Cariera - Job Board WordPress Theme

Cariera – Job Board WordPress Theme Cariera is a professional-oriented WordPress Theme based on WP Job Manager. It is a complete solution for both Employers and Candidates, offering different job layouts, advanced stats, a private messaging system, a premium dashboard for each user role, and advanced searching options. By buying and fully importing the theme, you will get the exact same website as the live demo within minutes! No Extra Plugins are required! Version 1.7.3 is available now! Full Changelog Official Facebook Group | Subscribe to the Newsletter Core Theme Features Predefined content: Cariera comes with multiple different unique homepages (12) and lots of extra pages ready for you to modify and choose for your website. One-click Installation: Importing the whole demo content into your website with just one click takes a few minutes. Built with Elementor: All homepages and extra pages provided by Cariera are built with the most popular page builder, Elementor. The theme also offers a number of custom elements for Elementor that will make the designing process easier. Enhanced Job Board: Cariera is built upon the famous WP Job Manager plugin and all of it’s official addons. The theme enhances every single aspect of their functionalities. Cariera Company Manager: The theme provides a custom Company Manager system that extends the default companies of WPJM won’t require any third-party plugins. You can post job listings on behalf of the company, showcase the company’s details, and manage your company’s jobs. Private Messaging System: Allow employers and candidates to directly communicate with each other without having to leave the site or exchange emails with our powerful private messaging system. Notification System: The user will be notified of all important events via the built-in instant notification system. Some of the events are job applications, listing approvals, listing expirations, and more. Advanced Dashboard: Employers and candidates will be able to handle every action within the theme’s dashboard. Frontend Login and Register System: You can allow users to register via the frontend automatically, as well as moderate each registration. Users can login to their account seamlessly via the frontend if their account has been approved. Multiple listing layouts: The theme comes with multiple designs to choose from for your listings (job, resume, companies). Multiple single listing layouts: The theme comes with multiple designs to choose from for your single listing pages (jobs, resumes, and companies). Social Media Sharing: The theme allows you to share your listings, blog posts, and products on social media with a single click. Map Support: The theme supports Google Maps, Open Street Maps, and Mapbox with extended autocomplete features. The half-map feature is also one of the theme’s main features to represent the listings in the best possible way. WooCommerce Integration: Fully compatible with WooCommerce, offering a unique design that allows you to sell your goods through your website. Promotional Packages: Allow your users to purchase a promotional package and make their listing (job, resume, company) featured for a number of days via their dashboard. Focused on Performance: Cariera has been built with the latest technology in mind to ensure the best performance possible. Responsive Design: With Cariera, your content will look pixel-perfect on every screen. Child-theme ready: Allows you to easily override default theme template files using your child theme. Updating the core theme without using any customizations made in your child theme. Detailed documentation: There are extensive, detailed documentation articles on how to set up and customize the theme! Official Cariera Documentation Core Plugin Support: All the plugins listed below expand the theme’s core functionality and are fully supported. Resume Manager Job Alerts Job Tags WC Paid Listings Bookmarks Applications Compatible Third Party Plugins: - SOLD SEPARATELY - The plugins are SOLD SEPARATELY and are NOT included in the Theme or used in the live demo You can extend your website’s functionality with the plugins listed below. Cariera offers full compatibility. Search & Filtering for WP Job Manager WP Job Manager – Field Editor WP Job Manager – Packages WP Job Manager – Emails WP Job Manager – Visibility Resume Alerts for WP Job Manager Essentials for WP Job Manager LinkedIn for WP Job Manager Go Fetch Jobs None of the mentioned plugins above have been used in the live demo! Extra Features: Create beautiful slides with Revolution Slider (plugin included) Extended Elements for Elementor Google Map and Leaflet map Support Advanced Search fields Different Preloaders 8 different Job listing layouts 4 different Company listing layouts 4 different Resume listing layouts Blog Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Image, Quote, Video, Gallery) Different Testimonial Styles Contact Form 7 support for Candidates and Companies Full translatable (.pot file included) SEO Ready Advanced Typography Control Google fonts (800+) support Reliable Support Well Documented Support: Feel free to contact me anytime if you have any presale questions or if you have already bought the theme and need help with it. I would be more than happy to help and answer all of your questions. If you have any suggestions about what you might want to be added to future updates, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Update Logs Ver. 1.7.3 – 25.01.2024 Added: - *** New demo importer - 2 new home pages - Hide job search option in \"Listing Tab Search element\" - Company search form in \"Listing Tab Search element\" - Single company search form Elementor element - User role class in the body - Access dendied template for login-register element when user is loggedin - \"Site Health Info\" button on Cariera Import Requirement box - Company categories in Listing category list element - Company categories in Listing category grid element - Job tag taxonomy page - Default user role registration option - Single job, resume, company version 1 sidebar made sticky - Social media buttons in \"Cariera -> Welcome\" Improved: - All pages use Elementor container - All pages design - All pages uses global colors now for better customization handling - Demo pages speed performance due to using less html tags - Footer widgets content - Demo content for pages, posts, listings and products - Total rewrite for Kirki handling - Strengthened security on some onboarding functions - Readability of some general functions - Header shopping cart moved into a template file - Cariera settings handling and security improvements - Cariera settings UI elements - Listing category Elementor element code - Icons and background image handling for Job Categories - Job categories use now term_meta instead of custom options - Header extra links handling - Elementor element: Job category slider code - Elementor element: Listing category list - Elementor element: Listing category grid - Company slider content moved into a template file - Google maps script loading - Recent blog posts ui - Small widget styling - Job taxonomy pages - Resume taxonomy pages - Company taxonomy pages - Overall taxonomy handling - Overall theme css - Pricing table elements allow html tags now on title, price and description - Login custom redirection based on user role - Pricing table elements allow html tags now on title, price and description - Resume visibility settings set to none on theme activation - Job & resume custom search fields functions - Search radius methods and logics - Responsiveness on \"Cariera -> Welcome -> Import\" - Job application data to REST API for mobile app - Login custom redirection based on user role Fixed: - Demo after import when page does not exist - Save empty \"first name\" in my profile editing - Save empty \"last name\" in my profile editing - Location autocomplete UI on listing pages when using Leaflet maps - Job box search not searching and showing 404 page - Job search form shows resume categories instead of job categories - Job autocomplete when writting on keyword field - PHP on wp_robots_no_robots() for companies - Single Company Linkedin color - Recommended hosting banner in Cariera -> Welcome Updated: - Core plugins - Language POT file Ver. 1.7.2 – 15.11.2023 Added: - Total refactor of Cariera Core Plugin - New templating managment system for Cariera Core - All shortcodes content has been added into template files - Home 4 has categories filter now - Registration disabled template - Cariera Onboarding is using templates now - \"Forgot password form\" into a template - Social media widget content into seperate template - X support to \"Custom: Social Media Widget\" - Custom Elementor elements content use templates now Improved: - WPJM & addons integration with the theme - Plugins manager - Company manager functions - If user role is empty it will be the default user role setting - My Profile edit info - Cariera Core template handling - Cariera Core performance handling - \"Cariera Welcome\" compatible addons - \"Cariera Welcome\" gnodesign themes - Cariera demo handling - Forgot password security - Listing taxonomy handling Fixed: - PHP Notices on PHP 8.1 - Importer issue - Update plugins via \"WP Dashboard -> Cariera -> Welcome -> Plugins\" - Save empty phone on My Profile - Single company social buttons alignment issue - Cariera Settings small UI issues - Deprecated functions in Company Manager - Location autocomplete UI on half map when using Leaflet maps Updated: - Core plugins - Language POT file Deprecated: - Gamajo_Template_Loader has been removed as a dependency Ver. 1.7.1 – 01.11.2023 Added: - Minimun password length option - Seperated CSS files for WC cart - Seperated CSS files for WC checkout - Seperated CSS files for WC single product - Separated CSS file for listing submissions - Print single job listing page feature - Print single resume page feature - Print single company feature - Support link in Cariera Settings - Handling for deprecated functions - Deprecated notice when user is using cariera_core_is_activated() instead of \\Cariera\\cariera_core_is_activated() - \'cariera_delete_account\' filter to be able to remove delete account section - Eye icon to show password on my profile page - Theme version in \"Cariera -> Welcome\" below the logo Improved: - WooCommerce asset handling - \"Change user details\" uses AJAX now - \"Change user password\" uses AJAX now - \"Delete account\" uses AJAX now - Rewritten whole user handling ( login, register ) file - Support button in \"Cariera -> Welcome\" added in a separated template - Further performance improvements - Cariera Settings UI styling - Escaped values for improved security - Data handling on demo account (not able to delete account, edit info) - Color consistency throughout the theme - Lighthouse accessibility score - Demo account info alert on login form - Dev scss files Fixed: - Small UI issues with single listing pages on responsive - Remove additional \"application closes\" field in single job page - Job quickview \"company wrapper\" styling issues - Styling not loaded for Category slider element Updated: - Core plugins - Twitter icons have been changed to X - Language POT file Ver. 1.7.0 – 17.10.2023 Added: - Partial PHP 8.2 Support - WPJM 1.42.0 Compatibility - New Cariera Settings UI - Job listing renewal via frontend dashboard - Enable/disable \"Compose Message\" option - \"Listing sidebar search\" Elementor element - WPJM term-select template \"required\" support - Cariera company support for WPJM widgets - Cariera Settings responsiveness - Cariera Welcome page responsiveness - \'submit_company_form_company_fields_end\' action - Cariera Company Submission reCAPTCHA field - Cariera Company Submission Terms & Conditions Checkbox field - Cariera Company \"Listing Approved\" email - Cariera Company \"Allow Pending Edits\" option - Cariera Company \"Allow Published Edits\" option - Searchable company jobs by clicking the job positions # in the single company page - Company selection required option for job submission - Message after deleting messages & notifications via backend Improved: - *Theme uses namespaces and autoloading now (Total rework) - Theme file structures - Asset loading - Asset sizes - Overall code quality - Overall theme size - Overall code comments and template system - Cariera Company Manager - Cariera Company submission security - Cariera Company account creation on listing submit - Company Permalinks option security - 3rd party plugins integration handling - Sidebar listing search - Theme License handling - Cariera theme activation $status handling - Theme security - Theme Template security - WPJM template security - Elementor elements security and handling - Always show company search actions (reset and search result) - Deactivate default WPJM salary on theme activation - Bookmarked listings will show \"bookmarked\" text instead of \"bookmark\" - [search_form] changed to [cariera_job_search_form] - WooCommerce single product styling - Site requirements on the import page - Theme font sizes use REM now instead of PX - Overall font color and sizes consistency - RTL compatibility - Resumes use cariera_the_candidate_photo() to output candidate photos now - 404 page - Registration fields are cleared after registration if it\'s not auto approval - Private Messages email notification Fixed: - PHP 8.2 errors and notices - Company Team Size value is preseved when previewing the company and going back - Translation issue on listing archive pages - WPJM widget issue with company logos - Envato theme check issues - CF7 Elementor element icon issue - WooCommerce button color not using main color on variable product page - WooCommerce single product UI issues - PHPCS errors - Blog styling issue - past-applications template not linking to jobs - Preview listing submission styling issues - Email notification for Private Messages not sent on some instances Updated: - WPJM template files - WPJM Application template files - WooCommerce template up to version 8.1 - Bundled Plugins - Language POT File Deprecated: - WPBakery Support Ver. 1.6.7 – 27.05.2023 Added: - Add support for multiple application forms - Bookmarks login page template Improved: - Min PHP version required is 7.4 - Design for \"My Bookmarks\" page when viewing as a non logged-in user Fixed: - Small css issue Updated: - Core plugins - Language POT files Ver. 1.6.6 – 05.05.2023 Added: - Google Maps multiple countries search restriction support - Google Maps language support - cariera_company_logo_size filter in the single company page map - Remove job category from tab search if job categories have been disabled - Remove resume category from tab search if resume categories have been disabled Improved: - Job Slider Elementor element - Resume Slider Elementor element - Company Slider Elementor element - Job type color functionality - cariera_the_company_logo function improved - Job & Resume tab search - Login core functionality - Handling of bundled plugins Fixed: - WordPress 6.2 Compatibility - get_page_by_title() deprecated - Google Maps console callback error - After login redirection issue - Slider elements not showing featured listings - Issue when job type is using a non latin alphabet - WPJM Emails settings issue due to wrong enqueued select2 library - Select2 enqueue issues - Hiding header elements (Field Editor) in the job submission page - PHPCS errors - Security issue Updated: - Bundled plugins - POT Files Ver. 1.6.5 – 25.01.2023 Added: - \"Select Company\" field validation - Blog post dates use global date format now Improved: - Company manager on job submission - Start using new elementor/widgets/register hook introduced in Elementor 3.5.0 - Blog post template handling Fixed: - Job Submission: when user doesn\'t have a company and \"existing company\" is selected - Select2 assets registering overlap between plugins - Select2 enqueue issues - User change password PHP 8+ issue - Edit account PHP 8+ issue - Delete account PHP 8+ issue - Elementor 3.10.0 PHP notices - Small design issues - Small issues with PHP 8.1+ - Comments popup link on blog posts Updated: - Core Plugins - POT Files Ver. 1.6.4 – 06.12.2022 Added: - Confirmation alert when deleting a company listing - Remove WPJM setup admin notice after demo import - Job Alert Login template (WPJM Alerts 1.5.6+) - Password arg to \"Approve new registered User\" Improved: - \"Company\'s job listings\" will only show \"published\" status listings - Job submission term checklist style (job tags checkboxes) - Search radius comes after \"Remote Position\" checkbox - Polylang compatibility - Cariera Importer - Some code blocks have been refactored - Theme general accessibility - Small CSS improvements Fixed: - PHP error on Company Visibility settings - Theme assets priority fix - Select2 issue on listing search when S&F is active - Submission flow Polylang compatibility - Slick slider arrow buttons going out of the viewport - Job Resume tab search location autocomplete - Job Resume tab search geolocation - Some WPML Compatibility issues Updated: - WooCommerce Templates - WordPress Importer - Bundled Core Plugins - POT Language files Ver. 1.6.3 – 03.10.2022 Added: - Compatibility WPJM 1.38.0+ - Remote position search on all job searches - Remote position option on \"job board\" Elementor element - RTL CSS asset files - Better RTL support - Some Company options couldn\'t be translated (missing $domain arg) Improved: - Compatibility with WPJM Region plugin - Deregistering styles and scripts function - Company visibility handling - Handling of adding compatibility with 3rd party plugins - Polylang compatibility - Less core options when theme is not activated - Licensing security - Js source files improved and linted - Ajax functions security strengthened - Private Messages security Strengthened - Defer certain CSS and JS files for better performance - General theme\'s asset handling - General CSS Fixed: - Job Region taxonomy page not working - Company visibility issues with WPJM 1.37.0 and PHP 8 - Header overlapping popup background on job half map - Taxonomy page not showing any results when category use a different alphabet - Sending the right lang via WPJM AJAX - Message count removed when marking notifications as read - Login issue when clicking on \"direct message\" as non logged in user - PHPCS issues Updated: - POT translation file Ver. 1.6.2 – 04.08.2022 Added: - Cariera Mobile App Integration setting (off by default) - User registration via REST - Resume taxonomy show now in REST API - Additional fields to Listing search via REST API - Author support for resumes - Adds additional data to REST API - Resume layout options for resume half map template - Compatibility with WPJM 1.37.0 - Job Visibility settings - Native WPJM Salary output to the overview (WPJM 1.37.0) - Filters for various page_ids for better compatibility with multilingual plugins - Filter to be able to change preloader logo via custom code - Options to hide submission menu items in the dashboard - Job Submission Limit compatibility (WPJM 1.36.0) Improved: - Company visibility settings - Company category search handling - Company category field when no categories available - Company Sidebar search - Resume Sidebar search - Job Listings will not show multiple job types anymore - Login & Register popup coding - Job quickview general code & design - Job & Resume tab search - Cariera Salary labeling & description - Job slider content gets pulled from template now for better customization - Job Dashboard template to use latest wpjm template version Fixed: - Job quick issues when job single temple 2-3 was selected - Job & Resume tab search small validation issues - Candidate email having \"http://\" Ver. 1.6.1 – 30.05.2022 Added: - Messages email notification - Autoload interval option for Messaging system (to lighten server load on autoloading messages and conversations) - \"Sidebar Search\" option for job_board shortcode in case the main page uses sidebar search Improved: - Messaging system performance - Messaging system database handlings - Messaging system logics and functions - Job sidebar search page handling Ver. 1.6.0 – 11.05.2022 Added: - *** Private Messaging System - * Resume Grid 3 Layout - * Related Resumes based on Resume Category - * Compatibility with WPJM Essentials plugin - \"One time purchase\" option on listing submission package - \"Custom redirection page\" option on login settings - \"cariera_candidate_detail_actions\" actions on candidate details - New hooks to WPJM Applications template - Listing ID & URL in webhook data response - Company shortcode filters for data atts - Filter to make Company Manager field required on job submission - Additional filters to allow easier customization - Filters to change default listing image - Author support for companies - Compatibility with Elementor 3.6.0 - Company logos show on \"my bookmarks\" for bookmarked companies - Registration complete action for better customization handling - Number group on the [cariera_companies_list] shortcode - \"Essentials for WPJM\" plugin in the Cariera Welcome page Improved: - Reset password - Password reset email headers get pulled from Cariera Email Settings - ajax search check isset() like core for resume search - ajax search check isset() like core for company search - Frontend style handling - License management system - Theme security when theme is not activated - Cariera avatar functions - Better descriptions for the \"Companies -> Settings -> Pages\" settings - Bootstrap map notice doesn\'t shown anymore in console - [cariera_companies_list] shortcode output handled via template - Company alphabetical list rewritten - Lighter listing data on demo import Fixed: - HTML tags are not rendered in Cariera Settings \"title description\" - PHP errors when WPJM plugin is not activated - PHP Error with \"Resume Search\" Elementor element - Issue on Grid listings not displaying right when S&F plugin is enabled - Company can not be accessed from job if it\'s not published - Avoid accessing pending companies from jobs which results in 404 page - Job Grid 1 showing category slug instead of name - Google maps issue due to their API changes - Job types not being reset when search resets - “_register_controls is deprecated” error - Not showing right company logo for bookmarked jobs that use Cariera Companies - Not showing right company logo for jobs that use Cariera Companies on auto suggest keyword search - Application email showing with \"http://\" on single job listing - Cariera popup issues on user dashboard Update: - Core plugins updated - POT translation files All changes on the previous versions can be found in the readme.txt in the theme folder.Buy and Download
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