CKEditor4 Formula Editor

CKEditor has no math formula  plugin default. This plugin is a formula plugin called “CKEditor4  Formula Editor”, you can use it in your CKEditor  to insert and update math formula easily. Updates v2. 16/02/2016 fix not support for latest Chrome Features: Support for multiple formula: Fraction, Script, Radical, Intergral, Operator, Bracket and Function. Support for special characters, such as greek letters, arrows, relations and scripts. Responsile for complicated formula. Easy to use as the MathType. Pure front-end, no server support. Save as image. Installation Upload the files to the CKEditor plugins’ folder. Update your ckeditor config.js to add `leaui_formula` plugin, eg: config.toolbar = [ [\'LeauiFormula\'], [\'Bold\', \'Italic\', \'-\', \'NumberedList\', \'BulletedList\', \'-\', \'Link\', \'Unlink\' ], [ \'FontSize\', \'TextColor\', \'BGColor\'] ]; config.extraPlugins = \'leaui_formula\'; Or you can update your ckeditor configuration when create it:CKEDITOR.replace( \'editor1\' , { toolbar: [ [\'LeauiFormula\'], [\'Bold\', \'Italic\', \'-\', \'NumberedList\', \'BulletedList\', \'-\', \'Link\', \'Unlink\' ], [ \'FontSize\', \'TextColor\', \'BGColor\'] ], extraPlugins: \'leaui_formula\' });Buy and Download
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