Bizzy | iOS Universal Multi-purpose WebView App + Website

28 May 2020 • Updated webview code to support new iOS permitted library for webview. Updated code to support iOS dark mode. 8 May 2018 • Changed Parse verison in build.gradle into 1.16.0, due to some issue on the latest Parse SDK and FCM: implementation \'com.parse:parse-android:1.16.0\' 10 April 2018 • Updated to Xcode 9.3 22 September 2017 • Updated to Xcode 9, Swift 4, iOS 11 • Added a 1125x2436px png image (iPhone X launch image) into Assets.xcassets -> LaunchImage image set • Adjusted some views in the Storyboard, because of iPhone X layout • Unchecked the Runtime API Checking in the Scheme -> Diagnostics, accordingly to this post: Bizzy is a Universal App with WebView + Website Template to show your business portfolio, team members, services and info in mobility. The app has an embedded WebView so you can have it display any responsive website by simply editing a line of code! // Replace the string below with the URL to your website home page: let websiteURL = \"\" The package also contains a fully responsive website template, so all you have to do is to edit the HTML and CSS files, upload them to your own hosting server and set its path in the Configs file of the app. You can also send push notifications to all registered devices via the Parse Push web console on Users can contact you with the Contact form, just set your own email address in a php file. Bizzy is written in Swift, easy to customize, native XCode project, Universal, Parse Push with, full website template included About Parse SDK and back4app Read this article for more info about back4app and Parse SDK: Can I host Parse Server on my own server? Yes, although I don’t provide support for the setup process, you can read the official Guide here: I get a Code signing error in Xcode 8.x That’s a bug of Xcode 8 with macOS Sierra, check this sample video to see how to fix it: How to remove AdMob banner ads Check this video out to see how to remove the code that shows AdMob banners: Keep in mind that you must repeat the shown steps for every .swift file that contains this line on the top: import GoogleMobileAds What about free support for this template? I can offer free support for bugs encountered in the original code. Instead, if you’ve edited the code and messed something up with it, I may apply some fee to fix it either via TeamViewer or by checking your app project files directly on my computer. Should I use the latest version of Xcode to edit this template? Yes, I always update my apps to the latest version of the IDE. XCode 9.x project – Swift – 64bit iOS 8.0+ – Universal – Storyboard AdMob banners Works with Parse SDK hosted on Send Push Notifications to all registered devices through the Push web Console Full responsive website template based on Bootstrap PDF User Guide included PSD graphics included Easy to customize, well commented code Apple Mac PC with its latest OS version installed The latest version of Xcode and some knowledge about its UI interface Photoshop or any other image editor software An Apple Developer account to submit apps to the App Store iTunes Connect account A free account on A domain and hosting server with PHP installed (GoDaddy, HostGator and many other providers have PHP installed as default)Buy and Download
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