Circle - Multi-purpose Video, Film PSD Template

A) Package Structure In the purchased package, we will include PSD folder (28 psd files) and documentation folder. The list below will list out all psd files in the package Home film maker.psd Home studio.psd Home director.psd Home actor.psd Home portfolio.psd Home film online.psd Home film online leftmenu.psd Film grid.psd Film grid-02.psd Film-03.psd Film detai.psd Blog masonry.psd Blog grid.psd Blog list.psd Blog detail.psd About us-01.psd About us-02.psd About me.psd Contact.psd Lightbox.psd Our team-01.psd Our team-02.psd Director detail.psd Movie grid.psd Movie detail.psd Movie lightbox.psd Series lightbox.psd Headers.psd Fonts In this template, we use font from Google Font: Playfair Display Nunito Sans C) Icons Ionicon D) Images All images we used in this template come from 6 sources. They are very good sources for free images Pic Jumbo Unsplash Wallbase Pixaden Pixabay Note: – All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for demo purpose Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this PSD template. As we said at the beginning, we’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this item. If you have a more general question relating to the template on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the “Forums -> Circle” section.Buy and Download
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