Bar Chart

Dynamic Bar Chart plugin: Move your data to dance with dynamic bar chart Support multiple chart initalization in same page Create chart cocktail with customizable sizes Follow your data changes instantly with live json data Providing avg sum functionality as standard Sample usage Initialization: $(\"\").Bar({ width: 520, height: 300, title: \"WORLD HEALTH
ORGANIZATION WEBSITE\", logo: \"../img/icon1.svg\", data: [ { \"label\": \"A\", \"value\": 30, \"color\": \"#FFC991\" }, { \"label\": \"B\", \"value\": 63, \"color\": \"#F17E6B\" }, { \"label\": \"C\", \"value\": 64, \"color\": \"#A7387D\" }, { \"label\": \"D\", \"value\": 57, \"color\": \"#8B4A9C\" } ], label: [\"Gen Z\", \"Millennials\", \"Gen X\", \"Boomers\"] }); Html:
Update data: var op = demoData(); bar.Refresh(\"barA\", op);Buy and Download
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