Biponi - Next.js Ecommerce CMS

Version 2.0.0 - May 24, 2023 - Added : SWR Library for Data Fetching & Caching - Added : Added NextJs Recommended Layout Approach - Added : New API & Controller Get Products By Category - Added : Page Section Folder and Put All Homepage Section Inside here - Update : The Password Change API Controller - Update : Admin Middleware & Added Access Denied For Demo Edit - Update : All Api and Controller - Update : The Settings Context with a Single API Request - Update : The Server API and optimized Caching For Fast Loading - Update : Optimized the Code of All User Dashboard Pages - Update : All Layouts, Update Naming and Folder Structure - Update : Update Layout Components Code and Remove Duplicate Code - Update : Login, Signup, Password Change, Checkout, 404, Reset Password Page - Update : Update Project Setup - Update : Update All Packages and Install Next 13 - Update : Update All NextJs Link Components - Update : Update Homepage All Section Code & File Structure - Fix : The Product Filtering & Error Message Bug - Fix : Test The All API & Fix The Bug and Errors - Fix : The Homepage Layout Issue - Fix : The all typescript error and bug - Fix : Update Code Structure & Fix All TS Errors Biponi is full featured eCommerce CMS built with Next.js. Great UI/UX will give your customers smooth shopping experience. You can easily install Biponi on Vercel or Heroku for free. Installation process is very simple. Our support team also standby to help you. Biponi also comes with 1 click demo install. Which will seed your database with the dummy data. Features Next.js server side rendering Responsive design Payment gateway Cash on delivery Admin dashboard User dashboard MongoDB Easy installation process 1 click demo import Easy product and order management User management Smooth checkout experience Priority supportBuy and Download
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