Contact Form 7 Add-ons Bundle

Save 80% Purchasing every Add-ons individually you would spend at least $215+. Bundle Price – Only $38. A Collection of Contact Form 7 Add-ons special pack. Here you will get a Bundle of all Our Approved Contact Form 7 Add-ons. Contact Form 7 Add-ons Bundle requires active plugin Contact Form 7 Included Add-ons Contact Form 7 Popup Form $20 Contact Form 7 Google Auto Address Suggestion $20 Contact Form 7 Tooltips $16 Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message $20 Contact Form 7 Success Redirect $16 Contact Form 7 Autocomplete off $14 Contact Form 7 Styler $16 Contact Form 7 Submission Code $20 Contact Form 7 Multi Step – Split Long Form into Multi Step $20 Contact Form 7 Email Template – email Template Configuration for Admin and Autoresponder $14 Contact Form 7 Floating Form – for Specific Post or Page or Full Website Content $20 Contact Form 7 Confirmation Code – For Each Submission will Require a Unique Invitation Code $20 Features Common Features for All Add-ons Extremely easy Configuration Very Easy Enable/Disable Option for each individual Form Each Add-ons Has Own Configuration for Each Form Good Documented ( proper help instructions for setup ) Dedicated Support and Much More!   Contact Form 7 Popup Form Each Contact Form 7 Popup Can be set Uniquely. Popup Contact Button, Popup Form Box, Popup Contact Form Configuration Options Included Contact Form 7 Popup Form Enable Popup Form Box BG Color Popup Form Box Font Color Popup Contact Button Text Popup Contact Button Font Size Popup Contact Button BG Color Popup Contact Button Font Color Popup Contact Button Border Radius Popup Contact Form Field Border Radius Popup Contact Form Button BG Color Popup Contact Form Button Font Color Popup Contact Form Button Font Size You will be able to Manage Your desired Popup Form theme through Configuration   Contact Form 7 Google Auto Address Suggestion Google Auto Location Search for Address Field (Google Api will need). Specific Country or Worldwide Location Search. Save Your Client Time by using Google Location Suggestion. Prevent Typo Error from Google Location Suggestion.   Contact Form 7 Tooltips Each Contact Form 7 Tooltips Can be set Uniquely. Configuration Options Included Contact Form 7 Tooltips Enable Tooltips BG Color Tooltips Font Color Tooltips Font Size Tooltips Border Radius   Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Configuration Options Included Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Enable Popup Alert Title Text Popup Alert Box Width Popup Alert Box BG Color Popup Alert Box Font Color Popup Alert Box Button BG Color Popup Alert Box Button Border Radius Popup Alert Box Button Font Size Popup Alert Box Button Font Color Hide Contact Form 7 Default Error Message On/Off Refresh Page on Successful Submission On/Off   Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Each Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Can be set Uniquely. Configuration Options Included Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Enable Selecting a Redirect Page from Your Dashboard existing Pages A Custom Redirect Page Full url   Contact Form 7 Autocomplete off Extremely easy Configuration Very Easy Enable/Disable Option for each individual Form Each Form Has Own Configuration. Prevent Your Client to fill the Auto Suggestion field values. Well Documented ( proper help instructions for setup ) Dedicated Support and Much More!   Contact Form 7 Styler Extremely easy Configuration Very Easy Enable/Disable Option for each individual Form Each Form Has Own Configuration. Each Contact Form 7 Styler Can be set Uniquely for each form (except: If set multiple(2 or more) form in a page then all form will show same design). Well Documented ( proper help instructions for setup ) Dedicated Support and Much More!   Contact Form 7 Submission Code Extremely easy Configuration Very Easy Enable/Disable Option for each individual Form Each Form Has Own Configuration. Each Contact Form 7 Submission Code Can be set Uniquely for each form Settings for Submission Code Settings for Submission Code Expiry Date Settings for Submission Code Max Times can be Used Well Documented ( proper help instructions for setup ) Dedicated Support and Much More!   Contact Form 7 Multi Step – Split Long Form into Multi Step Extremely easy Configuration Split Long Form into Multi Step (Upto 100 Steps) Display User Input (Confirmation) in the last step option (Settings) features available Make Your Long Form Better UI with Split into Multi Step Included 7 Pre-built Themes Styles (each style included 15+ Pre-built Color Themes) Included 15+ Pre-built Color Themes Step by Step Required field jQuery validation Smooth, Modern and excellent UI Display Progress Step Display Confirmation (form input values) in the last Step Translate Ready – Compatible With: WPML/Loco Translate etc 100% Responsive & Mobile-Friendly Layout Well Documented ( proper help instructions for setup ) Dedicated Support Free Premium Support for 6 months Free Lifetime Updates and Much More!   Contact Form 7 Email Template – email Template Configuration for Admin and Autoresponder Extremely easy Configuration Each Form Has Own Configuration. Each Contact Form 7 email template Can be set Uniquely for each form Settings for Admin email template Settings for Autoresponder email template Multiple prebuilt Email templates for Contact Form 7 All Contact Form 7 mail-tags are allowed to use in the email template Well Documented ( proper help instructions for setup ) Dedicated Support and Much More!   Contact Form 7 Floating Form – for Specific Post or Page or Full Website Content Extremely easy Configuration Each Form Has Own Configuration. So, Each Floating Form Theme Can be Unique Floating Contact Button, Floating Form Box, Floating Contact Form Configuration Options Included: Floating Form Box BG Color Floating Form Box Font Color Floating Contact Form Field Border Radius Floating Contact Form Button BG Color Floating Contact Form Button Font Color Floating Contact Form Button Font Size Floating Contact Floating Icon Button Settings Floating Icon Button Horizontal Position Left Right Floating Contact Buttons Margin Bottom Floating Icon Button Text Floating Icon Button Font Size Floating Icon Button BG Color Floating Icon Button Font Color Floating Icon Button Border Radius You will be able to Manage Your desired Floating Form theme through Configuration   Contact Form 7 Confirmation Code – For Each Submission will Require a Unique Invitation Code Extremely easy Configuration Very Easy Enable/Disable Option for each individual Form Each Form Has Own Configuration. Each Contact Form 7 Confirmation Code Can be set Uniquely for each form For Each Submission will Require a Unique Invitation Code Settings for Confirmation Code(s) as many as you need for the form submission Settings for Confirmation Code Settings for Confirmation Code Expiry Date Settings for Confirmation Code Max Times submissions CHANGELOG ----- V 2.6.6 Released: 2 October 2023 ----- - Fixed: Fixed Contact Form 7 Tooltips compatibility issue. - Updated: Contact Form 7 Tooltips Documentation updated. ----- V 2.6.5 Released: 6 August 2023 ----- - Added: Included New Contact Form 7 Confirmation Code Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.6.4 Released: 28 April 2023 ----- - Updated: Updated all included Plugins ----- V 2.6.3 Released: 26 May 2022 ----- - Fix: Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Plugin updated to fix a conflict issue - Updated: Contact Form 7 Styler, Contact Form 7 Tooltips, Contact Form 7 Popup Form, Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message, Contact Form 7 Floating Form Very minor updated ----- V 2.6.2 Released: 24 March 2022 ----- - Updated: Minor Updated the plugin css in Contact Form 7 Popup Form Plugin. - Updated: Minor Updated the plugin css in Contact Form 7 Floating Form Plugin. ----- V 2.6.1 Released: 18 March 2022 ----- - Fix: Fix php Notice in Contact Form 7 Email Template - Fix: Fix php Notice in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin ----- V 2.6.0 Released: 13 March 2022 ----- - Updated: Minor Plugin css Updated in Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Plugin - Updated: Plugin Language file updated in Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Plugin - Updated: - Fixed a conflict issue in Contact Form 7 Tooltips Plugin - Updated: - Minor coding updated in Contact Form 7 Google Auto Address Suggestion Plugin - Updated: Plugin settings updated in Contact Form 7 Autocomplete off Plugin - Updated: Plugin settings css minor updated in Contact Form 7 Email Template - Updated: Plugin settings updated in Contact Form 7 Styler - Updated: Design minor updated in Contact Form 7 Styler - Fixed: Fixed responsive issue in Contact Form 7 Popup Form Plugin - Updated: Minor Updated the plugin coding in Contact Form 7 Popup Form Plugin - Updated: Design minor updated in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin - Upgraded: Upgraded Fontawesome to latest version 5.15.4 in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin - Fixed: Fixed responsive issue in Contact Form 7 Floating Form Plugin ----- V 2.5.5 Released: 25 February 2022 ----- - Improved: Improved validation for 2nd Style Submission/Invitation code ----- V 2.5.4 Released: 19 February 2022 ----- - Updated: Minor Updated the Contact Form 7 Floating Form plugin coding to improve the click event. - Updated: Minor Updated the Contact Form 7 Popup Form plugin coding to improve the click event. ----- V 2.5.3 Released: 8 January 2022 ----- - Fix: Fix a bug for 2nd Style Submission/Invitation code ----- V 2.5.2 Released: 7 September 2021 ----- - Fixed: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin - One Validation issue fixed and updated Validation process ----- V 2.5.1 Released: 23 August 2021 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin settings updated - Added: Added Shortcode generator (Now the settings are the best user friendly) in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin - Added: Added More Control in the Shortcode generator in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin - Added: Added 16 Pre-built Color Themes in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Plugin ----- V 2.5.0 Released: 10 August 2021 ----- - Added: Included New Contact Form 7 Floating Form Add-ons plugin - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Form Add-ons Plugin settings and Design updated ----- V 2.4.5 Released: 13 July 2021 ----- - Updated: Popup Alert Message Plugin settings updated and added Popup alert success text field - Added: Added 2nd Style (Code Verify Style) Submission/Invitation code in Submission Code Plugin - Updated: Multi Step Add-ons Plugin settings updated and added auto scroll (scroll to top of the Step button) on/off option ----- V 2.4.4 Released: 2 April 2021 ----- - Updated: css minor updated in Contact Form 7 Styler Plugin - Updated: css minor updated in Contact Form Multi Step Plugin - Fix: Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Plugin updated to fix an issue with cf7 version 5.4 - Fix: Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Plugin updated to fix an issue with cf7 version 5.4 ----- V 2.4.3 Released: 8 January 2021 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons Plugin js minor updated ----- V 2.4.2 Released: 30 December 2020 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Form Design has updated ----- V 2.4.1 Released: 24 November 2020 ----- - Added: One more Admin Template in Contact Form 7 Email Template Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.4.0 Released: 12 November 2020 ----- - Added: Included New Contact Form 7 Email Template Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.3.8 Released: 11 August 2020 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin has updated in form step animation - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin Form step progress floating number has replaced with full round integer ----- V 2.3.7 Released: 9 July 2020 ----- - Fix: Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Add-ons plugin has Updated to fix an issue - Fix: Contact Form 7 Success Redirect plugin has Updated to fix an issue ----- V 2.3.6 Released: 8 July 2020 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin has updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Form Add-ons plugin has Updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Add-ons plugin has Updated ----- V 2.3.5 Released: 12 June 2020 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin User Input data display for Confirmation style has updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin Documentation Updated. ----- V 2.3.4 Released: 23 May 2020 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons Plugin css minor updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Plugin settings updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Submission Code Plugin settings css minor updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Autocomplete off Plugin settings css minor updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Success Redirect Plugin js minor updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Form Plugin css minor updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Tooltips Plugin css minor updated - Updated: Contact Form 7 Styler Plugin settings css minor updated ----- V 2.3.3 Released: 2 May 2020 ----- - Improved: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin validation Improved - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin css minor Updated ----- V 2.3.2 Released: 24 April 2020 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin Form scroll animation improved. - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin Documentation Updated. ----- V 2.3.1 Released: 25 February 2020 ----- - Updated: Included Specific Country based Location Search features in Contact Form 7 Google Auto Address Suggestion plugin. ----- V 2.3.0 Released: 15 February 2020 ----- - Added: Added 2 new themes to Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin. - Updated: Little Updated design to improve Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin UI. - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin Documentation Updated. ----- V 2.2.8 Released: 1 January 2020 ----- - Added: Added few themes to improve UI in Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin. - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin Documentation Updated. ----- V 2.2.7 Released: 4 December 19 ----- - Improved: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin has Updated. ----- V 2.2.6 Released: 28 November 19 ----- - Improved: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin UI has Improved. ----- V 2.2.5 Released: 22 November 19 ----- - Improved: Contact Form 7 Google Auto Address Suggestion Add-ons plugin Improved - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.2.4 Released: 20 November 19 ----- - Improved: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin validation error display UI Improved - Updated: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons Plugin Language File Updated ----- V 2.2.3 Released: 13 November 19 ----- - Improved: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin validation Improved ----- V 2.2.2 Released: 12 November 19 ----- - Fixed: Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin validation fixed ----- V 2.2.1 Released: 11 November 19 ----- - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.2 Released: 4 October 19 ----- - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.1 Released: 22 September 19 ----- - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Add-ons plugin ----- V 2.0 Released: 19 September 19 ----- - Added: Included New Contact Form 7 Multi Step Add-ons plugin ----- V 1.9 Released: 27 August 19 ----- - Added: Added New Contact Form 7 Submission Code Add-ons plugin - Updated: Updated Add-ons plugin Language file updated ----- V 1.8 Released: 22 July 19 ----- - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Styler Add-ons plugin ----- V 1.7 Released: 16 July 19 ----- - Added: Included New Contact Form 7 Styler Add-ons plugin - Updated: Updated Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message Add-ons plugin ----- V 1.6 Released: 31 May 19 ----- - Updated: Included all updated version plugins ----- V 1.5 Released: 17 April 19 ----- - Updated: Updated the bundle plugin because individual plugin has updated. ----- V 1.4 Released: 8 March 19 ----- - Updated: Tooltips Add-ons js has updated. ----- V 1.3 Released: 24 January 19 ----- - Added: Contact Form 7 Autocomplete off Add-ons added. ----- V 1.2 Released: 3 January 19 ----- - Updated: Contact Form 7 Popup Alert Message plugin js has updated. ----- V 1.1 Released: 20 November 18 ----- - Fixed: a php warning fixed. ----- Initial Released: 18 November 18 ----- - Initial ReleasedBuy and Download
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