Auto Stars - Car Dealership and Listings WP Theme

AutoStars is a full functional powerful WordPress Theme designed & developed for Car Dealership Business, Auto Listing Websites and comes handy for any kind of Listings Websites Like real Estate, Courses etc.. Features Twitter Bootstrap Slider Revolution Plugin (Worth $26) 25+ Full layered PSD Files Retina Ready & Fully Responsive Front End Ad Listing Management Multiple style Blog and Listing template PowerFull User Dashboard Multiple Gallery Styles Pages Vehicles Details Page 4 Header Styles 12 Premade Color Schemes & Unlimited Color Options Working Contact Form Boxed & Wide Layouts Isotope Galleries ($25 value) Font Awesome Web-Font Icons 150 Line Icons Web-Font Multiple Slider Effects Google Fonts Support SEO Optimised Google Maps Touch/Swipe Support for Sliders Retina Ready & Fully Responsive Well Documented for Easy Editing Compatible With All Latest Browsers Responsive Sorting Gallery Latest Twitter Feeds Widget Don’t forget to rate our template if you love using it Support Support is provided through our dedicated Ticket System to all verified theme buyers. Register for the ticket system using your Envato account for quick access. Credits Twitter Bootstrap DollarPhotoClub Flickr Images from live preview are not included in the template. Change Log v2.9 – January 06, 2023 UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Compatibility with WP version 6.1.1 UPDATED! Compatibility with PHP version 8.1+ v2.8 – June 21, 2022 UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Compatibility with WP version 6.x UPDATED! Compatibility with PHP version 8.x v2.7 – January 11, 2022 UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin IMPROVED! Metabox settings in the backend v2.6 – August 11, 2021 UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin FIXED! Revolution slider header not working for some users FIXED! Some styling bugs v2.5.1 – March 28, 2021 UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin FIXED! Some styling bugs v2.5 – February 10, 2021 IMPROVED! Mobile Menu UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin UPDATED! imithemes classifieds plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin v2.4 – August 15, 2020 UPDATED! Compatibility for WP version 5.5 UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin FIXED! Some styling bugs v2.3 – January 03, 2020 UPDATE! Widgets removed from theme as notice UPDATED! imithemes listing plugin v2.2 – November 17, 2019 NEW! AutoStars Dashboard added for users to see all things in a single place UPDATED! Demo importer for more seamless one click import UPDATED! js conditional loading to improve site speed UPDATED! Tabs widget for page builder to support tinymce for content UPDATED! Theme file structure to load all assets from a single location/folder UPDATED! Language .pot file UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Metabox plugin UPDATED! Meta boxes to support conditional show hide using official plugin UPDATED! Custom post types to use dashicons instead of legacy icons UPDATED! Demo data UPDATED! Replaced placholder images in demo data with real images UPDATED! Custom widgets to support latest version of PHP UPDATED! Event date to show full year instead of short FIXED! PHP Warning in WP Admin for Megamenu FIXED! Events category color not working for recurring events FIXED! Additional line break in shortcodes while using within the page builder editor widget FIXED! Event counter is not showing correct time FIXED! Events list widget not showing all events button text FIXED! Some styling bugs v2.1 – March 30, 2018 UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin FIXED! A styling bug in dashboard menu page with item edit screen FIXED! Some styling bugs v2.0 – January 31, 2018 UPDATED! Slider Revolution plugin to latest version UPDATED! TGM Class to latest version UPDATED! imi classifieds plugin UPDATED! imi listings plugin UPDATED! Add listing page to show all classified settings UPDATED! Widgets to support PHP version 7.0+ ADDED! Woocommerce gallery and lightbox support FIXED! Some bugs with the demo importer FIXED! Quick pagination with main pagination not working FIXED! An issue with number slider values FIXED! An issue with registration widget FIXED! Captcha not getting disabled in registration widget FIXED! Email charset getting bugged when HTML characters used with language translation FIXED! A bug with listing shortcode FIXED! Duplicate terms showing in listing admin list FIXED! Duplicated tags are showing on listing details page FIXED! Some WPML bugs FIXED! Bugs with few page templates including home style 3 etc. FIXED! Tab active problem won listing details page FIXED! Demo importer not working with PHP 7.0+ FIXED! Gallery image in popup should be full size FIXED! google maps api URL not using secure URL https FIXED! Some styling issue with woocommerce v1.9 – March 17, 2017 IMPROVED! Child values response time IMPROVED! When a direct URL is reached with search filter, it’s active filter doesn’t gets added above the filters which makes the filter duplicate when clicked again IMPROVED! Filter values in URL is now removed when filter is removed from above the search filters on listing page UPDATED! add-listing.js file IMPROVED! Pagination arrow icons for first and last page links UPDATED! imi classifieds plugin UPDATED! template-listing.php UPDATED! init.js file UPDATED! Listing comparison function FIXED! When listing per page option is used then the equal height not working FIXED! Pagination is not showing on listing taxonomy pages FIXED! Meta box files not getting enqueued when required at some points FIXED! URL encode function updated for search URL FIXED! Added some missing translation strings FIXED! Categories list blocks not responsive FIXED! Home page 2 template doesn\'t have option to change bg image for recent listed vehicles FIXED! Location map tab on listing details page should be blocked when used to display map FIXED! Error when editing user info from WP Dashboard FIXED! An alert is showing on add listing page for some users FIXED! Quick search not showing results instantly but working when refreshing the page FIXED! Ajax generated listings on results page showing broken video links FIXED! When pagination is user on listings page, refine search filters seems broken for some users FIXED! Listing for car make logos is not showing correct results v1.8.2 – December 21, 2016 NEW! WhatsApp share button for social sharing options UPDATED! Revolution slider to latest version FIXED! Social sharing disable option at Theme Options not working FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Category select mandatory on add listing page FIXED! Filters not working on browser back/forward action v1.8.1 – August 13, 2016 UPDATED! Google Maps API Key support UPDATED! Redux Framework v1.8 – July 05, 2016 UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version 5.2.6 FIXED! Escape attribute removed from custom css option field output FIXED! Pagination of listing should have resize function on ajax success FIXED! Problem with currency format FIXED! Comma allowed for pricing field FIXED! Limited category selection on listings when using imi classifieds plugin FIXED! News section not getting disabled on Home template FIXED! Newsletter form not giving any confirmation on submit FIXED! Contact Form success message was not translatable NEW! Option to disable captcha FIXED! Related listings image specification not working FIXED! Image type specification always showing first image NEW! Search over form for Revolution Slider option FIXED! Broken layout in header style 4 template FIXED! Lightbox option Magnific Popup not working for Listings v1.7.5 – June 01, 2016 UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin to latest version UPDATED! Font Awesome to latest version FIXED! While creating a new listing through WP admin: Below the ?Specifications? dropdown shows warning FIXED! Listings without vehicle images shows no thumbnail. Even it has been set In theme options > default pic of vehicle FIXED! Issue regarding property location on google map. It was displaying user location\'s zip code instead of property location. FIXED! Login/Register page showing error when visited by a non registered user FIXED! Bug in shortcodes generator in the latest release FIXED! Specifications area is not showing when select any \"listing category\" and after unselecting it specifications area is back, but empty FIXED! While adding a new listing. Inserting price with decimal causes it to display invalid. FIXED! \"Home Third Template\" Clicking on the \"Create Ad Now\" button on the plans will direct to \"404 Page Not Found\" FIXED! Unwanted space in the listing details page accordion area FIXED! Search form over the banner doesn\'t produce results FIXED! Author field inside listing page not updating when change to another user, it just change back to the default user FIXED! Google map doesn?t show the location of the advert instead it displays the location of user on listing page FIXED! Captcha string translation not working FIXED! Contact.php string translation not working FIXED! Updated get_currentuserinfo deprecated method FIXED! Blank rows in specification should be hidden on single details page FIXED! Keywords search not working while using char type of specifications FIXED! Until sold static written for plan in shortcode.php and template-home-third.php file FIXED! Pricing table currency postfix prefix not working in template-home-third file FIXED! pages-flex.php have error of range slider min/max values v1.7.4 – May 02, 2016 UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version UPDATED! Meta Box plugin to latest version FIXED! Template blog not showing correct dates for posts FIXED! A bug in template-compare.php FIXED! Some styling bugs v1.7.3 – March 30, 2016 FIXED! Styling for newly added captcha on contact and registration forms FIXED! Add shortcake button styling FIXED! Specifications not showing on single listing page when imi classifieds plugin is being used v1.7.2 – March 22, 2016 NEW! Captcha added for all inbuilt forms for single listing NEW! Option to login with email address as well along with username UPDATED! template-add-listing.php template-dashboard.php, imic-theme-functions.php, meta_field.php and search-one.php FIXED! Mega attributes like target and class not working when a menu is inserted in a megamenu column FIXED! Monthly plan not subtracting listings FIXED! Bug in shortcodes.php FIXED! custom js escaping attributes theme options value FIXED! view video not working when data reload using ajax FIXED! Default image for listings at Theme Options not working FIXED! listing taxonomy permalinks not working for categories FIXED! vehicle-add.js file select field reset FIXED! Refine search dropdown on listing page not working for some users FIXED! Error in newsletter.php FIXED! Child field doesn\'t load automatically if using child theme v1.7.1 – January 21, 2016 FIXED! Shortcodes not working for some users FIXED! Free plans not working FIXED! Admin child specifications not showing for some specifications FIXED! Related listings on single listing page sometimes showing sold listing v1.7 – January 09, 2016 NEW! Monthly Membership plans NEW! Plans category taxonomy added NEW! Range selection filters for search forms NEW! Separate start and end point for range filter UPDATED! Child fields load automatically by their respective parent value in back end of listing FIXED! WPML issue in add listing form FIXED! Form scroll to top if any mandatory field left in add listing form FIXED! Child specifications doesn\'t load in back end for listing section FIXED! Search over slider issue form was not working FIXED! Google Map shortcode in single-cars.php should have \"\" for map location was not showing correct location FIXED! Some strings are not translatable in footer.php file v1.6 – December 02, 2015 NEW! Add any option for child field in search form, so that it could search all listing of parent field NEW! RTL option included NEW! Additional child theme added for users who need to use theme as a single dealer NEW! Option to choose magnetic popup in place of pretty photo NEW! Range filter for search filters FIXED! Specifications not showing in listing if any key removed from repeatable field FIXED! News section was not getting disabled on homepage FIXED! Sort by filter doesn\'t keep existing filters FIXED! Enquiry forms should have message of successful FIXED! Integer specification doesn\'t have space while using custom title FIXED! Child specification filter doesn\'t show due to index not found FIXED! Add listing js numeric validation bug FIXED! Child values doesn\'t show in single-cars.php file FIXED! search-one.php file mistakenly placed in includes folder, now removed FIXED! meta_field.php should have check value if exists instead of index v1.5 – November 17, 2015 NEW! Option for Reset Password NEW! Now theme support WP All ImportFIXED! Specifications was not loading on listings page while using listing plugin NEW! Inquiry form email will show Listing URL instead of ID NEW! Language .po file added for Listing Plugin NEW! Added vk social icon options for header/footer and sharing buttons NEW! Shortcode added for the dealers list UPDATED! Listing single page images slider to more advanced UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version FIXED! Gallery page template category selection was not working FIXED! Some WPML bugs FIXED! Google map was not showing on listing details page FIXED! Compare listing template was not working fine with Classifieds plugin FIXED! Issue with media uploader for front end in Google Chrome FIXED! Classified settings page was not getting updated in WP Dashboard FIXED! Issue with some translations strings FIXED! Issue with child values not loading for some users FIXED! UX problem with login register forms FIXED! Listings pagination was not working fine, preventing page counts to max 7 FIXED! Listings single page inquiry forms were delivering to admin now will be sent to dealer/seller FIXED! News section was not getting disabled on template home 1 v1.4.1 – September 03, 2015 NEW! Default language file added NEW! Option to use WP Media Uploader on Add Listings Page NEW! Option to set image upload field as mandatory NEW! Billing Info fields from Add Listings Page will be hidden if Pricing Plans are disabled NEW! Option to add currency in Pricing Plans UPDATED! Revolution Slider to Latest Version FIXED! IE Browser Issues for Add Listings and Listing View Page Templates FIXED! Pagination not showing all pages after some listings FIXED! Search results were not getting accurate FIXED! Recent Listings were not having correct order on page refresh or on sorting FIXED! Listings expiry date were not saving for some users FIXED! Search over slider issue while using revolution slider FIXED! Mostly Viewed Listings showing Draft Listings post as well v1.4 – July 24, 2015 NEW! Classifieds demo added NEW! Multiple category option for listings NEW! Added title field for listing NEW! Set time expiration for listing in your pricing plan FIXED! Header sticky disable option not working FIXED! Footer position in boxed layout on Blog(index.php) page v1.3.1 – June 30, 2015 prettyPhoto XSS fix v1.3 – June 22, 2015 NEW! Option for plans whether admin wants to activate it or not NEW! Option for listing status Ex- Under Review and Active Instantly NEW! Child specification was not working in search shortcode NEW! Child specification was not working in search filter NEW Km/Miles option for calculating distance NEW! Currency option for mortgage calculator NEW! Listing details page can now also have option for shortcode of forms or totally disable the inquiry forms NEW! Extra tabs option for listing details page FIXED! Content was not showing on single blog page v1.2 – June 3, 2015 NEW! Password strength meter and password generator for signup popup and form widget NEW! Search form shortcakes (2 types) NEW! Option to choose the default form for ad listing page either be search or custom details NEW! Auto move to next step on Add Listing Wizard FIXED! Car details page forms was not working FIXED! Wrong number of listing showing in search filters sidebar v1.1 – June 1, 2015 FIXED! Homepage Social Icons format on small screens FIXED! Demo Price attribute not displaying FIXED! Mobile menu getting hidden on touch scroll v1.0.0 – May 24th, 2015 Initial ReleaseBuy and Download
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