Charity - Nonprofit, Fundraising Joomla 5 Template

CHARITY – NONPROFIT, FUNDRAISING JOOMLA TEMPLATE Charity template is a clean, modern but user friendly Joomla template which is typically created for agencies with 05 elegant home versions and some popular pages such as blogs, portfolio, cause, event, hikashop, forum, contact and about us.. Owning a range of cutting-edge and out-standing features, this template surely makes your website amazing, attractive and impressive. It is a responsive Joomla template and built on Plazart Framework and strongly supports Joomla! 5.x with HTML5 and CSS3. Accompanying with making use of Plazart Framework, Charity has a strong support for TZ Portfolio Plus and other TemPlaza’s extensions. We are sure that Charity will help you to create an awesome website. Features: Responsive Design 5 Home page versions Compatible with Joomla 4.x, Joomla 5.x Bootstrap 5 TZ Portfolio Compatible SP Page Builder Pro Included (Save $49) Astroid Framework for powerful admin panel Hikashop support EasySocial compatible EasyBlog compatible EasyDiscuss compatible Kunena Forum compatible Drag’n Drop everything 9 Header Style Added Unite Slider Included (save $39) Charity addon for TZ Portfolio Count down script for causes 5 homepages + 100+ inner Page Donate via Paypal Mega Menu Support Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin Various Blog Styles Functional Blog post social share jQuery plugin Dynamic Google Web Font Carousel And Filterable Portfolio Custom Background/Patterns Blocks Custom 404 Page Google Map API Powerful Shortcodes FontAwesome 5 Cross Browser Compatible (IE9/10/11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) Pretty CSS3 Effects and Animation Optimized and Clean Code Optimized for better User Experience Fully Customizable, step-by-step documentation included And much more… Changelogs Version 3.0.9 – July 22nd, 2021 + [update] Jollyany Framework 1.6.9 updated + [update] Astroid Framework 2.5.2 updated + [update] Joomla 3.9.28 updated + [fixed bug] Fix scss compile issue. Version 3.0.7 – September 16th, 2020 + [update] Jollyany Framework 1.4.0 updated + [update] Astroid Framework 2.4.3 updated + [update] Joomla 3.9.21 updated + [update] Bootstrap 4.5.0 + [update] Font Awesome v5.14.0 + [new feature] Joomla 4 compatible + [new feature] Custom Typography + [new feature] Banner Title tag + [new feature] Column Drag & Drop functionality added + [new feature] Custom Color options added at Row & Element levels + [new feature] Default font family added + [new feature] Save indicator for signaling unsaved changes + [new feature] Reset button added alongside slider fields + [new feature] Subtitle option for sub menus + [new feature] Block view 2 added in Sidebar Header + [new feature] Article Type & Article badge now showing on Related articles + [new feature] Astroid’s Article and Author Options in frontend editing are now optional + [new feature] Review Article type Position option added + [new feature] Custom Row for MegaMenu + [new feature] Open Graph Options improved + [new feature] Enable/ Disable the logo from header + [new feature] Mobile Menu styling options added + [improve] Remove unnecessary files + [improve] Improved time To First Byte for fast page load + [improve] Custom and fully overridable SCSS structure with caching + [improve] Added custom margin & padding options on Row, Column & Element levels + [improve] Display message if there is no OffCanvas module + [improve] Facebook icon updated + [improve] Improved some of the layout icons #30 + [improve] Load FontAwesome locally improved + [improve] Social icons issues updated + [improve] Astroid admin area (Template Options) has become more mobile friendly than before + [improve] Import & Export feature improvements + [improve] Minor Google font improvement + [improve] Menu level Blog Options updated + [improve] SVG media format supporting + [improve] Astroid Responsive Typography enhancements + [improve] Article backend options design changed + [improve] Minor sub-title changes for OffCanvas & Sidebar Header + [improve] Improved Frontend editing issues + [improve] Minor HoverIntent improvement + [fixed bug] Off canvas link issue fixed + [fixed bug] Author social profiles saving + [fixed bug] Article level Image & Links option alignment fixed + [fixed bug] Missing Preloader added + [fixed bug] Horizontal menu style issue fixed + [fixed bug] Custom fonts now working on Coming Soon & 404 pages + [fixed bug] Article badge issue fixed + [fixed bug] Article Rating position issue fixed + [fixed bug] Multi-language mega menu issue fixed + [fixed bug] Moving section changes are now saved + [fixed bug] Minor issue with media modules on 404 page + [fixed bug] Animation Delay & Speed improvements in layout builder + [fixed bug] The id of generated HTML element’s is become shorter in length. + [fixed bug] Article Type icon minor style change + [fixed bug] OffCanvas external URL issue fixed + [fixed bug] Privacy Link issue with Joomla Contact form fixed + [fixed bug] Export compatibility issue in Firefox fixed + [fixed bug] Corrected the place for Joomla Events Firing Version 3.0.5 – January 09, 2020 + Joomla 3.9.14 updated + SP Page Builder v3.6.7 updated + Fix issue with Astroid 2.3.0 + Jollyany Framework v1.2.2 updated + Add Preset features Version 3.0.4 – October 08, 2019 + Joomla 3.9.12 updated + SP Page Builder v3.6.2 updated + Fix issue with social color icon function + Jollyany Framework v1.1.2 updated Version 3.0.3 – July 12, 2019 + Joomla 3.9.10 updated + SP Page Builder v3.5.0 updated + Fix issue with loadLayout function + Jollyany Framework v1.0.3 updated + Jolllyany Template v3.0.5 updated Version 3.0.2 – May 24, 2019 + Rebuilt everything + Inherit all style of Jollyany Template + Bootstrap 4 Compatible + Astroid Framework Updated + TZ Portfolio Pro Included + SP Page Builder Pro Included + Hikashop Style Updated + EasySocial Compatible + Kunena Style Updated + EasyBlog Compatible + EasyDiscuss Compatible + 9 Header Style update + 5 Home version update + Fontawesome 5 Update + Drag\'n drop everything Version 1.6 + Bug fix: Fix error page Home 3 doesn\'t display. Fix error page \"One Page\" doesn\'t display. Fix error can\'t display tweets of module TZ Twitter Widget. Fix error create new topic of forum. + Updates: Update Joomla v3.8.2 Update Revolution v5.0.8 Update AcyMailing v5.8.1 Update HikaShop v3.2.1 Update Kunena v5.0.11 Update TZ Portfolio Plus v1.1.6 Update TZ Multipurpose v1.4 Version 1.5 + Bug fix: Fix error in back-end of modules: TZ Social Custom, TZ Skills, TZ Services, TZ Pricing Table, TZ Testimonial. Fix error of profile\'s form in front-end. + Updates: Update Joomla v3.7.2 Update Hikashop v3.1.1 Update Plazart Framework v5.5 Update Kunena Forum v5.0.9 Update TZ Portfolio Plus v1.0.6 + Features: Add options in plugin \"System - TZ Charity Params\": Show Social, Show Related Article for Blog and Article views of com_content. Version 1.4 + Bug fix: Add option Open in new tab for link in module TZ Services. + Updates: Update Joomla v3.6.2 Update Hikashop v2.6.4 Update Plazart Framework v5.3 Update Kunena Forum v5.0.1 Update module TZ map v1.0.2 Update Charity addon v1.0.2 Update TZ Portfolio Plus v1.0.4 Version 1.3 + Bug fix: Fix error countdown of events. Remove addon Image Carousel in quickstart(Move carousel\'s options of this addon to plugin System - TZ Charity Params). Fix error avatar hover of JomSocial. Fix error modal lightbox of Kunena. Add module TZ Social Custom to package. + Updates: Update joomla v3.5.1 Update TZ Portfolio Plus v1.0.3 Update addon charity v1.0.1: Fix error countdown of events for view article and portfolio. Update addon google map v1.0.1: Added: Google Map API Key. Update AcyMailing v5.5.0 Update Hikashop v2.6.3 Update Plazart Framework v5.2 Insert option \"Show Events\'s Countdown\" for module TZ Portfolio Plus from plugin System - TZ Charity Params. Version 1.2 + Improvement: Use Add-ons of TZ Portfolio Plus to create pages events and causes without JUX Charity Hux Need supports? * Support Forum When being our member, you have access to our forum where you can post your problem and get support to solve it. * Support Desk System It includes two supporting systems: the Ticket system, by submitting a ticket about your problem to us, member will receive answer to the problem. It is also fast and easy to check whether your problem has been solved and how it is fixed. The second worth-mentioning supporting system is FAQ includes a lot of useful information to be found. * E-mail It is also possible to e-mail to in order to ask them for help.Buy and Download
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