Event Locations - PHP/MYSQL Plugin

Event Locations is a plugin that you can use on your own projects. It is a server-side dynamic web application conceived with PHP/MySQL, built over Google Maps API and integrated onto Bootstrap Grid Layout. It can be used to display events on your map, and also you could use it for displaying several places of your interest, just by adding markers and descriptions on it. So if you plan to use it as a feature on your website or Backoffice you’ll be able to implement it without any problems. CHANGELOG Version 1.0.1 || 24 June 2018 [Updated]: CSS improvements; [Added]: Scroll on longer texts; Version 1.0 || 19 June 2018 [Release]: Initial release; FEATURES Create new Type of Event; Create new Event concerned to the type created previously; Manage to add fields like: Type, Map, Description, Initial Date, Final Date, Link, Photo; Delete Events and Types; Display Events with Modals; Event Locations uses some featured and latest most used javascript files for simple integration with other projects; Build on top of the Bootstrap v3.3.7; Some nice javascript enhancements; Easy documentation; Well documented code; Awesome and fast Support! REQUIREMENTS PHP 5.3+, PHP 7.0+ PDO PHP Extension MySQL 5.x Apache Mod Rewrite Enabled TOOLS USED Sweetalert Font Awesome Icons jQuery Bootstrap Bootstrap DataTables Bootstrap FormValidation Google Maps API TECHNICAL FEATURES 100% Responsive Design Powerful Admin Panel PSR2 Coding Standards Followed Nice Client And Server Side Form Validations Secure From SQL Injections and XSS AttacksBuy and Download
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