Contact Form 7 Email Verification - Verify Email and Phone Number

If you’looking for ways to prevent spam form submissions on your WordPress site and to ensure that the contact details captured are not fake, Contact Form 7 Email and OTP Verification by Xfinity Soft is the best plugin for that. An extension of Contact Forms 7 Plugin, the Contact Form 7 OTP Verification plugin integrates your contact forms with Twilio, the default WordPress Email API, or SendGrid, adding a two-step, email and SMS verification layer to form submissions. This ensures that all data you capture from forms is verified and validated. Main Features Key Features of Contact Form 7 Email Verification Plugin: Twilio Integration for Contact Form 7 OTP Verification Contact Form 7 OTP Verification lets you integrate your contact forms with Twilio API. This integration allows you to send OTP code via SMS to the phone number given in the form submission. When the user enters the code sent via SMS, the form submission is verified and added to the database. SendGrid Integration for Email Verification Contact Form 7 Email Verification lets you integrate your SendGrid account with CF7 forms. This integration allows you to send an email with a verification link to the email address given in the form submission. When the user clicks the link in the email, the form submission is verified and the data is added to the database. Verify Emails Through Default WordPress Email Functionality Contact Form 7 Email Verification also lets you send verification emails via the default WordPress email functionality. Just as explained above, the plugin sends an email verification to the email address submitted in the form. When the user verifies the email address by clicking the link given, the form entry is added to the database. Verify by Email, SMS, or Both Contact Form 7 Email Verification plugin lets you verify by both or either of these verification methods: email, SMS, or both channels. When creating the Contact Form, add the keyword ‘verify’ in the email field to enable email verification. The same way, adding the keyword ‘verify’ in the phone number field lets you add SMS OTP verification. Customize Email and SMS Body Create a personalized email template using dynamic shortcodes. The plugin also lets you customize the text message sent for SMS verification. Customize the Success Message Popup The Contact Form 7 OTP Verification Plugin lets you customize the pop up that’s displayed when the user’s email or phone number is verified. Choose the primary color, secondary color, and button color to customize the look of the pop up and ensure it matches your site’s branding. Store Verified Entries in Contact Forms Database By default, Contact Forms 7 Plugin doesn’t store submitted entries anywhere. However, Contact Form 7 Verification Plugin stores all submitted entries from forms with verification enabled. All entries are stories with the corresponding status of ‘verified, not verified, and partially verified.’ Choose What Page to Redirect After Click the Link in Email Verification You can choose what page to redirect users to after they click the email verification link. Send a Successful Submission Email To User After Verification Enable the feature to send a copy of email to the user upon successful verification and submission of the form. The plugin also lets you customize the subject line for that email. Change Logs 1.0.3 – 05 Jan, 2022 - Add: Support For PHP 8 1.0.1 – 10 Dec, 2021 - Add: Default Email Verification using wp_mail function - Add: Support Pages - Add: License Verifiction Pages 1.0.0 – 05 April, 2021 - initial releaseBuy and Download
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