BRW - Booking Rental Plugin WooCommerce

Booking & Rental Plugin WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin WooCommerce – With multiple settings and flexible features of the plugin, it is fit with multiple booking systems. The rental plugin developed from WooCommerce, so you can customize features and templates with ease. The booking plugin is applicable for systems like: Car Rental, Hotel Booking, Tour Booking, Travel Booking, Boat Rental, Bicycle, Transportation Service, Taxi Service, Location Service …. You can integrate to theme, change the template of plugin in child theme and use flexibility of multiple hooks easily. We tested plugin with many popular themes. Compatibility WordPress 6.x WooCommerce 6.x, 7.x, 8.x PHP 7.x, 8.x Check Backend with Account: Username: demo Password: demo Note: Read documentation to know more detail. Multiple Card Template The booking plugin supports multiple card template. You can use any Card template for any Category, so per category can display different template. You can customize Card template in child theme easily. Product Template The rental plugin supports 2 options for displaying Product Template: Modern Template and Template in Elementor. – Modern Template: You can customize product template file in child theme easily. – You can create a template for Product detail with Elementor plugin. The plugin supports Full Elements in product detail. You can customize elements template file in child theme easily. Support Many Elements with Elementor – The Booking Plugin supports many elements: Filter Category Ajax, Product Slider, Category Thumbnail, Search Form, Search With Map, Full Elements for Product Templates also you can use Element for any product. – You can customize elements template in child theme easily. Support Many Shortcode – The Rental Plugin supports many shortcode: Search, Booking Form, Request Booking Form, Calendar, Table Price, Features. – You can customize shortcodes template in child theme easily. Multiple Booking/Rental Type Daily Hourly Mix (Daily, Hourly) Period Time (fixed time package, flexible time package) Hotel Booking Taxi Service: Price per Km. Transportation/Location Service: Set fixed price from Location A to Location B. Tour Booking (Coming Soon) Appointment (Coming Soon) Various Pricing Plans It is depends your booking type. You can setup different for per season, holiday. The price depend duration time, quantity. Calendar Availabile - This Calendar helps visitors to know available dates and unavailable dates with a certain product. - With hourly rental option, the calendar will show how many orders in a particular day and time slots other customers booked - With daily rental option, the calendar will display daily price - Using different calendar templates: Year, Month, Week, Day, List The Calendar Serves Booking In the booking Form, the calendar will display in fields “Pick-up date and Drop-off date”, so customers only need to click on expected dates to make a booking. Booking Feature It is flexible feature. You can show/hide fields easily. Booking Form supports many features: Deposit, Custom Checkout Field, Services, Resource… Request/Inquiry Booking Feature – Visitors create a request for booking, the admin will receive that request. The admin can make a phone call or send an email to visitors to confirm the booking. Also system will create order, so the customer can payment later. Multiple items per booking This allows customers to order one or multiple items on an order. It is convenient for customers when making a payment. They don’t have to pay for many items with many orders. Powerful search functionality Clients can filter products and services according to their own needs with the search tool regardless of devices they use Search for: – Pick up Date – Drop off Date – Pick up Location – Drop off Location – Category – Tag – Attributes – Brand – Custom Taxonomy (Admin can make unlimit custom taxonomy) Custom Checkout field The admin can create unlimited Custom Checkout Field to display in Booking and Request Booking Form. You can set a price for each custom checkout field, so the price will be added to the total invoice. Prepared Time The plugin lets setup time duration between 2 leases, so owners can use this time duration to check products to get ready for greeting clients. Cancellation In some unexpected cases, customers want to cancel their orders. The plugin supports them to make a cancellation. All cancellation will automatically be approved without any efforts. Customers and the admin will receive a cancellation email notification automatically. After receiving cancellation, the admin pays back customers. Multiple payment gateway Customers can pay for their bookings via payment gateways that WooCommerce supports, such as Paypal, Stripe, Payoneer….. Manage Insurance The admin received or paid insurance amount for clients Manage Deposit Customers take a partial payment or full payment. The system will auto create and send invoice to customer’s email, so the customer can payment remaining amount via order link. Besides The admin can create invoice and send for customer. Automatic Email Notification A Confirmation email or cancellation email will automatically be sent to email addresses of customers after booking or canceling without needing any staff. Specially, x days before the pick-up date clients will receive a reminder email. Order Management – Search Tool for orders: On backend, Admin can filter orders according to: + Order ID + Customer Name + Check-in Date + Check-out Date + Pick-up Location + Drop-off Location + Order Status + Product – Edit Orders Manually + Edit personal information of customers + Edit delivery addresses + Edit Deposit, remaining and insurance amount + Add mandatory fee, shipping fee and tax. Check Available Product in backend. The admin only need to choose product, the system will display calendar about booked date. Create Order manually This functionality is crucial when the admin wants to add offline orders when receiving requests for booking via phone or directly, so the admin will manage on the fly both kinds of orders: online and offline. Multiple Languages Compatibility with WPML and Polylang Plugin. Support Multiple Currency You can install some free extra plugins to use Multiple Currency with our plugin. Please read documentation for detail. The other outstanding features: – Add unlimited attributes – Add price for extra services – Multilingual – Manage Inventory – Add unlimited custom taxonomy – Extra tab: Display any shortcode in tab – Backend calendar to manage reservations – Fully Responsive: Design to offer the best experience on any devices. Developer – Easily customize template, layout in child theme – Support multiples hooks ChangeLogs Version 1.4.8 – 12 January 2024 - Fix some small error. - Improve Search Form. - Update language file. Version 1.4.7 – 10 January 2024 - Show Insurance Amount on booking form - Book before X days from today (Repair Vehicle) - Add recaptcha co Request Booking Form - Optimize Code - Add condition checkbox in booking form - Add Filter by category, option exclude category id in Product Search Ajax - Search Map element ( currently always show all products ) - Add option to allow change text \"Car\", \"Cars\" in Category Thumbnail element Version 1.4.6 – 20 November 2023 - Fix global discount - Add reCAPTCHA for booking and request forms - Add terms and conditions for booking and request forms - Add product map widget - Update capability for Custom checkout fields and custom taxonomy - Update product Ajax filter - Update RTL CSS. Version 1.4.5 – 06 November 2023 - Update code with option “High-performance order storage” in WooCommerce. Version 1.4.4 – 06 November 2023 - Update code with option “High-performance order storage” in WooCommerce. - Update some text domain - Update short description widget style - Add filter for request booking - Add sort products by menu order for widgets - Add option show hide category filter ovabrw-product-ajax-filter - Fix multiple currency for request booking create order - Fix view resources price when create new order - Fix duplicate short description in product short desc elementor widdet - Fix get data undefined index order, order by - Fix time-format for unavailable time in backend - Fix search map location not working Version 1.4.3 – 05 October 2023 - Add shortcode Product Template - Add Quantity for Resource, Service, Custom Checkout Field - Update support mile for taxi type - Create option limit years on datetimepicker. Version 1.4.2 – 25 September 2023 + Add Supports Multiple Currency. + Add List Product Shortcode. + Add some CSS with Divi Theme. Version 1.4.1 – 06 September 2023 + Add option display template for Shop, Category, Taxonomy Version 1.4.0 – 31 August 2023 + Add Taxi Rental Type + Add Some Elements + Add New Modern Template + Fix some bugs. Version 1.3.9 – 21 June 2023 + Fix Check Order + Fix Create Order in Backend Version 1.3.8 – 09 June 2023 + Add some type for custom checkout form: Attachment File, Radio, Select, Checkbox + Add Price for Custom Checkout Field. This Price will added in checkout form. + Add Custom Checkout field when create manual order in backend. + Add Request Booking Form Feature. The data added to order with hold status. + Fix Plugin compatible with PHP 7.x, 8.x + Fix Display UnTime + Fix create remaining order (include tax in price, cart) + Fix Rental Type: Period Time (Manage Vehicle: Manual) + Fix WPML Version 1.3.7 – 07 April 2023 - Update Plugin compatible with PHP 7.x, 8.x Version 1.3.6 – 14 March 2023 - Update deposit: create new order remaining - Update Cron job: Auto create and send invoice for customer to payment remaining amount. Version 1.3.5 – 01 February 2023 - Fix show Special Time in Calendar - Fix search by location Version 1.3.4 – 14 December 2022 - Fix calculate price resources & services Version 1.3.3 – 21 October 2022 - Fix permission in import locations - Fix style category list - update Full Amount in Order Detail - update Full Amount for order deposit - add filter for Full Amount - Fix Elements in Elementor plugin Version 1.3.2 – 06 October 2022 - Add Setup Location for per Product - Import Locations with Price - Fix Google Map + Fix Product Image Element + Fix settings + Fix Save Product + Update language file .pot Version 1.3.1 – 19 September 2022 + Fix show Date in Cart + Fix Search Map Widget + Fix edit order in backend + Fix rent type: hotel + Update Max day and hour + Fix show total in booking + Fix Ajax show total + Add custom taxonomy in Element + Add Disable Week Day for per product + Add Shipping when create order in admin + Update Booking Widget + Update Locations price + Update import locations + Update Product Widgets + Update don’t allow to input date from the keyboard. + Update language file. + Update show drop-off date for rent type: location Version 1.3.0 – 08 August 2022 - Fix date time picker in booking form - Fix price in Special Time - Fix rental type package - Fix show package - Fix category in backend Version 1.2.9 – 27 June 2022 - Add translate for placeholder pick-up date, drop-off date - Fix calendar - Fix WooCommerce after checkout validation - Fix custom field, checkout Version 1.2.8 – 03 June 2022 + Fix hook load product template. + Fix cart when price is empty. + Fix calendar. Version 1.2.7 – 18 May 2022 - Update: Hide “extra tab” for simple products - Fix validate after checkout - Fix Search Shortcode - Fix language calendar for Polylang Version 1.2.6 – 28 April 2022 - Add sort product in search shortcode - Fix load builder in Divi Theme - Fix show time in calendar - Fix compatibility with WCFM plugin - Fix single product template. Version 1.2.5 – 30 March 2022 + Fix Search map Element + Add Unavailable Time Element + Fix Services in Cart + Fix show price + Update Add filter allow to show price after search by shortcode + Update Disable scroll in put in datetime + Fix show quantity in cart Version 1.2.4 – 21 January 2022 - Add Product page template with Elementor - Add Category: Choose template of product in that category - Add: Resource, Service when create order in backend - Add: Map Product - Add Search Map Elementor - Fix view Discount in single product page - Fix show taxonomy - Fix shortcode booking form - Fix booking form - Fix deposit - Fix problem related Google Map - Fix some problem when create order in backend: Tax, Deposit, Email - Fix: javascript with select2 library Version 1.2.3 – 05 July 2021 - Add: Create template for product detail with Elementor. - Improve Deposit feature to working with some Payment Gateway - Update Tax when create order in backend. - Fix Drop-off date with Rental Type: Period - Fix show/hide Order Meta in mail Version 1.2.2 – 25 May 2021 - Add: Change label per Category, Product - Add: Time between 2 leases (Minutes) for Day and Location - Update: Improve Create Order in Backend - Update: Improve code for manage stock quanity: You should edit and save again product. - Update: Showing total after click a product in search page. - Update: Step time setting with min number - Update: Replace label “Define 1 day” in backend - Update: Optimize javascript - Fix UX for choosing hour input date in mobile. - Fix UI displaying label of Cart page in mobile. - Fix Add Resource in backend - Fix: some problem related to Tax - Fix some small error. Version 1.2.1 – 10 April 2021 - Fix check avaiable product in backend. - Fix compatibility with Polylang plugin. - Fix some small error. Version 1.2.0 – 7/April/2021 + Add label display custom taxonomy at frontend. + Add: Display Available Product in booking form. + Add: Setting allow change day begin per week in calendar. + Add: Disable Unavailable Day in Calendar. + Add: Allow setup mail content in Request Booking Form in setting. + Fix display features section in product detail. + Fix: Display Price of special time in Calendar. + Fix small error in calendar. Version 1.1.9 – 1/March/2021 + Fix javascript: Regular Price in backend with WooCommerce 5.0.0 Version 1.1.8 – 21/January/2021 - Add option choose Show custom checkout field in category - Update small issues Version 1.1.7 – 14/January/2021 - Fix display custom taxonomy in product detail Version 1.1.6 – 14/January/2021 Version 1.1.6 - Add Custom Taxonomy in backend - Add: Choose custom taxonomy by Category - Add: Choose custom checkout field in booking form by Category - Add: Choose Pick-up Location, Drop-off Location in booking form by Category - Add Filter allow hide meta field in Order Detail. Version 1.1.5 – 02/December/2020 Version 1.1.5 - Add: Display Total Price by ajax when change field in booking form - Update: Search feature - Fix some error javascript - Fix in multisite Site Version 1.1.4 – 19/September/2020 + Update FullCalendar Library. After update version 1.1.4, please go to WooCommerce >> Settings >> Booking & Rental Tab >> Click Save Changes. Version 1.1.3 – 19/August/2020 + Add auto display package when choose pick-up date + Fix Request Booking Form only display in Rental type + Fix some errors. Version 1.1.2 – 17/August/2020 + Fix compatibility WordPress 5.5 Version 1.1.1 - Add year for special Time when create product: You have to choose again special time in old product. - Add available date in calendar when create order manually - Add some shortcodes: Booking Form, Request Booking Form, Calendar, Table Price, Features Version 1.1.0 - Add hook: Allow User can Cancel Order/booking - Add: Send mail to remind customer about start date for renting. - Add: Required option in service. - Fix: conflict with some plugins. - Update: Language file. Version 1.0.9 + Add hook allow to change limit event in calendar apply_filters( \'brw_cal_limit_event_month\', 1 ); apply_filters( \'brw_cal_limit_event_agenda\', 1 ); apply_filters( \'brw_cal_limit_event_week\', 1 ); + Add hook: When the product has Rental type: Day, Define one: Day and the customer only can choose Day not hour. If you want to the customer can book today, you have to add bellow code to functions.php file in theme. add_filter( \'ovabrw_new_pickup_date_day_day\', function(){ return \'Y-m-d 23:00\'; } ); add_filter( \'ovabrw_new_dropoff_date_day_day\', function(){ return \'Y-m-d 23:30\'; } ); + Fix add Service Version 1.0.8 + [IMPROVE] Optimize code + [FIX] Calendar, Booking when use WPML. + [UPDATE] language file. + [UPDATE] Update Pickup date, Drop-off date in booking form when refer from search page. + [ADD] Add capacity hook for some action: create order, update order status, create checkout field Version 1.0.7 + Fix Drop-off date when create manual order + Fix Number vehicle doesn’t update at frontend and calendar + Fix Show/hide some fields in Cart, Mail + Add Unavailable Date when choose pick-up, drop-off date. + Improve UI Date Calendar Version 1.0.6 + Fix: Insurance display in cart + Fix: Display Time Format Version 1.0.5 + Add Enter number vehicle in booking + Add Add unlimited service with price in booking + Add Order Closed Status => Help improve searching product at frontend + Add Search by Order ID or Name Customer in Manage Order + Add Option: add require location per Vehicle + Improve Display total price/time in search + Fix Check isset in admin + Fix Update prepare time a car to booking calendar Version 1.0.4 + Update calculate cart with special time + Update create manual order + Update Rental Type Period with unfixed time, the customer can choose time. + Update Documentation Version 1.0.3 + Fix Category Edit page doesn’t load again. + Fix Settings in Admin + Fix some file has space at the top of file. Version 1.0.2 - Fix Rental Type Hotel - Validate Booking When checkout Version 1.0.1 - Fix Search at frontend - Fix Check Product at backend - Fix error javascript at frontend in iPhone - Fix display shortcode in extra tab - Add filter to remove \"Manual ID Vehicle\" depend \"Location\" - Optimize codeBuy and Download
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