visit Organizer Website” for organizer link on event detail updated: sticky header updated: WooCommerce 2.3 styling fixed: TGMPA Bulk Installer issue fixed: The Events Calendard Pro – Photo view issue fixed: WooCommerce product category column issue 1.1.1 – 12 February 2015 added: ability to sell ticket with WooCommerce added: options to customize header and footer colors via Customizer fixed: custom background output issue fixed: event custom content sanitization issue fixed: event gallery grid on small device fixed: event time formatting for multiday event to support PHP 5.2 1.1.0 – 11 February 2014 added: event gallery added: customizable call to action text and link per event added: option to add custom content below event schedule added: favicon option added: header & footer script options added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – Week view suport added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – Map view suport added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – Photo view support added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – Venue page support added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – Organizer page support added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – Widget styling added: The Events Calendar Pro compatible – hide related events, we already have this one added: The Events Calendar – WooCommerce Ticket compatible added: The Events Calendar – Community Event extension compatible updated: options to disable most of elements in Home page template updated: better breadcrumb for event and blog updated: show TEC page title in correct position to fully support the ajax fixed: show upcoming events for related events fixed: remove double title issue fixed: sponsor width issue on Firefox 1.0.4 fixed: header menu issue fixed: prev and next events color on mobile device 1.0.3 fixed: theme option issue fixed: widget issue when widget title missing fixed: set max width for video new: get first attached image of blog post when featured image is not availableBuy and Download
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